Panic Attack (robot)

Panic Attack
Height 0.33 m (1.1 ft)
Width 1.36 m (4.5 ft)
Depth 0.93 m (3.1 ft)
Weight 99 kg (220 lb)
Weight class Heavyweight
Primary weapon Lifting forks
Maximum speed 12 mph (19 km/h)
Turning circle 0 m (0 ft)
Ground clearance 0 mm (0 in)
Power source 750W motor
Team members Kim Davies
Michael Davies
Location Cwmbran, Wales
Country of origin  United Kingdom

Panic Attack was a robot that competed in the British television show Robot Wars. In Series 2, it was just a box, with a set of electrically powered lifting forks, powered by a home made system. It was emblazoned with the image of a spider. The spider was the result of a school competition to come up with a design of something that made you panic. A 12 year old girl designed the spider. With his prize money from Series 2, Kim built a newer machine. This one had a srimech (self-righting mechanism), a new body shape, and more effective forks, which were capable of completely overturning opposing machines. The top-mounted self-righting mechanism proved to be unreliable, and was eventually removed. Added in Series 4 were a set of side "skirts" to prevent all but the lowest of robots from getting underneath it, as well as sloping sides. The fourth model had improved skirts, and the srimech was updated to a top flipper, which was the favourite with the driver Kim Davies, who stated it was, in his opinion, the best version.

Panic Attack was constructed in Cwmbran, Wales.[1]

The Series 6 version was flatter, with silver forks and painted gold as opposed to yellow, as the team had run out of yellow paint when the time came to paint it. As a result, this model was unofficially, but universally nicknamed Panic Attack Gold. For Series 7, the fourth model was reused, with the addition of a rear skirt, and with the srimech being replaced by an anti-hammer cushioned top.

The robot competed in Series 2-7 of Robot Wars, winning the second series and making the semi-finals in three other wars. It also won the "Sumo Basho" competition in Series 4, meaning that it was the only machine to defeat Shunt in this event twice. Panic Attack was one of the longest appearing robots, appearing in six wars and two extremes. Although the only grand champion never to reach another Grand Final, Panic Attack reached the most Semi-Finals of all Grand Champions at four.

Panic Attack's signature move was to slip beneath a robot, using its forks to get a grip inside the opponent's armour, wheels or other openings, before driving into the pit release button and pushing it down the pit. It achieved this many times, against robots like Axe Awe, S.M.I.D.S.Y., Manta and Kat 3.

The team also entered Panic Attack in one season of Battlebots, losing out to Frenzy. They returned next season with Scallywag, a wedge-shaped lifter with a colour scheme similar to Panic Attack.

As champion of Series 2 and a good contestant in later wars, Panic Attack was one of the competitor robots immortalized in plastic when the Robot Wars toys were released. A 'Minibot' toy plus a working pullback with flipping spikes and a 'Pitstop' toy were released.


Team Members

The team captain of the robot was Kim Davies, who was originally joined by Kevin Pritchard and Lee Wicombe. In Series 3, Pritchard left the team to create a similar robot named Evil Weevil and Davies was joined by his son Michael and Simon Rosen. Christian Bridge won a competition in Robot Wars Magazine to join the team for Series 4. In Series 7, Davies got a job as a technical assistant on the show and left, so the team was entirely changed. Pritchard returned and took over the controls with teammates Paul Wier and then-webmaster of the official Panic Attack website, Jamie McGarry.

Series 2


Panic Attack was airborne in the gauntlet after Sir Killalot held down the end of the see-saw and Panic Attack drove off onto Dead Metal. Good control and driving meant it outmanoeuvred Shunt in the trial. It managed to flip Whirling Dervish with its spikes in the semi final, before winning the show by pushing Disruptor into the pit.

Semi-Final - Gauntlet

In comparison to the other five robots, who took the centre route, Panic Attack went for a different route - it took on the ram rig, but got stuck. Amazingly, it managed to travel exactly the same distance as Mace. There was then a race-off between Mace and Panic Attack - both robots contested the gauntlet at the same time. Panic Attack whizzed forward onto the spikes. Both robots went up their ramp - Panic Attack went off into Shunt, but Mace was trapped by the Sentinel, which eventually pushed it into the pit, meaning Panic Attack got through.

Semi-Final - Pinball

Panic Attack drove through the bricks and barrels. In went over the ramp for 15 points, and got more bricks (worth 5 points) after fighting Dead Metal and Matilda.

Semi-Final - vs. Mortis

Both robots drove straight at each other, and there was a lot of dodging, with Panic Attack avoiding the deadly tanto blade of Mortis. In a shock result, Panic Attack pushed Mortis into the pit (with some help from Matilda).

Grand Final Eliminator - vs. Killertron

Panic Attack came straight in and pushed Killertron back. Something inside Killertron dislodged, immobilising Killertron, and Sir Killalot flipped it and dangled it over the flame pit. During this, Panic Attack celebrated by attacking the house robots and pushing Sgt. Bash into the pit, despite going in itself.

Grand Final vs. Cassius

Both robots drove at and hit each other. Cassius got under Panic Attack but could not flip it. On their second attempt at driving at each other, Panic Attack mounted Cassius' ramp but flew straight over the top onto its wheels. The robots drove around and hit each other for a bit, but in a surprise result, Panic Attack pushed Cassius into the pit.

Series 3

Round 1 vs. Axios

This match had a very fast start, with both robots driving in to each other. The reigning champion pushed Axios into Dead Metal, but later escaped. Axios then trapped Panic Attack twice with its long lance. The robots drove around each other until Panic Attack lifted Axios and flipped it over. Panic Attack then proceeded to attack Matilda, and managed to flip it.

Round 2 vs. Toe Cutter

This battle had a slow start, until Panic Attack got under Toe Cutter. While it was avoiding its saw blade, it was unable to flip the opposition over. Toe Cutter used its blade but was lifted again by Panic Attack, who lost the light on its top. Panic Attack drove around in circles until Toe Cutter fell off its side and was immobilised. Panic Attack later attacked Sergeant Bash.

Round 3 vs. X-Terminator

X-Terminator started quickly, but Panic Attack managed to avoid its spike by whizzing around the arena. X-Terminator trapped it and pushed it around the arena and into Sergeant Bash. It then attacked Panic Attack with its spike. Panic Attack then pushed X-Terminator into the arena wall, bursting X-Terminator's carbon dioxide canister and rendering its weapons useless. Panic Attack flipped X-Terminator, but it rolled back onto its wheels. Panic Attack tried again, and this time X-Terminator was immobilised.

Round 4 vs. Thing 2

Thing 2 drove in quickly and rammed Panic Attack twice, before pushing it into Dead Metal and the arena wall. Thing 2 was flipped after Panic Attack (lifting it at the time) was bounced by the arena spike.

Round 5 vs. Firestorm

During the start of this well liked battle, the robots circled around each other, and Firestorm pushed Panic Attack into Sergeant Bash. The robots both took turns at getting under each other, but neither could use their flippers. Panic Attack was bounced by the arena spike, and Firestorm zoomed in to flip Panic Attack onto the arena wall. Panic Attack self-righted itself, before being pushed into Sir Killalot by Firestorm. Panic Attack then returned the favour by pushing Firestorm into the house robot, but it attacked Panic Attack. Panic Attack got under Firestorm and lifted it, but could not flip it over. The match went to a judge's decision, which was unanimous in favour of Firestorm, who went onto the Grand Final before being beaten by eventual champion Chaos 2.

First World Championship vs. 101

Panic Attack was representing Wales in this tournament with 101 representing England. The former UK champs started well, turning over 101 with its forks but it could run upside down on its tank tracks. In an attempt to carry drop it into the pit, Panic Attack accidentally reversed into the pit itself.

Series 4

It can be noted that Panic Attack were the winners of the Sumo Basho competition in Series 4, being the only robot to stay longer than Shunt on the Sumo platform. It was seeded 4th for reaching the semi finals in Series 3 and being an ex-champion.

Round 1 vs. Overkill GTI vs. SMIDSY

Panic Attack drove into Overkill. SMIDSY then got under Overkill, and Overkill flipped it later. Panic Attack wedged Overkill into the arena spike, and lifted it, before it was rammed by SMIDSY. Panic Attack lifted Overkill again onto the arena wall. Both Panic Attack and SMIDSY then pushed Overkill into the CPZ, and lifted it. It went to a judges decision and Overkill GTI was eliminated.

Round 2 vs. Saw Point

Panic Attack tried to lift Saw Point, but lifted itself instead. It then tipped Saw Point onto its side, and lifted it. It tried to flip Saw Point out of the arena but could not, so instead it pushed it around the arena.It was later considered immobilized and was dropped in the pit.

Round 3 vs. SMIDSY

SMIDSY rammed into Panic Attack's sides, and drove over the robot many times. Panic Attack then pushed SMIDSY into Shunt, but was caught itself by Dead Metal. Panic Attack then lifted SMIDSY and held it over the flame pit. Its fork had got stuck in SMIDSY's wheel opening, but Panic Attack managed to drag it around, eventually lowering SMIDSY in the pit.

Round 4 vs. Spawn Of Scutter

Spawn drove over Panic Attack, which lifted it and pushed it into the arena wall and Shunt's CPZ. Spawn tried to use its spike, but Panic Attack lifted it and wedged it on the arena wall

Round 5 vs. Stinger

Panic Attack drove into Stinger, but found it hard to attack. Stinger used its axe on Panic Attack's sides and lifting mechanism. Stinger spun around and hit Panic Attack many times. Panic Attack pushed Stinger into Matilda, but went into the CPZ. Panic Attack then pushed Stinger into the arena wall, but the judges decision meant that Stinger was the winner, who finished 3rd overall.

The team were booed, as many thought that Panic Attack should have gone through.

War of Independence Round 1 vs. Rammstein (USA)

Although the American robot was heavier, Panic Attack easily turned it over with its lifting forks repeatedly but Rammstein was invertible and ran away. After a while though, Rammstein started to lose power as its batteries were designed for three minutes battle rather than the UK's five, so Panic Attack picked it up once more and dropped it into the pit.

War of Independence Round 2 vs. Mortis (UK)

This was a rematch from the Second Wars when Panic Attack pitted Mortis. Despite consistantly lifting and pushing Mortis around the arena (at one point into Sir Killalot), Mortis pounded away on the top of Panic Attack with its axe and won on a very close judge's decision to beat Frenzy in the final and win the War of Independence.

Series 5

Panic Attack was seeded 6th for this war. It now had improved side skirts and the srimech coul be used for lifting or trapping other robots.

Round 1 vs. Barber-Ous

Panic Attack were always going to have problems here. Barber-Ous was a very good robot. It had a powerful vertical spinning body, so there is nothing to grab onto. The lights on top of PA flew, but Barber-Ous broke down on one side, and was pitted.

Round 2 vs. Tiberius 2

Panic Attack on the early attack, but Tiberius 2 got its claw into PA's weapon. PA worked free and the pushing continued. PA then lifted Tiberius 2 up again and pinned it to the wall. The House Robots came in, and PA tried to flip Shunt over. PA then did its normal trick and dropped Tiberius 2 down the pit, almost falling in itself.

Round 3 vs. Kat 3

Panic Attack got an early lift on Kat 3 but then could not get separate. Panic Attack then tried ramming Kat 3 against the wall, failing to do so, Panic Attack opened the pit. Panic Attack was still unable to get separated from Kat 3, but eventually pushed Kat 3 into the pit.

Round 4 vs. Pussycat

Panic Attack was not able to put up a good fight in this one. It was suffering from radio interfence problems and lacked control. Panic Attack did enter a CPZ and fought the House Robots, but did escape. Pussycat attacked and broke Panic Attack's weapon, causing Panic Attack to lose. Later, the Panic Attack team found that a loose screw had grounded on the shell, causing the interference.

Loser's Melee vs. Firestorm 3 vs. Wheely Big Cheese

One thing was certain with this fight. The winner would be wearing yellow. Panic Attack and Firestorm were straight in on Wheely Big Cheese to try and knock it out. Wheely Big Cheese got a hit on Panic Attack, rolling it into the air. It stayed in, but was knocked for six, and slowed down. Firestorm carried on attacking Wheely Big Cheese, getting it jammed on the wall, and almost out. But then Wheely Big Cheese broke down again, leaving the other two to fight it out. Panic attack still was not completely working, and Firestorm were on the attack. The judges give the win to Firestorm, who headed back into the main competition and claimed 3rd place for the second time.

Series 6

Panic Attack Gold was now seeded 8th.

Round 1 vs. ROCS vs. Corkscrew vs. Kronic 2

Panic Attack lifted Kronic up and ROCS buried his jaw into Kronic, but then Corkscrew came in and slammed into Panic Attack so hard, that one of their side skirts flew off. Corkscrew then slammed into Kronic, bending one of Kronic's flippers. Kronic quickly pressed the Pit Button. Corkscrew flew off of Kronic and fell right down the Pit. Kronic then went after ROCS and flipped the Razer look-a-like over. They could not self-right and were leaking hydrualic fluid all over the arena, so they were counted out by Refbot, then flipped through the air on the floor flipper. Kronic then flipped Panic Attack over. Kronic was the only robot mobile as Sir Killalot picked ROCS up and dumped them into the pit. Panic Attack appeared to have some luck in this fight. He and Kronic go through.

Down in the Pits, the Corkscrew team were angry about losing thinking that no one opened the pit. They demanded to see the tape of the battle, so they did. However, it showed that Kronic opened the pit.

Round 2 vs. A-Kill

This fight was considered too boring by many. Panic Attack picked A-Kill up and started pushing them around the arena. A-Kill tried to fight back with their self-righter. When it appeared that was not going to work, A-Kill was pushed into the CPZ. Shunt axed A-Kill. Panic Attack then carried A-Kill into the Pit Release and pitted him. Panic Attack was then through to the Heat final.

Round 3 vs. Terrorhurtz

The #8 seeds were eliminated horribly. Terrorhurtz continuously hit Panic Attack with their axe. Panic Attack was pushed into Shunt's CPZ and was immobilized. Refbot counted out Panic Attack. Shunt axed Panic Attack several times.Matilda then used her flywheel rip Panic Attack's top off, sending it flying into a camera. Panic Attack was then flipped on the floor flipper and then Shunt pushed it onto the Drop Zone where a washing machine fell on Panic Attack. Panic Attack, now mobile, tried to evade the washing machine but failed! Terrorhurtz was through to the Semi-Finals and finished 4th in the competition.

Series 7

Round 1 vs. Edge Hog vs. Mega Morg vs. Spin Doctor

Panic Attack slammed into Spin Doctor, nearly flipping them. Edgehog axed Mega Morg. Panic Attack then pushed Spin Doctor into the Pit Button and flipped them over. Spin Doctor could not recover. The Welsh boys then ganged up on Edgehog as Refbot counted Spin Doctor out. Edgehog started axing away at the yellow robots. Mr. Psycho then started hammering Spin Doctor and then carried the robot to the floor flipper, but then Panic Attack got in the way. Spin Doctor escaped...sort of. The House Robots surrounded Spin Doctor and Mr. Psycho was finally able to place Spin Doctor onto the floor flipper and launch them through the air. Mega Morg and Panic Attack then shoved Edgehog down the Pit. The Welsh boys, Panic Attack and Mega Morg go through.

Round 2 vs. Tough as Nails

Panic Attack could not get a grip on Tough As Nails. They were too big to lift up. Tough As Nails kept grabbing onto Panic Attack and pushing them around the arena. When they tried to push the UK champion onto the flame pit, Mr. Psycho hammered the robot. Eventually, all the pushing caused Panic Attack's forklift to break. Tough As Nails pushed Panic Attack into the CPZ where Sgt. Bash grabbed hold of them and shot flames at them. Mr. Psycho then hammered Panic Attack, but they escaped. Panic Attack tried to push Tough As Nails down the Pit, but then time ran out. Tough As Nails won on a judges' decision and went on to win the heat. Tough as Nails lost to Bulldog Breed, who were destroyed by eventual 4th place and former rivals of Panic Attack, X-Terminator.


Preceded by
UK Robot Wars
Reigning Champion (Series 2)
Succeeded by
Chaos 2
Preceded by
UK Robot Wars
Best Newcomer (Series 2)
Succeeded by


External links