

Omarska (Cyrillic: Омарска) is a small town near Prijedor in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina. It includes an old iron mine and ore processing plant. During the Bosnian War it was the site of the Omarska concentration camp.


Recent history

Omarska camp was a concentration camp run by Bosnian Serb forces in Omarska, set up during Prijedor massacre for Bosniak and Croat men and women.[1][2] Functioning in the first months of the Bosnian War in 1992, it was one of 677 alleged detention centers and camps set up throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war.[3] While nominally an "investigation center" or "assembly point" for members of the non-Serb population,[1] Human Rights Watch classified Omarska as a concentration camp.[4]


Main Features

Municipal commonwealth of Omarska consists of Omarska town and 10 villages: Petrov Gaj, Kevljani, Lamovita, Bistrica, Verići, Niševići, Gradina, Jelićka, Krivaja and Marićka. Its geographical coordinates are 44°53'22.00"N 16°53'43.23"E. It has area of 246.73 km² and it is located 169m above sea level. Average temperature (over the year) is +12 degrees celsius. Average yearly rain level is 1200mm. Terrain of Omarska is mainly plains, 65% lowlands and 35% highlands.


River system in Omarska is very rich. Through the middle of Omarska territory runs river Gomjenica, which has great agricultural significance, because it runs through most fertile land in this area. Gomjenica is confluent of Sana. It infuses Sana in Prijedor.

Demographic Features


Following data is outdated. On census of 1971. population of Omarska was 19.044 - 16.084 Serbs, 2.198 Muslims, 376 Croats and 433 others. Average population density was 68 per km².


There is one elementary school in Omarska, OŠ "Vuk Karadžić", which has about 800 pupils. Children from Omarska usually go to high schools in Prijedor or Banjaluka.


Omarska has a football club FK Omarska, which competes in 2nd League-West of Republika Srpska.

Pictures of Omarska


  1. ^ a b Simons, Marlise (3 November 2001). "New York Times: 5 Bosnian Serbs Guilty of War Crimes at Infamous Camp". The New York Times. Retrieved 20 May 2010. 
  2. ^ Osborn, Andrew (3 November 2001). "Guardian: Five Serbs guilty of Omarska camp atrocities". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 20 May 2010. 
  3. ^ United Nations (1994). Final report of the United Nations Commission of Experts established pursuant to security council resolution 780 (Report). Retrieved 18 February 2010. 
  4. ^ HRW report

External links