
PlaceSpotting is an online game, based on Google Maps. Its server is based in Switzerland and has English and German language versions. In international Media, PlaceSpotting is recommended as a challenging amusement[1] (German) and an educational way of wasting time on the internet[2].



The way PlaceSpotting works is simple:


PlaceSpotting was developed for people who used email communication to send their friends screen shots of interesting places and wanted them to guess what place was shown in the picture.

Different platforms

Beside the web page PlaceSpotting can be played as a Facebook Application[4] or as an iPhone App[5] The iPhone Application was released the 4th of Octobre 2009. A free version is planned. The application received the award App of the week[6] (German) in December 2009 in Switzerland.


PlaceSpotting is present on Facebook[7] and StudiVZ[8] and on Youtube[9] is a short Video about how to play PlaceSpotting.

External links

Media coverage
