
The Oregonator is a theoretical model for a type of autocatalytic reaction. The Oregonator (Orygunator) is the simplest realistic model of the chemical dynamics of the oscillatory Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.[1] It was created by Richard M. Noyes at the University of Oregon. It is a portmanteau of Oregon and oscillator.

Earlier, the Brusselator model was proposed by Ilya Prigogine and his collaborators at the Free University of Brussels[2] as a portmanteau of Brussels and oscillator.

The Oregonator is characterized by the reactions

I A + Y \longrightarrow X + P
II X + Y \longrightarrow 2 P
III A + X \longrightarrow 2 X + 2 Z
IV 2 X \longrightarrow A + P
V B + Z \longrightarrow f Y
\frac{d [X]}{dt}=  k_I [A] [Y] - k_{II} [X] [Y] %2B k_{III} [A] [X] - 2k_{IV} [X]^2
\frac{d [Y]}{dt}= -k_I [A] [Y] - k_{II} [X] [Y] %2B \frac{1}{2}f k_V [B] [Z]
\frac{d [Z]}{dt}=  2k_{III} [A] [X] - k_V [B] [Z]

See also
