Palra (Meerut)

Palra is a village situated in the Hastinapur Mandal of Meerut District in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India . It is 4.245 km distance from Hastinapur , and 30.65 km from the district headquarters in Meerut .It has a population of about 4034 persons living in around 607 households. Most of the population belong to the Muslim Muley Jat community.[1]

Villages near Parla include Afjalpur Urf Raninagla ( 1.8 km ) , Nirawali ( 1.9 km ) , Bahorpur ( 2.5 km ) , Saifpur Karamchandpur ( 2.6 km ) , Ikwara ( 2.7 km ) , Ganeshpur ( 3.5 km ) and Khorrai ( 3.8 km ).

See also
