
Pandavleni, also known as Panch Pandav ancient rock-cut sculptures complex located at in Gomai River around 6 kilometer north of Shahada. The Pandavleni complex is in the bed of Gomai river carved in one solid rock. The Pandavleni is around 10 metres below the rest of terrain. There are rather identical two structures around 15 metres apart in east-west line. Sculptures in rock are carved in such a way that water in river flows over the rock, water falls in sculpture complex but force of water do not impact sculptures. It is like sculpture carved on the wall of well. During flood well will be filled with water and water will flow over well without causing any damage to sculpture on the wall of the well.


Pandavleni Complex A

This complex is nearest to centre of bed of Gomai river. There are two rooms. In first small there are five sculptures. Main sculpture room is Mahavir sculpture facing towards east, which is partially destroyed. On the right and left side of Mahavir sculpure there are two sculptures each. This room is so small that maximum two persons can stand comfortably. This room opens to second big room where there are many sculptures carved on the four walls of the room. Around dozen persons can stand comfortably in this room.

Pandavleni Complex B

This complex is around 15 metres in the west from Complex A in the same rock. This complex looks identical like Complex A except that in the first small room there are total seven sculptures, three sculptures each on the right and left side of Mahavir sculpure. This Mahavir sculpture is also facing east.

Present Status

Although this Pandavleni is mentioned as tourist place on the government website of Nandurbar district[1], it is not known whether Archeological Survey of India or any professional archeologist has done survey of this site. As the Pandavleni site is almost 2 km away from population, it is not spoiled by any human activity. And also no attempt is made to beautify the site. There is not even any signboard near Pandavleni or anywhere in Shahada town area to indicate the location of Pandavleni.
