Perutz is a surname and may refer to:
- Hugo Perutz ∞ Adele Goldschmidt
- Max (Ferdinand) Perutz (1914, Vienna - 2002), Jewish Austrian-British molecular biologist
∞ Gisela Clara Peiser, sister of Lily Palmer
- Adolf Perutz
- Otto Perutz (1847, Teplice - 1922), Jewish Czech-German engineer
- Benedikt Perutz ∞ Emilie Österreicher
- (Leopold) "Leo" Perutz (1882, Prague – 1957), Jewish Czech-Austrian novelist and mathematician
∞ Ida Weil, Grete Hamburger
- Alfred Perutz (1885, Trieste - 1934), dermatologist and syphilidologist[1]
See also
- Perutz-Photowerke[2], a German manufacturer of photographic film founded by Otto Perutz
- Peruc
- Peretz