Phyllodactylus is a genus of geckos distributed in South America and Central America, and as far north as southern United States. They are commonly known as "Leaf-toed geckos" in their native range, and otherwise as American leaf-toed geckos to distinguish them from unrelated genera with similar feet.
Classification of genus Phyllodactylus[1]
- Angel Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus angelensis
- Narrow Leaf-toed Gecko or Paracas Gecko, Phyllodactylus angustidigitus
- Las Animas Island Gecko, Phyllodactylus apricus
- Barrington Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus barringtonensis
- Baur's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus baurii
- Phyllodactylus baurii baurii
- Phyllodactylus baurii gorii
- Guerreran Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus bordai
- Catalina Island Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus bugastrolepis
- Cerro Illescas Gecko, Phyllodactylus clinatus
- Darwin's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus darwini
- Davis' Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus davisi
- Del Campo's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus delcampoi
- Dixon's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus dixoni
- Duellman's Pigmy Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus duellmani
- Galapagos Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus galapagensis
- Phyllodactylus galapagensis daphnensis
- Phyllodactylus galapagensis galapagensis
- Phyllodactylus galapagensis maresi
- Phyllodactylus galapagensis olschkii
- South American Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus
- Gilbert's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus gilberti
- Tarapaca Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus heterurus
- Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus homolepidurus
- Phyllodactylus homolepidurus homolepidurus
- Phyllodactylus homolepidurus nolascoensis
- Peru Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus inaequalis
- Belize Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus insularis
- Andes Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus interandinus
- Rio Huancabamba Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus johnwrighti
- Aruba Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus julieni
- Coastal Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus kofordi
- Lane's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus lanei
- Isabel's Lane's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus lanei isabelae
- Phyllodactylus lanei lanei
- Phyllodactylus lanei lupitae
- Phyllodactylus lanei rupinus
- Chatham Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus leei
- Western Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus lepidopygus
- Dutch Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus martini
- Central Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus microphyllus
- Oaxacan Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus muralis
- Phyllodactylus muralis isthmus
- Phyllodactylus muralis muralis
- Peninsular Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus nocticolus
- Honduras Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus palmeus
- Pardita Norte Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus partidus
- Rio Marquez Valley Gecko, Phyllodactylus paucituberculatus
- Barbados Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus pulcher
- Ecuador Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus pumilius
- Peters' Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus reissii
- Venezuela Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus rutteni
- Santa Cruz Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus santacruzensis
- Lima Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus sentosus
- Raza Island Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus tinklei
- Colombian Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus transversalis
- Yellow-bellied Gecko, Phyllodactylus tuberculosus
- Phyllodactylus tuberculosus ingeri
- Phyllodactylus tuberculosus magnus
- Phyllodactylus tuberculosus saxatilis
- Phyllodactylus tuberculosus tuberculosus
- San Lucan Gecko, Phyllodactylus unctus
- Margarita Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus ventralis
- Puerto Rican Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus wirshingi
- Hispaniola Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus wirshingi hispaniolae
- Phyllodactylus wirshingi sommeri
- Phyllodactylus wirshingi wirshingi
- Xantus Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus xanti
- Florida Leaf-toead Gecko, Phyllodactylus xanti notatus
- Sloan's Leaf-toed Gecko, Phyllodactylus xanti sloani
- Phyllodactylus xanti xanti
- Phyllodactylus xanti zweifeli