
PatentFreedom LLC is an on-line community of companies that share information about non-practicing entities that own and enforce patents primarily to collect license fees. Membership is restricted to companies that have more than $100 million in sales per year, exclusive of any income they themselves earn from patent licensing. It was founded in May 2008.


Business model

PatentFreedom is a membership organization where members pay an annual dues and have access to information provided by other members about non-practicing entities who are asserting patents. It is hoped that the sharing of information will help the member companies reduce their exposure to patent infringement lawsuits.

The information includes who the entities are, who is funding them, and who they have asserted their patents against. Membership is restricted to companies that have over $100 million per year in revenue exclusive of any revenue they themselves earn from licensing patents. [1]

PatentFreedom has electronic dossiers on 180 entities, 800 subsidiaries and more than 10,000 United States patents and applications.

12 companies have joined.[2]


The Chairman of PatentFreedom is Dan McCurdy.[3]


See also

External links