
Phytotoxin refers to a substance produced by a plant that is toxic or a substance that is toxic to the plant[1] Many substances produced by plants are secondary metabolites and are the by-products of primary physiological processes.[2] Some examples of phytotoxins are alkaloids, terpenes, phenolics, herbicides and substances produced by bacteria.


Toxins Produced By Plants


Alkaloids are derived from amino acids, and contain nitrogen.[3] They are medically important by interfering with components of the nervous system affecting membrane transport, protein synthesis, and enzyme activities. They generally have a bitter taste. Alkaloids usually end in -ine (caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, morphine, ephedrine).


Terpenes are made of water insoluble lipids, and synthesized from acetyl CoA or basic intermediates of glycolysis[4]They often end in -ol (menthol) and make the majority of plant essential oils.


Phenolics are made of a hydroxyl group bonded to an aromatic hydrocarbon. Furanocoumarin is a phenolic and is non-toxic until activated by light. Furancoumarin blocks the transcription and repair of DNA. Tannins are another group of phenolics and they are important in tanning leather. Lignins, also a group of phenolics, is the most common compound on earth and helps conduct water in plant stems and fill spaces in the cell.

Substances Toxic to Plants


Herbicides usually interfere with plant growth and often imitate plant hormones.

Bacterial Phytotoxins

See also


  1. ^ "Science Encyclopedia:Biochemistry" 2010/4/5.
  2. ^ Raven, Peter H,Ray F. Evert, Susan E. Eichhorn: "Biology of Plants", pages 27-33.
  3. ^ Zeiger, L. Taiz: "Plant Physiology: Plant Defenses" pages 349-376.
  4. ^ Plant Sciences "Poisonous Plants". pages 170-175.
  5. ^ Pike, David R., Aaron Hager, "How Herbicides Work"
  6. ^ a b c Strobel,Gary A. 1977. Annual Review Microbiology "Bacterial Phytotoxins. 31:205-224