Occitan Valleys

The Occitan Valleys (Occitan: Valadas Occitanas, Italian: Valli Occitane) are the part of Occitania (the territory of the Occitan language) which is situated within the borders of Italy. It is a mountainous territory, situated in the southern Alps: most of its valleys are oriented eastward and descend toward the plains of Piedmont.

The population is estimated at 200,000 inhabitants.

Main towns are Lo Borg Sant Dalmatz (Borgo San Dalmazzo), Buscha (Busca), Boves (Bueves) and Draonier (Dronero).

The Occitan linguistic enclave of La Gàrdia (Guardia Piemontese) (Calabria, Italy) does not belong in the Occitan Valleys.


List of valleys and municipalities

In first position: Occitan native name. In second position, Italian official name.

Province of Turin



L'Abaïa = Abbadia Alpina (municipality of Pinerolo),
Angruenha = Angrogna,
Bardonescha = Bardonecchia,
Bibiana = Bibiana,
Bricairàs = Bricherasio,
Buebi = Bobbio Pellice,
Campilhon e Fenil = Campiglione-Fenile,
Cesana = Cesana Torinese,
Chantaloba = Cantalupa,
Chaumont = Chiomonte,
Las Clavieras = Claviere,
L'Envèrs de Pinascha = Inverso Pinasca,
Exilhas = Exilles,
Finistrèlas = Fenestrelle,
Frussasc = Frossasco,
Lo Grand Sause = Sauze d'Oulx,
Lusèrna Sant Joan = Luserna San Giovanni,
Luserneta = Lusernetta,
Massèl = Massello,
Ors = Oulx,
Peirosa = Perosa Argentina,
Perier = Perrero,
Pinascha = Pinasca,
Pomaret = Pomaretto,
Las Pòrtas = Porte,
Praal = Prali,
Praamòl = Pramollo,
Prajalats = Pragelato,
Prarustin = Prarostino,
Rolei = Roletto,
Roraa = Rorà,
Roure = Roure,
Salbertrand = Salbertrand,
Salsa = Salza di Pinerolo,
Sant German de Cluson = San Germano Chisone,
Sant Pèire = San Pietro Val Lemina,
Sant Seond = San Secondo di Pinerolo,
Sestrieras = Sestriere,
Taluc = Talucco (municipality of Pinerolo),
La Torre de Pèlis = Torre Pellice,
Usseaus = Usseaux,
Lhi Vialars = Villar Perosa,
Lo Vilar de Pèlis = Villar Pellice

Province of Cuneo



Acelh = Acceglio,
Aison = Aisone,
L'Argentiera = Argentera,
L'Arma = Macra,
Banhòl = Bagnolo Piemonte,
Barge = Barge,
Bernès = Bernezzo,
Blins = Bellino,
Lo Borg / Lo Borg Sant Dalmatz =Borgo San Dalmazzo,
Brondèl = Brondello,
Brossasc = Brossasco,
Bueves = Boves,
Buscha = Busca,
Caralh = Caraglio,
Cartinhan = Cartignano,
Castelar = Castellar,
Cèlas = Celle di Macra,
Cervasca = Cervasca,
Chanuelhas = Canosio,
Chastèldalfin = Casteldelfino,
Chastèlmanh = Castelmagno,
La Clusa = Chiusa di Pesio,
Criçòl = Crissolo,
Demont = Demonte,
Draonier = Dronero,
Elva = Elva,
Entraigas = Entracque,
Envie = Envie,
Estròp = Stroppo,
Frabosa Sobrana = Frabosa Soprana,
Frabosa Sotana = Frabosa Sottana,
Fraisse = Frassino,
Gaiòla = Gaiola,
Gambasca = Gambasca,
Isascha = Isasca,
Limon = Limone Piemonte,
La Màrmol = Marmora,
Martinhana = Martiniana Po,
Lo Mèl = Melle,
Moiòla = Moiola,
Montomal = Montemale di Cuneo,
Montrós = Monterosso Grana,
Oncin = Oncino,
Ostana = Ostana,
Paisana = Paesana,
Panh = Pagno,
Peasc = Piasco,
Pèirapuerc = Pietraporzio,
Pont e la Chanal = Pontechianale,
Poranh = Peveragno,
Pradievi = Pradleves,
Prats = Prazzo,
Revèl = Revello,
Rifred = Rifreddo,
Ritana = Rittana,
Roascha = Roaschia,
Robilant = Robilante,
La Ròca = Roccasparvera,
Ròcafòrt = Roccaforte Mondovì,
Rocavion = Roccavione,
La Ròcha = Roccabruna,
Rossana = Rossana,
Sambuc = Sambuco,
Sant Damian = San Damiano Macra,
Sant Frònt = Sanfront,
Sant Pèire = Sampeyre,
Valàuria = Valloriate,
Valgrana = Valgrana,
Valmala = Valmala,
Vaudier = Valdieri,
Venascha (/Venaissa) = Venasca,
Lo Vernant = Vernante,
Vilanòva = Villanova Mondovì,
Lo Vilar = Villar San Costanzo,
Vinai = Vinadio,
Vinhòl = Vignolo

Province of Imperia (and Province of Cuneo)

The zone of the Roiasc/brigasc dialect (a mix of Occitan and Ligurian) looks directly toward the upper Roya Valley and crosses the French-Italian boundary.

See also

External links