
An omuramba (pl. omiramba, Herero word) is a prehistoric river-bed occurring in the Kalahari Desert of Africa, notably in the North Eastern part of Namibia and North Western part of Botswana. The Kalahari is perhaps the greatest continuous stretch of sand in the world, and would have been classified as a semi-desert rather than a desert, were it not for the lack of any surface water. However, the omiramba provide occasional standing pools of water and more fertility that in the surrounding sand plains. Some omiramba names are: Eiseb, Rietfontein, Epukiro, Omatako. They start in the central parts of Namibia and run into the central parts of Botswana, sometimes being shallow and deeper with cliffs here and there, othertimes being quite wide (3-4 km). The omiramba which were perennial rivers about 16 thousand years ago, now flow only for short distances and only after good rains. Herdsmen love to make their cattle posts in or near the omiramba, so they do not need to use their pumping equipment so often to extract subterranean water, which may be as deep as 300m. Historically, they are known for battles which were fought along their winding courses, notably the Herero-German war in 1904, which ended in a terrible genocide in which 70% of the Herero population was killed, many when fleeing down the omiramba which were then in the dry season and inhospitable. The omiramba were also home to Bushmen people for as long as anyone can remember.