
Paulista also means "from Sao Paulo"

Paulista is a city in Pernambuco, Brazil, population [1] according to IBGE/2009, 319.373 people making it the 4th most populous city in PE). Its near 6 cities plus the ocean and has the highest HDI of the metro area. It is the birthplace of footballer Rivaldo, and is also famous for its beaches; including Maria Farinha with the giant Veneza water park. Was incorporated as city in 1935.

The land on which the city is built was sold to a Paulista (i.e. from Sao Paulo) bandeirante in 1689, which is the origin of the city's name.




This beach is two kilometers long with many coconut trees, has calm and very deep water. Also has many bars and tents.

Has quiet water and formation of sand banks, which give rise to small sandbar islets and natural pools. Has many bars, tents and pousadas - traditional bed & breakfast, especially where is located the Pau Amarelo Fort, built in 1719. Its a very popular destination.

Urban beach with artificial reefs, a bit polluted in several stretches.

Has quiet and shallow waters. At low tide, it is possible to see the reefs and the beach almost does not have waves. Host one very popular and large water park - the Veneza water park. Also, is a good place to do hang gliding walks. Has very good touristic infrastructure, with many bars, restaurants, hotels and pousadas. Its the most famous Paulista beach.


The main economic activities in Paulista are based in commerce, tourism and textile industry.

Economic Indicators

Population GDP x(1000 R$).[2] GDP pc (R$) PE (%) RMR (%)
319.373 1.367.111 4.449 2.19 3.37

Economy by Sector

Primary sector Secondary sector Service sector
0.42 % 23.29. % 76.29 %

Health Indicators


HDI (2000) Hospitals (2007) Hospitals beds (2007) Children's Mortality every 1000 (2005)
0.799 4 480 12.6
