Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States

Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC and PUOICM) is composed of parliaments of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) members states. It was established in Iran on 17 June 1999, with its head office situated in Tehran.


Member states

Member state Year joined
 Afghanistan 2008
 Albania 1999
 Algeria 1999
 Azerbaijan 1999
 Bahrain 1999
 Bangladesh 1999
 Benin 1999
 Burkina Faso 1999
 Cameroon 1999
 Chad 1999
 Côte d'Ivoire 1999
 Djibouti 1999
 Egypt 1999
 Gabon 1999
 Gambia 2009
 Guinea 1999
 Guinea-Bissau 1999
 Guyana 1999
 Indonesia 1999
 Iran 1999
 Iraq 1999
 Jordan 1999
 Kazakhstan 1999
 Kuwait 1999
 Kyrgyzstan 1999
 Lebanon 1999
 Libya 1999
 Malaysia 1999
 Mali 1999
 Mauritania 1999
 Morocco 1999
 Mozambique 1999
 Niger 1999
 Oman 1999
 Pakistan 1999
 Palestine 1999
 Qatar 1999
 Saudi Arabia 1999
 Senegal 1999
 Sierra Leone 1999
 Somalia 2007
 Sudan 1999
 Syria 1999
 Tajikistan 2006
 Togo 1999
 Tunisia 1999
 Turkey 1999
 Turkmenistan 1999
 Uganda 1999
 United Arab Emirates 1999
 Yemen 1999

Of the OIC members do not participate: Brunei, Comoros, Maldives, Nigeria, Suriname, Uzbekistan.


Observers Year joined
Inter-Parliamentary Union 1999
Arab Parliamentary Union 1999
The African Parliamentary Union 1999
Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) 1999
The Consultative Council of the Maghreb Arab Union 1999
The Organization of the Islamic Conference 1999
League of Arab States 1999
African Union 1999
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 2004
 Northern Cyprus (Turkish Cypriot State) 2004
The Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth for the Independent States 2006
Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community (IPA EurAsEc) 2009
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean 2009
Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation 2010

Secretary General

The first Secretary General was Egyptian diplomat H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Auf, who served for two term from 1 March 2000 to 30 April 2008. On 1 May 2008, H.E. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol KILIC from Turkey was appointed as the second Secretary General.

External links