Nygaardsvold's Cabinet

Nygaardsvold's Cabinet was appointed on 20 March 1935,[1] the second Labour cabinet in Norway. It closed the brought to an end the non-socialist, minority Governments that had been dominating politics since the introduction of the parliamentary system in 1884, and replaced it with stable, Labour Governments that, with the exception of during World War II, would last until the coalition cabinet Lyng in 1963.

Since the cabinet Hornsrud intermezzo in the winter of 1928, a one-month Labour Government, the Labour Party had changed from revolutionary communism to social democracy. The main reason for the change of course was the realization of that Government power could be used for reforms that could lessen the impact of the economic crisis. In the 1933 election the party used the slogans "Work for everyone" and "Country and city, hand in hand". The last time the party portrait themselves as revolutionary was the 1930 election.

The Labour Party advanced in the 1933 election, but did not get a majority. Instead they made a compromise with the Farmer Party, allowing the cabinet Nygaardsvold to enter the Council of State. The party did not get majority in the 1936 election either, and continued to govern thanks to fluxuating support from various opposition parties.

The night before April 9, 1940 the Norwegian Government was, like most other authorities in the country, surprised by the German Operation Weserübung. It chose resistance, though this was rather fumbling and unclear way, especially initially. The Government left Norway on July 7, 1940 after the capitulation and took seat in London, United Kingdom the same day with King Haakon VII and Crown Prince Olav. During the war there were four cabinets instated by Vidkun Quisling and Josef Terboven, who were the de facto Governments of Norway during World War II. The Government-in-exile is sometimes referred to as the London Cabinet. It returned to Norway on May 31, 1945. On June 12 Nygaardsvold announced his resignation, and on June 25 the pan-political first cabinet Gerhardsen took over.

During the war there were four parallel, de facto Governments in Oslo, either sympathising or appointed by the German Forces. Reichskommissar in Oslo was Josef Terboven.

Cabinet Nygaardsvold

Portfolio Minister Period Party
Prime Minister Johan Nygaardsvold March 20, 1935 - June 25, 1945 Labour
Minister of Agriculture Hans Ystgaard March 20, 1935 - June 25, 1945 Labour
Minister of Church Affairs and Education Nils Hjelmtveit March 20, 1935 - June 25, 1945 Labour
Minister of Defence Christian Fredrik Monsen
Adolf Indrebø
Oscar Torp
Christian Fredrik Monsen
Birger Ljungberg
Oscar Torp
March 20, 1935 - November 15, 1935
November 15, 1935 - December 20, 1935
December 20, 1935 - August 15, 1936
August 15, 1936 - December 22, 1939
December 22, 1939 - November 28, 1942
November 28, 1942 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Finance Adolf Indrebø
Kornelius Bergsvik
Oscar Torp
Paul Hartmann
March 20, 1935 - November 13, 1936
November 13, 1936 - July 1, 1939
July 1, 1939 - November 28, 1941
November 28, 1941 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Foreign Affairs Halvdan Koht
Trygve Lie
March 20, 1935 - November 19, 1940
November 19, 1940 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Justice Trygve Lie
Terje Wold
March 20, 1935 - November 19, 1939
November 19, 1939 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Labour Johan Nygaardsvold
Olav Hindahl
March 20, 1935 - October 2, 1939
October 2, 1939 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Social Affairs Kornelius Bergsvik
Oscar Torp
Sverre Støstad
March 20, 1935 - November 13, 1936
November 13, 1936 - July 1, 1939
July 1, 1939 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Shipping Arne Sunde October 1, 1942 - June 25, 1945 Liberal
Minister of Supply Trygve Lie
Arne Sunde
Anders Rasmus Frihagen
October 2, 1939 - November 19, 1940
November 19, 1940 - October 1, 1942
October 1, 1942 - June 25, 1945
Minister of Trade, Shipping, Industry, Crafts and Fisheries Alfred Madsen
Trygve Lie
Anders Rasmus Frihagen
Terje Wold
Anders Rasmus Frihagen
Olav Hindahl
Sven Nielsen
March 20, 1935 - July 1, 1939
July 1, 1939 - October 2, 1939
October 2, 1939 - June 7, 1940
June 7, 1940 - April 1942
April 1942 - October 1, 1942
October 1, 1942 - March 9, 1945
March 9, 1945 - June 25, 1945


See also

Preceded by
Third cabinet Mowinckel
Norwegian Council of State
Succeeded by
de facto
Quisling cabinet (1942)
de jure
First cabinet Gerhardsen (1945)