Obliterating endarteritis

Obliterating endarteritis also called "obliterating arteritis" is severe proliferating endarteritis that results in an occlusion of the lumen of the artery.[1] Obliterating endarteritis can occur due to a variety of medical conditions such as a complication of radiation poisoning,[2] or a syphilis infection.[3]


  1. ^ "obliterating endarteritis - definition of obliterating endarteritis in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.". http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/obliterating+endarteritis. 
  2. ^ Ghosh, Amit K. (2008). Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Review: Eighth Edition (Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Review). Informa Healthcare. pp. 281. ISBN 1-4200-8478-X. 
  3. ^ Song SH, Jang I, Kim BS, et al. (October 2005). "A case of primary syphilis in the rectum". J. Korean Med. Sci. 20 (5): 886–7. PMC 2779291. PMID 16224168. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2779291.