
colspan="2" valign="top" style="background:;" | Seth-Peribsen in hieroglyphs

Reign: unknown

Predecessor: unclear (possibly Wadjenes or Senedj)
Successor: unclear (possibly Sekhemib or Khasekhemwy)

He who comes forth by the will of Seth

He who comes forth by the will of the Two Ladies

King of Lower and Upper Egypt, Peribsen

King of Lower and Upper Egypt, Peribsen
Full royal titulature

After the inscription on a false door
Sakkara (4th dynasty)

Peribsen (also known as Seth-Peribsen and Ash-Peribsen) is the serekh name of an early Egyptian king who ruled during the 2nd dynasty. Unlike many other pharaohs of this dynasty, Peribsen is well-attested in the archaeological records. Peribsen's royal name is a subject of interest for Egyptologists and historians alike as it differs from the traditional practice with its connection to the deity Seth instead of Horus. This is still the subject of debate and investigations as to why Peribsen chose this name. The details of Peribsen's life remain obscure and the duration of his reign is unknown.



Name sources

Peribsen´s serekh name was found pressed on earthen jar seals made of clay and mud and in inscriptions on vessels made of alabaster, sandstone, porphyry and black schist. The seals and vessels were found in Peribsen´s tomb and at Elephantine. Also two large tomb stelae made of dark grey granite were found at his burial site. Their shape is unusual, because it makes them look unfinished and rough. Egyptologists suspect that this was done deliberately, but the meaning behind this is unknown.[1][2] A cylinder seal of unknown provenance shows Peribsen´s name inside a cartouche and gives the epithet Merj-netjeru (“beloved of the gods”). This arrangement leads Egyptologists and archaeologists to the conclusion that the seal must be of a much later date, because the royal cartouche was not yet in use during Peribsen´s lifetime. Another seal of the same material shows Peribsen´s name without a cartouche and with the royal title Nisut-Bity (“king of Lower- and Upper Egypt”).[3][4]

Name changes

Peribsen's name is unusual because it was an Egyptian tradition that a king had to choose the falcon-shaped deity Horus as his royal patron. This is clearly expressed in one of the king's names, the Horus name. The falcon of the god Horus was placed at the top of the image of the royal palace facade (serekh) to show the king's religious allegiance. The actual name of the king was written within the upper part of the palace facade. However, Peribsen did not choose the traditional royal protector Horus, but instead chose the deity Seth, who was also popular in early dynasties, but became unpopular during the First Intermediate Period. Many later rulers, especially during the New Kingdom and Late Period, condemned Seth and any royal ancestor who had connected his name with that deity. Instead, some pharaohs did the same as Peribsen and connected their birth names to Seth. Examples include the (13th dynasty) pharaoh Sutekh, the (19th dynasty) ruler Seti I and the (20th dynasty) king Setnakhte. [5][6]

Since Peribsen is known for his unusual name, Egyptologists and historians have sought to understand the possible motivations that made Peribsen change his name. The following sections discuss some of these theories.

Religious motivations

An old theory, supported by Egyptologists such as Percy Newberry and Jaroslav Černý once held that Peribsen was a heretic who sought to introduce a new form of state religion to Egypt, similar to the actions of a much later (18th dynasty) pharaoh, Akhenaten, who had required Egyptians to serve only one god (in his case the sun-god Aten). Newberry proclaims that the priest castes fought each other just like “in the Manner of a war of the roses”. The theory of a "heretic Peribsen" was based on the observation that the name “Peribsen” was excluded from later king lists and that the king's tomb was destroyed and plundered. Furthermore the tomb stelae of Peribsen, which once clearly showed the Seth animal, were badly scratched with the aim of removing any trace of the animal. This was seen as the actions of religious opponents to the sethian priest-caste.[8][9]

Today this theory has little support. Archaeological evidence of Peribsen has only been found in Upper Egypt. His name does not appear in Lower Egyptian records surviving from that time. Therefore, it is argued that Peribsen cannot have ruled over all of Egypt, thus he was not in a position to require all Egyptians to support a new form of state religion. Another piece of evidence that argues against the theory of heresy is the false door of the priest Shery at Sakkara, who held office during the early 4th dynasty. The inscription on the false door connects the name of Peribsen in one sentence with another king, Senedj. Shery held the title "overseer of all wab-priests of king Peribsen in the necropolis of king Senedj". This implies that a mortuary cult based around king Peribsen was in place at least until the 4th dynasty, which is inconsistent with the idea that Peribsen was considered a heretic.

Seal impressions found in the tomb of Peribsen at Abydos, show several deities such as Ash, Min and Bastet, which were venerated during Peribsen´s time as king. This is further evidence against the theory that Peribsen tried to introduce a completely new state religion.[10][11][12]

The theory of Newberry, ÄŚernĂ˝ and Grdseloff was founded on the very limited archaelogical information available during their lifetimes. Thus they had difficulty coming up with a more robust explanation for the change in name by Peribsen.[13]

Political motivations

The earlier theories of Newberry, Černý and Grdseloff also held that the Egyptian state under Peribsen was suffering from several civil wars, which broke out when the king changed his name or were caused by economic problems. These civil wars could have been a reason why later king lists excluded Peribsen´s name.[8][9]

In contrast, more modern theories now hold that the Egyptian kingdom was divided peacefully. Egyptologists such as Michael Rice[14], Francesco Tiradritti[15] and Wolfgang Helck point to the once palatial and well preserved mastaba tombs at Sakkara and Abydos belonging to high officials such as Ruaben, Nefer-Setech and many others. These are all dated to the reigns of Nynetjer up to Khasekhemwy, the last ruler of 2nd dynasty. Egyptologists consider that the archaeological record of the mastabas' condition and the original architecture as proof that the statewide mortuary cults for kings and noblemen successfully took place during the whole dynasty. This circumstance is also inconsistent with the theory of civil wars and/or economic problems.[16]

It is unclear when exactly the division of the Egyptian state occurred. It might have happened at the beginning of Peribsen´s rule or shortly before. Because Peribsen chose the deity Seth as his new throne patron, Egyptologists are of the view that Peribsen was a chieftain from Thinis or a prince of the Thinite royal house. This theory is based on Seth being a deity of Thinite origin, which would explain Peribsen´s choice: his name changing may have been nothing more than smart political (and religious) propaganda.[16][17] Peribsen is thought to have gained the Thinite throne and ruled only Upper Egypt, whilst other rulers held the Memphite throne and ruled Lower Egypt.[13]


Peribsen's identity is also the subject of debate by Egyptologists and historians. Egyptologists such as Walter Bryan Emery, Kathryn A. Bard and Flinders Petrie believe that Peribsen was identical to the king Sekhemib-Perenmaat, a ruler that had connected his name with the falcon-god Horus and who definitely ruled during 2nd dynasty. Emery, Bard and Petrie point to several clay seals that were found in the tomb entrance of Peribsen's necropolis. Sekhemib's tomb has not yet been found.[18][19][20][21]

Egyptologists such as Hermann Alexander Schlögl, Wolfgang Helck, Peter Kaplony and Jochem Kahl instead believe that Peribsen was a different ruler to Sekhemib. They point out that the clay seals were only found at the entrance area of Peribsen's tomb and that none of them ever shows Peribsen and Sekhemib's names together in one inscription. They compare the findings with the ivory tablets of king Hotepsekhemwy found at the entrance of king Qaa's tomb. Therefore Schlögl, Helck, Kaplony and Kahl are convinced that Sekhemib's seals support the view that Sekhemib buried Peribsen.[13][22]

Egyptologists such as Toby Wilkinson and Helck believe that Peribsen and Sekhemib could have been related. Their theory is based on the stone vessel inscriptions and seal impressions that show strong similarities in their typographical and grammatical writing styles. The vessels of Peribsen for example show the notation "ini-setjet" ("tribute of the people of Sethroë"), whilst Sekhemib's inscriptions have the notation "ini-chasut" ("tribute of the desert nomads"). A further indication that Peribsen and Sekhemib were related is the serekh-name of both, as they both use the syllables "Per" and "ib" in their names.[23][24]

It is not clear if the Ramesside king lists truly omit Peribsen. The false door inscription of Shery might indicate that Peribsen is identical with king Senedj ("Senedj" means "the frightening"″) and that this name was used in the king lists, for the seth name was not allowed to be mentioned.[25]


Since archaeological records seem to support the view that the Egyptian state was divided during the reign of king Peribsen, it is the subject of debate by Egyptologists and historians as to why his predecessor Nynetjer decided to split the state.

Egyptologists such as Wolfgang Helck, Nicolas Grimal, Hermann Alexander Schlögl and Francesco Tiradritti believe that king Ninetjer, the third ruler of 2nd dynasty and a predecessor of Peribsen, left a realm that was suffering from an overly complex state administration and that Ninetjer decided to split Egypt to leave it to his two sons (or, at least, two chosen successors) who would rule two separate kingdoms, in the hope that the two rulers could better administer the states.[26][27] In contrast, Egyptologists such as Barbara Bell believe that a economic catastrophe such as a famine or a long lasting drought affected Egypt. Therefore, to better address the problem of feeding the Egyptian population, Ninetjer split the realm into two and his successors founded two independent realms, until the famine came to an end. Bell points to the inscriptions of the Palermo stone, where, in her opinion, the records of the annual Nile floods show constantly low levels during this period.[28] Bell´s theory is refuted today by Egyptologists such as Stephan Seidlmayer, who corrected Bell´s calculations. Seidlmayer has shown that the annual Nile floods were at usual levels at Ninetjer´s time up to the period of the Old Kingdom. Bell had overlooked that the heights of the Nile floods in the Palermo stone inscription only takes into account the measurements of the nilometers around Memphis, but not elsewhere along the river. Any long-lasting drought can therefore be excluded.[29]

Whatever the exact reason for the division of Egypt may have been, there is strong archaeological evidence that Peribsen ruled only in Upper Egypt. His realm extended to the Isle of Elephantine, where he founded a new administrative centre called "The white house of treasury". His new royal residence, called the "protection of Nubty", was founded near Kom Ombo ("nubty" was the Ancient Egyptian name of Naqada).[30] Inscriptions on stone vessels mention a "ini-setjet" ("tribute of the people of Sethroë"), which might indicate that Peribsen founded a cult centre for the deity Seth in the Delta, but this would assume that Peribsen ruled over the whole of Egypt, or, at least, that he was accepted as king across all of Egypt during his lifetime.[31] Because Peribsen only ruled Upper Egypt, the administrative titles of scribes, seal-bearers and overseers had to be adjusted to the new political situation. For example, titles like "sealer of the king" were changed into "sealer of the king of Upper Egypt". The administration system from Peribsen and Sekhemib shows a clear and well identified hierarchy; an example: Treasury house → pension office → property → vineyards → private vineyard. King Khasekhemwy, the last ruler of 2nd dynasty, was able to re-unify the state administration of Egypt and therefore unite the whole of Ancient Egypt. He brought the two treasury houses of Egypt under the control of the "House of the King", bringing them into a new, single administration centre.[32][33]

One official from Peribsen´s reign is known to Egyptologists by his stela: Nefer-Setekh ("Seth is beautiful").[34]

In the tomb of Peribsen at Abydos clay seals were found which show the first complete sentence in Egyptian history. The inscription says: "The golden one/He of Ombos hath unified/handed over the two realms for/to his son, the king of Lower and Upper Egypt, Peribsen". The title "The golden one", also read as ″He of Ombos″, is considered by Egyptologists to be a religious form of adress to the deity Seth.[35][36][37]

Rulers of Lower and Upper Egypt

Egyptologists and historians such as Helck, Tiradritti, Schlögl, Emery and Grimal are convinced that Peribsen had to share his throne with other kings. Since the artefacts surviving from his lifetime show that he and his successor Sekhemib-Perenmaat ruled only in Upper Egypt, it is subject of investigation as to who ruled in Lower Egypt as the corresponding kings. The Rammesside king lists differ in their order of royal names from king Senedj onward. A reason may be that the royal table of Sakkara and the royal canon of Turin reflect Memphite traditions, which only allowed Memphite rulers to be mentioned. The Abydos king list instead reflects Thinite traditions and therefore only Thinite rulers appear on that list. Until king Senedj, all the king lists accord with each other. After him, the Sakkara list and the Turin list mention three kings as successors: Neferkara I, Neferkasokar and Hudjefa I. The Abydos king list skips these kings and jumps forward to Khasekhemwy, calling him “Djadjay”. The discrepancies are considered by Egyptologists to be the result of the division of Egypt during the 2nd dynasty.[34][15][39][13]

A further problem are the Horus names and nebty names of kings used in inscriptions found in the Great Southern Gallery in the necropolis of the (3rd dynasty) king Djoser at Sakkara. Stone vessel inscriptions mention kings such as Nubnefer, Weneg-Nebty, Horus Ba, Horus “Bird” and Za, but each of these kings is mentioned only a few times, which makes Egyptologists think that they did not reign for very long. King Sneferka might be identical with king Qa´a or an ephemeral successor of his. King Weneg-Nebty might be identical with the Ramesside cartouche name Wadjenes. But kings such as “Nubnefer”, “Bird” and “Za” remain a mystery. They never appear anywhere else but at Sakkara and the number of objects surviving from their lifetimes is very limited. Schlögl, Helck and Peter Kaplony postulate, that Nubnefer, Za and Bird were the corresponding rulers of Peribsen and Sekhemib and ruled in Lower Egypt, whilst the latter two ruled Upper Egypt.[40][34][15][39][13]


Main burial

Peribsen was buried in tomb P at the royal cemetery at Umm el-Qa'ab near Abydos. First excavations started in 1898 under the supervision of British archaeologist and Egyptologist Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie. The tomb is of ordinary construction. It measures 16 metres x 13 metres and is quite different to the other tombs in this area. The main burial chamber, measuring 7.3 metres x 2.9 metres, is made of mud bricks and erected as a separate structure in the midst of the tomb. Between the king´s chamber and the outer wall is a surrounding passage. Between entrance and burial chamber is an antechamber which was once divided by a doorway into two sections, each section contained four storage rooms. The tomb was already plundered by tomb robbers during antiquity, but numerous stone vessels and earthen jars from Peribsen´s reign were found, some of the stone vessels had copper-coated rims. Vessels from preceding rulers such as Ninetjer and Raneb were also found. Outside the entrance two large tomb stelae were placed (they are now on display in different museums).[41][42][43]

Royal funerary enclosure

Close to Peribsen´s tomb a royal funerary enclosure made of mud bricks was found. Clay seals with Peribsen´s serekh name on them were found near the eastern entrance and inside a destroyed offering shrine. The findings support the view that the building was part of Peribsen´s burial site. The funerary enclosure is today commonly known as “Middle Fort”. First excavations started in 1904 under the supervision of Canadian archaeologist Charles Trick Currelly and British egyptologist Edward Russell Ayrton. The enclosure wall was located at the north-west site of Khasekhemwy´s funerary enclosure “Shunet El-Zebib” (“raisin barn”). The one of Peribsen measures 108 metres x 55 metres and contained only a few cult buildings. The enclosure has three entrances: one to the east, one to the south and one to the north. A small shrine, measuring 12.3 metres x 9.5 metres was located at the south-east-corner of the funerary enclosure. It once contained three small chapels. No subsidiary tombs were found.[41][42][43]

The tradition of burying the family and court of the king when he died was abandoned at the time of king Qaa, one of the last rulers of the 1st dynasty.[44]


  1. ^ W. M. Flinders Petrie: The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties, Part II. London 1901, Tafel XXII, page 178–179.
  2. ^ Jeffrey A. Spencer: Early Egypt: the rise of civilisation in the Nile Valley. British Museum Press, London 1993, page 67–72 & 84.
  3. ^ Francesco Tiradritti & Anna Maria Donadoni Roveri: Kemet: Alle Sorgenti Del Tempo. Electa, Milano 1998, ISBN 8843560425, page 84–85.
  4. ^ Peter Kaplony: Die Rollsiegel des Alten Reichs II: Katalog der Rollsiegel, Part II. Fondation Ă©gyptologique Reine Elisabeth, BrĂĽssel 1981, page 13; tav. 1
  5. ^ Thomas Schneider: Lexikon der Pharaonen. Albatros Verlag, DĂĽsseldorf 2002, ISBN 3-491-96053-3, page 219, 228 & 231.
  6. ^ Walter Bryan Emery: Ă„gypten - Geschichte und Kultur der FrĂĽhzeit. page 105 & 106.
  7. ^ after Hermann Alexander Schlögl: Das Alte Ägypten. S.77ff.
  8. ^ a b P.E. Newberry: The Seth rebellion of the 2nd Dynasty, in: Ancient Egypt., no. 7, 1922, page 40-46.
  9. ^ a b Jaroslav Černý. Ancient Egyptian religion. Hutchinson's University Library, Indiana 1952, page 32–48.
  10. ^ Auguste Mariette: Les mastabas de l’Ancien Empire. Paris 1885, page 92–94.
  11. ^ Nicolas Grimal: A History of Ancient Egypt. Wiley-Blackwell, Weinheim 1994, ISBN 9780631193968, page 55–56.
  12. ^ Werner Kaiser: Zur Nennung von Sened und Peribsen in Saqqara B3. In: Göttinger Miszellen: Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion, No. 122. Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität Göttingen, Göttingen 1991, ISSN: 0344-385X, page 49-55.
  13. ^ a b c d e Hermann A. Schlögl: Das Alte Ägypten. Geschichte und Kultur von der Frühzeit bis zu Kleopatra. Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2006, ISBN 3-406-54988-8, page 78.
  14. ^ Michael Rice: Who's Who in Ancient Egypt. Routledge, London/New York 2001, ISBN 0415154499, page 72, 134 & 172.
  15. ^ a b c Francesco Tiradritti & Anna Maria Donadoni Roveri: Kemet: Alle Sorgenti Del Tempo. Electa, Milano 1998, ISBN 8843560425, page 80–85.
  16. ^ a b W. Helck in: Zeitschrift fĂĽr Ă„gyptische Sprache und Altertum, No. 106. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1979, ISSN 0044-216X106, page 132
  17. ^ Francesco Raffaele: Names, titles, identities and the 'Sethian Period' theory
  18. ^ Walter Bryan Emery: Ă„gypten - Geschichte und Kultur der FrĂĽhzeit. Fourier, Munich 1964, page 106.
  19. ^ J. P. Pätznik in: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo (MDAIK), 1999. page 54.
  20. ^ Kathryn A. Bard: The Emergence of the Egyptian State. in: Ian Shaw: The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. page 86.
  21. ^ William Matthew Flinders Petrie & Francis Llewellyn Griffith: The royal tombs of the first dynasty. Band 2. page 7, 14, 19, 20 & 48.
  22. ^ Wolfgang Helck: Untersuchungen zur Thintenzeit. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Volume 45), Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1987, ISBN 3-447-02677-4, page 103–111.
  23. ^ Siegfried Schott: Altägyptische Festdaten. Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz/Wiesbaden 1950, page 55.
  24. ^ Toby Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt. page 90–91; see also: Walter Bryan Emery: Ägypten – Geschichte und Kultur der Frühzeit. page 106.
  25. ^ Kenneth Anderson Kitchen: Ramesside Inscriptions. page 234–235; see also: Jürgen von Beckerath: Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen.. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München/Berlin 1984, ISBN 3-422-00832-2, page 171.
  26. ^ Nicolas Grimal: A History of Ancient Egypt. Wiley-Blackwell, Weinheim 1994, ISBN 9780631193968, page 55.
  27. ^ Francesco Tiradritti & Anna Maria Donadoni Roveri: Kemet: Alle Sorgenti Del Tempo. Electa, Milano 1998, ISBN 8843560425, page 80–85.
  28. ^ Barbara Bell: Oldest Records of the Nile Floods, In: Geographical Journal, No. 136. 1970, page 569–573; M. Goedike: Journal of Egypt Archaeology, No. 42. 1998, page 50.
  29. ^ Stephan Seidlmayer: Historische und moderne Nilstände: Historische und moderne Nilstände: Untersuchungen zu den Pegelablesungen des Nils von der Frühzeit bis in die Gegenwart. Achet, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3980373088, page 87–89.
  30. ^ Jean-Pierre-Pätznik: Die Siegelabrollungen und Rollsiegel der Stadt Elephantine im 3. Jahrtausend vor Christus. Archaeopress, Oxford (UK) 2005, ISBN 1-84171-685-5, page 64–66.
  31. ^ Toby Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt. Routledge, London/New York, 1999, ISBN 0-415-18633-1, page 89–91.
  32. ^ Jean-Pierre Pätznick: Die Siegelabrollungen und Rollsiegel der Stadt Elephantine im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. page 211–213; see also: Jean-Pierre Pätznick in: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Ägyptologischen Instituts Kairo. No. 55, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Orient-Abteilung(Hrsg.). de Gruyter, Berlin 1999, page 90–92.
  33. ^ Christian E. Schulz: Schreibgeräte und Schreiber in der 0. Bis 3. Dynastie. GRIN, Munich 2007, ISBN 3638639096, page 9–15
  34. ^ a b c Toby Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt. Routledge, London/New York, 1999, ISBN 0-415-18633-1, page 295.
  35. ^ Susanne Bickel: Die Verknüpfung von Weltbild und Staatsbild: Die Verknüpfung von Weltbild und Staatsbild Aspekte von Politik und Religion in Ägypten, In: Hermann Spieckermann: Götterbilder, Gottesbilder, Weltbilder. Mohr Siebeck, Ulmen 2006, ISBN 3161486730, page 89.
  36. ^ Jochem Kahl, Nicole Kloth, Ursula Zimmermann: Die Inschriften der ägyptischen Frühzeit: Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Vol. III. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1963, ISBN 3-447-00052-X, page 368.
  37. ^ I.E.S. Edwards: The Cambridge ancient history, Volume 1-3. Cambridge University Press, 1970, ISBN 0521077915, page 31 & 32.
  38. ^ see: P. Lacau, J.P. Lauer: La Pyramide a Degeres IV. Inscriptions Gravees sur les Vases. Cairo 1959; obj.104
  39. ^ a b Nicolas Grimal: A History of Ancient Egypt. Wiley-Blackwell, Weinheim 1994, ISBN 9780631193968, page 55.
  40. ^ Peter Kaplony: A building named “Menti-Ankh”. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo (MDAIK), volume 20. de Gruyter, Berlin 1965, page 1–46.
  41. ^ a b W. M. Flinders Petrie: The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Volume II., London 1901, page 11–12
  42. ^ a b Laurel Bestock: The Early Dynastic Funerary Enclosures of Abydos, In: Archeo-Nil No. 18 (2008), page 56-57
  43. ^ a b Laurel Bestock: The development of royal funerary cult at Abydos. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 3447058382, page 47 & 48.
  44. ^ Toby A. Wilkinson: Early Dynastic Egypt. Routledge, London 2001, ISBN 0415260116, page 281.

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