
Water moulds
The reproductive structures of Phytophthora infestans
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Chromalveolata
Phylum: Heterokontophyta
Class: Oomycota
Orders (& families)

Oömycota or oömycetes form a distinct phylogenetic lineage of fungus-like eukaryotic microorganisms. They are filamentous, microscopic, absorptive organisms that reproduce both sexually and asexually. Oomycetes occupy both saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles – and include some of the most notorious pathogens of plants, causing devastating diseases such as late blight of potato and sudden oak death. They are also often referred to as water molds (or water moulds), although the water-loving nature which led to that name is not true of most species, which are terrestrial pathogens.



The oomycetes rarely have septa (see hypha), and if they do, they are scarce,[1] appearing at the bases of sporangia, and sometimes in older parts of the filaments.[2] Some are unicellular, but others are filamentous and branching.[2]

Phylogenetic relationships

This group was originally classified among the fungi (the name "oomycota" means "egg fungus") and later treated as protists, based on general morphology and lifestyle.[3] A cladistic classification based on modern insights supports a relatively close relationship with the photosynthetic organisms such as brown algae and diatoms, within the heterokonts.

This relationship is supported by a number of observed differences in the characteristics of oomycetes and fungi. For instance, the cell walls of oomycetes are composed of cellulose rather than chitin[4] and generally do not have septations. Also, in the vegetative state they have diploid nuclei, whereas fungi have haploid nuclei. Most oomycetes produce self-motile zoospores with two flagella. One flagellum has a "whiplash" morphology, and the other a branched "tinsel" morphology. Spores of the few fungal groups which retain flagella (such as the Chytridiomycetes) have only one whiplash flagellum.[4] Oomycota and fungi have different metabolic pathways for synthesizing lysine and have a number of enzymes which differ.[4] The ultrastructure is also different, with oomycota having tubular mitochondrial cristae and fungi having flattened cristae.[4] In spite of this, many species of oomycetes are still described or listed as types of fungi and may sometimes be referred to as pseudofungi, or lower fungi.


The group is arranged into six orders. Briefly:[2]

(The above after [2]).


"Oomycota" means "egg fungi", referring to the large round oogonia, structures containing the female gametes, that are characteristic of the oomycetes.

The name "water mold" refers to their earlier classification as fungi and their preference for conditions of high humidity and running surface water, which is characteristic for the basal taxa of the oomycetes.



Most of the oomycetes produce two distinct types of spores. The main dispersive spores are asexual, self-motile spores called zoospores, which are capable of chemotaxis (movement toward or away from a chemical signal, such as those released by potential food sources) in surface water (including precipitation on plant surfaces). A few oomycetes produce aerial asexual spores that are distributed by wind. They also produce sexual spores, called oospores, that are translucent, double-walled, spherical structures used to survive adverse environmental conditions.


oomycetes are economically important because they are aggressive plant pathogens. Some species can cause disease in fish. The majority of the plant pathogenic species can be classified into four groups, although more exist.  


  1. ^ Kortekamp, A. (2005). "Growth, occurrence and development of septa in Plasmopara viticola and other members of the Peronosporaceae using light- and epifluorescence-microscopy". Mycological research 109 (Pt 5): 640–648. doi:10.1017/S0953756205002418. PMID 16018320.  edit
  2. ^ a b c d Sumbali, Geeta; Johri, B. M (2005-01). The fungi. ISBN 9781842651537. http://books.google.ca/books?id=RU_H_DtbtpEC&pg=PA66. 
  3. ^ "Introduction to the Oomycota". http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/chromista/oomycota.html. Retrieved 2009-05-26. 
  4. ^ a b c d Van der Auwera G, De Baere R, Van de Peer Y, De Rijk P, Van den Broeck I, De Wachter R (July 1995). "The phylogeny of the Hyphochytriomycota as deduced from ribosomal RNA sequences of Hyphochytrium catenoides". Mol. Biol. Evol. 12 (4): 671–8. PMID 7659021. http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=7659021. 
  5. ^ Haas, BJ; Kamoun, S; Zody, MC; Jiang, RH; Handsaker, RE; Cano, LM; Grabherr, M; Kodira, CD et al. (2009). "Genome sequence and analysis of the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans". Nature 461 (7262): 393–8. doi:10.1038/nature08358. PMID 19741609. 

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