
Phullan is a small village between Ratiya and Fethabad established around 1910-1920. The population is around 2800. It is approximately 12 km from Fethabad and 5 km from Ratiya. This village belongs to the Jat gotra.Major cates of JATS are following in this village : Thalor,Maiya, Dahiya,Manglauda, Karwasra, Garwaal, Phageria, Jaivalia , Dhaka, Dheru, Tandi, Jhakar and Maila, sihag. Harijan and Nayak are backward classes living in the village.

The village got its name "Phullan" from a lot of flowers which were present at the entrance of the village.The harji ram thalor ,udmi ram jaivalia ,ladu ram sihag is famous person of village.

The famous personalities of this village are Nanak Chand Sharma, Er. Deepak Kumar, Jagdish Thalor sarpanch , asi vijay thalor 9460485015,rajesh fc raj.police,suresh thalore hr. police