

Developer(s) Gameforge AG
Engine PHP, AJAX
Version 3.0.0
Platform(s) Web browser
Release date(s) 2002
Genre(s) Real-time browser-based MMO
Media/distribution Internet
System requirements

Web browser, Internet access

OGame is a browser-based, resource-management and space-war themed massively multiplayer online browser game with over two million accounts.[1] OGame was created in 2000 and is produced and maintained by Bioware.[2][3]. OGame is available in multiple languages, and different nationalities have their own communities. The game does not differ between the nationality communities except in rare cases. Players are generally informed of news and other things such as changes in rules or new versions through the official forums [4].

As of January 19, 2011, OGame.org has a total of 52 universes, including ten universes using the new redesign[5]. More are being added periodically. The Ogame prOgame universe (Universe 35) has been discontinued as an exclusive for paying members, so anyone may now sign up for it.



All OGame universes consist of three classifications: galaxies, systems, and planet slots then break down to planets, moons, and debris fields. All universes have up to 9 galaxies, each with 499 (1-499) systems, which have 15 planet slots. Sending fleets between different galaxies takes the longest time, whereas sending a fleet within the same planet slot takes the least time. distance of 5 between moon-planet-debris field --- 1,005 to the next planet +5 per planet past --- 2,795 for 1 solar system then + 95 per solar system past(planet has no factor), then 20,000 to the next galaxy +20,000 per galaxy past(no matter the planet or solar system) one unique thing is that it might be farther to a planet in the same galaxy 174 solar systems or more.

Each player starts with one planet at a randomly assigned coordinates in slots 4,6,8,10,12, in a random system and galaxy. The first planet always consists of 163 fields, which determine how many building upgrades can be built on the planet, regardless of the slot in the player's system. Originally, the player's empire could consist of up to 9 planets in any unoccupied planet slot. However, with the redesign, that cap was lifted, albeit with the requirement that each planet required two additional levels of a research whose progressive cost makes more than eleven colonies virtually unfeasible. All construction, research, and missions are performed and launched from a planet or moon. Development is done through using three resources: metal, crystal, and deuterium, and also energy and dark matter. There are different ways to obtain these resources, including mining, trading, and raiding (see Combat below). Players are ranked according to their points, with one point awarded for every one thousand resource units invested in a construction, research, ships, or defense. No points are given for unspent resources.


Unlike many other real-time strategy games, OGame does not give the player constant control of his or her spacecraft. Instead, the player sends the ship(s) to a location (using the game's coordinate system) and what happens when the fleet arrives is beyond the player's control; in OGame, combat is resolved when fleets and/or defenses meet. The combat takes place instantly and consists of 1 to 6 rounds. Fleet attacks are usually aimed to obtain other player's resources, which is called raiding, although fleet attacks can also be done to destroy an opponent's fleet and collect the debris field created from the battle. Defenses are built to defend a planet against an attacking enemy fleet.


An alliance is a group of players who have banded together and is mostly used for solidarity purposes. Alliances are created for players to protect each other from attacks, join together to raid other planets, or to promote free trade amongst members. Members of an alliance can use the Alliance Combat System, available in some universes, to synchronize fleet movements and missions with members of the same alliance and temporarily deploy a fleet on an ally's planet.


Players can hire a merchant using dark matter to trade one resource type for another. The amount of resources traded is limited to the amount of free space in one's storage buildings and the amount of dark matter the player has.


OGame offers 4 different Officers and a Commander, each costs a set amount of Dark Matter, obtained with in-game exploration or microtransactions to 'hire' for either 1 week or 3 months. The names of the four different officers are the Engineer, the Geologist, the Technocrat and the Fleet Admiral. Each one improves certain elements of chance or resource production.

The Commander officer gives the user extra benefits such as an ad-free interface, a building queue, an improved galaxy view with added information, a message filter, extra shortcuts to enhance play and an 'Empire' view. Empire view gives the player an interface which shows information about all planets, including mine and power plant levels and ships currently docked. Upgrades to buildings can be performed via the Empire view.


There are three main resources: Metal, Crystal and Deuterium.

The three main resources (Metal, Crystal, Deuterium) can be created via mines. There are separate mines for each resource which can be upgraded to produce the resources faster. These resources are used for making buildings, ships, defenses and for researching technology. To run the mines, energy is needed. Energy is produced by creating the following: solar plant, solar satellites (available via shipyard), and fusion reactor (converts a specified amount of deuterium into energy). These buildings can also be upgraded to produce more energy.

Dark Matter, however, cannot be created. Fleets can be sent out on on expeditions to search for it. It can also be bought with real money. Dark Matter is used to "call a trader" who trades the main three resources, or to buy an officer.


Expeditions are fleets that go outside the system but not to another. Astrophysics is needed for expeditions. Expeditions can find resources and the valuable Dark Matter.


OGame won the bronze Superbrowsergame Award in 2006.[6]


External links