
The Pintabian is a breed of horse that has over 99% Arabian blood as verified by the Pintabian Horse Registry, Inc., and displays the Tobiano color pattern. Any horse less than 99% Arabian, or not verified as such by the Pintabian Horse Registry Inc., is not considered a Pintabian.

Pintabian horses were created by continually crossing Tobianos back into Arabians until a nearly pure strain was developed[1]. An official breed registry was established in 1992[2].


Breed Characteristics


Pintabians' conformation must be of Arabian type. The only difference should be their coat pattern. Pintabians should have a small muzzle with large nostrils and big, wide set bright eyes. Their forehead should be broad with a concave face and small ears. The neck is well arched and connects smoothly to a sloping shoulder. The legs should be straight with clean, flat bone and hard hooves. They have a short back with well sprung ribs and a relatively level hip with a high tail set. They normally stand 14.2 to 15.2 hands and weigh 900 to 1,100 pounds[3].


Pintabians must display Tobiano markings, however solid colored horses are allowed as breeding stock.

Pintabians may also display Sabino or Overo characteristics and be of any base color including Dun, Gray and Cream.


To breed a Pintabian, at least one parent must be a Tobiano. The other parent may be a registered Pintabian (including solid breeding stock) or a registered Arabian outcross. The resulting foal must be more than 127/128 Arabian or 99% Arabian blood to be registered.

To produce a foundation Pintabian, an Arabian is crossed to a Tobiano horse. The resulting Tobiano offspring are then crossed back to purebred Arabians each time for seven generations. The final generation can then be registered Pintabians. Foals that are less than seven generations away from the initial Tobiano horse are not registerable as Pintabians.


  1. ^ "Breeds of Livestock - Pintabian Horse". Oklahoma State University. Retrieved 2010-05-13. 
  2. ^ "Pintabian Horse Registry". Pintabian Horse Registry. Retrieved 2010-05-13. 
  3. ^ Lynghaug, Fran (2009). The Official Horse Breeds Standards Guide: The Complete Guide to the Standards of All North American Equine Breed Associations. Voyageur Press. ISBN 978-0-7603-3499-7. 
