
Ourmedia is a media archive, supported by the Internet Archive, which freely hosts any non-pornographic images, text, and video or audio clips, where this would not violate copyright laws. The website, which launched on March 21, 2005, was founded by Marc Canter and J.D. Lasica.

The media archive, Ourmedia, Inc. was incorporated as a nonprofit public benefit corporation in the State of California in September 2005.[1]

As of August 2006, Ourmedia had over 110,000 members.

In the Spring of 2007, the site was revamped, and as of August 2007 ourmedia accepts video media in all formats, open and proprietary, but rejects videos containing digital rights management.[2]

The project's Board of Trustees are:

The Advisory Board includes:[3]

Ourmedia is powered by Drupal.[4]


External links