Power Management IC (PMIC) are integrated circuits for power management, and might be present on system-on-a-chip devices. It is often included in devices such as mobile phones and portable media players. International Rectifier, Maxim Integrated Products, Linear Technology, Renesas Electronics, and Texas Instruments are few of many manufactures of PMICs.
A PMIC may include battery management, voltage regulation, and charging functions. It may include DC to DC converter. It may feature dynamic voltage scaling. Some models are known to feature up to 95% power conversion efficiency. It features buck converters.
It may be manufactured using BiCMOS process. They may come as QFN package. Some models feature I²C or SPI serial bus communications interface for I/O.
Some models feature a Low dropout regulator (LDO), and a Real Time Clock (RTC) co-operating with a backup battery.
A PMIC can use pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) and pulse-width modulation (PWM). It can use switching amplifier (Class-D electronic amplifier).