Patrick Davis

Patrick Davis is a political consultant and strategist and the Executive Director of Common Sense Issues. Davis has worked in the George H.W. Bush Administration and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, most notably as Political Director in 2004. Davis also served as the Executive Director of the South Dakota Republican Party before going into private business in 2005. [1] He lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with his wife, Jo Ann, and their two children.

Life in the public sphere

After graduating from college in 1990, Davis served as the Assistant to the Deputy Director of White House Political Affairs in the Bush 41 Administration. Davis then worked for the 1992 Bush-Quayle Presidential campaign, serving as the field desk coordinator for eleven Northwestern states.

Davis served as the Executive Director of the South Dakota Republican Party from 1995 to 1999. During this time, South Dakota Republicans increased their majorities in both houses of the State Legislature, elected John Thune to the United States House of Representatives and re-elected Governor Bill Janklow.

In 1999, Davis was hired to represent the National Republican Senatorial Committee as a Regional Political Director in ten Republican United States Senate campaigns. During the 2004 election cycle, Davis served as the NRSC's Political Director, increasing the Republican majority from 51 to 55. In his position as Political Director, Davis managed the political and strategic operations of the committee, including candidate recruitment, message development, and campaign management. He also directed the committee's $35 million voter contact budget.[1]

Davis was involved in the competitive winning United States Senate campaigns for John Thune, Norm Coleman, Wayne Allard, Gordon Smith, Conrad Burns, Tom Coburn, Mel Martinez, Richard Burr, David Vitter, Jim Bunning, Johnny Isakson, Mike Lee, Richard Burr, John Hoeven, and Jim DeMint.

Davis was involved in the competitive winning United States Representative campaigns for Cynthia Lummis, Rick Berg, Kristi Noem, Tim Huelskamp, and Mike Pompeo.

Private consultant

In 2005, Davis founded Patrick Davis Consulting, LLC, a company that serves candidates, campaigns and corporations clients. Patrick Davis Consulting has been hired to work for both local and national campaigns, including Ron Saxton for Governor (OR), Don Stenberg for U.S. Senate (NE), Mike Protack for U.S. Senate (DE), Scott Tipton for Congress (CO-3), Jeff Crank for Congress (CO-5), Duane Sand for Congress (ND), Bruce Whalen for Congress (SD), Rick O’Donnell for Congress (CO-7), Kyle Hybl for CU Regent (CO-5), Eli Schwiesow for State Senate (SD), Glen Urquhart for Congress (DE), Karen England for Lt. Governor (CA), and Teresa Collett for Congress (MN).

Some of Patrick Davis Consulting's political clients are issue campaigns, including Missourians Against Human Cloning, Vote Yes for Life in South Dakota and North Dakotans for Affordable Healthcare.

Finally, Patrick Davis Consulting also provides public relations services for private, non-political clients, such as Wal-Mart, Comcast, and Directed Energy Solutions.


  1. ^ a b GOP advisor returns to Springs