
Poimen The Great

Poimen The Great
Born 340
Died 450
Wadi El Natrun, Egypt
Honored in Eastern Orthodox Churches
Feast 9 September
Attributes hermit, ascetic

Poimen (Greek: Ὁ Ἅγιος Ποιμήν; ποιμήν means "shepherd") (reportedly from 340 to 450) was an Egyptian monk and ascetic. He was noted for strict fasting and giving counsels. He is considered a saint in Eastern Christianity.[1] His feast day is August 27 in Julian calendar (September 9 in Gregorian calendar)


Venerable Poimen was born around 340 or 350 AD in one of the Egyptian cities. The exact place are unknown. He was one of six brothers: John, Jacob, Job, Joseph, Sonosyos, and Abraham. They all agreed to become monks, and they dwelt in a remote place, becoming ascetics and hermits.


  1. ^ Orthodox Heritage site