Pantelism is a variant of Christian eschatology that holds that the plan of God has been completed both prophetically and redemptively. The term "pantelism" comes from the Greek παντελής "all accomplished," and means "all things having been accomplished". Pantelism has a similar "inclusive" approach to that of Transmillennialism. Pantelism is an extension of Preterism. The difference from preterism is that pantelism views Israel's prophesied redemption in Christ as the catalyst for mankind's restoration to God. Preterists typically view people being as "born lost" and must therefore profess personal faith in Jesus Christ to escape Hell when they die. Pantelism on the other hand views the "judgement of Hell" more typically known as the lake of fire as referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in the year AD 70. With the Old Covenant system of law and judgment ended, see Abrogation of Old Covenant laws, redemption came to Israel. As a consequence reconciliation then spread to all humankind. Pantelism understands this inclusive reconciliation, as distinct from Israel's redemption, as the unilateral act of God and not reliant on a professed personal faith in Jesus Christ. Pantelism further acknowledges that "faith in Christ" was the prerequisite and basis for those called to serve God on behalf of others. Because of the inclusive nature of pantelism and that it accepts the authority of the Bible some view it as a form of Christian universalism, though there are significant aspects of pantelism also agreeing with universalism's antithesis "partialism".