
Palladists is a name for an alleged Theistic Satanist society or member of that society. The name Palladian comes from Pallas and refers to wisdom and learning.[1] It is of no relation to the palladian style of Andrea Palladio.



Arthur Edward Waite, in Devil-Worship in France, or The Question of Lucifer, ch. II: "The Mask of Masonry" (London, 1896),[2] reports that according to "the works of Domenico Margiotta and Dr Bataille" that "The Order of Palladium founded in Paris 20 May 1737 or Sovereign Council of Wisdom" was a "Masonic diabolic order". He asserted that women would supposedly be initiated as "Companions of Penelope".[3][4] According to Dr. Bataille, the society had two orders, "Adelph" and "Companion of Ulysses", however the society was broken up by French law enforcement a few years after its foundation.[5]

In 1891 Léo Taxil (Gabriel Jogand-Pagès) and Adolphe Ricoux claimed to have discovered a Palladian Society.[6] An 1892 French book Le Diable au XIXe siècle (The Devil in the 19th Century", 1892), written by "Dr. Bataille" (actually Jogand-Pagès himself)[7] alleged that Palladists were Satanists based in Charleston, South Carolina headed by the American Freemason Albert Pike and created by the Italian liberal patriot and author, Giuseppe Mazzini.[8]

A supposed Diana Vaughan published Confessions of an Ex-Palladist in 1895. On April 19, 1897 Léo Taxil called a press conference at which, he claimed, he would introduce Diana Vaughan to the press. At the conference instead he announced that his revelations about the Freemasons were fictitious. He thanked the Catholic clergy for their assistance in giving publicity to his wild claims.[9]


The Palladists are the name of the Greenwich Village satanist society in Val Lewton's film The Seventh Victim. Many of the members work for a cosmetics company called "La Sagesse"; French for "the wisdom".

See also


  1. ^ Palladian - Definition at the #1 Online Dictionary
  2. ^ On-line text
  3. ^ Reported word-for-word in Lewis Spence, An Encyclopaedia of Occultism, 1920 (reprinted 2006) p.314
  4. ^ As seen in the blurb for The Internet Sacred Text Archive edition of Devil Worship in France and the conclusion, Waite was debunking the story of Palladists
  5. ^ "Pagan Protection Center" website
  6. ^ Waite, Arthur Edward The Hermetic Museum 2006 Lulu
  7. ^ Characterised by Waite as "a perfervid narrative issued in penny numbers with absurd illustrations of a highly sensational type; in a word, Le Diable au XIXe Siècle, which is the title given to his memoirs by the present witness, connects in manner and appearance with that class of literature which is known as the "penny dreadful." (Waite, Devil Worship in France, ch. VII (on-line text).
  8. ^ p.204 Hastings, James, Editor Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 12 Varda Books
  9. ^ "The Confession of Leo Taxil". April 25, 1897. Retrieved 2007-10-25. 

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