
European Union

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of
the European Union

Non-Inscrits (abbreviated NI; English: Non-Attached Members, abbreviated NA[1]) are Members of the European Parliament (MEP) who do not sit in one of the recognized political groups.

The MEPs may be part of a national party, or a European political party, but for a political grouping in parliament to be formed there need to be 25 MEPs from seven different states. Being part of a group grants access to state funds and committee seats but the group members must be ideologically tied. Groups of convenience, such as the Technical Group of Independents that previously existed, are no longer allowed and the minimum requirements of groups have been raised forcing less numerous elements to sit as NIs.

Political ideologies displayed by the Non-Inscrits range from social liberalism to populism, conservatism, national conservatism and nationalism. As of 2009 however, the Non-Inscrits mostly consists of far-right parties.[2]

In the 6th European Parliament, 23 right wing NIs briefly formed the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty group at the start of 2007, but it collapsed on 14 November 2007 due to internal disagreements.


Current Non-Inscrits (2009-2014)

Country # National Party MEP EU party
 Austria 1 Hans-Peter Martin's List Hans-Peter Martin None
2 formerly Hans-Peter Martin's List Martin Ehrenhauser None
Angelika Werthmann None
2 Freedom Party Andreas Mölzer None
Franz Obermayr None
1 Alliance for the Future of Austria Ewald Stadler None
 Belgium 2 Flemish Interest Philip Claeys None
Frank Vanhecke None
 Bulgaria 2 National Union Attack Slavcho Binev None
Dimitar Stoyanov None
 France 3 Front National Bruno Gollnisch AENM
Jean-Marie Le Pen AENM
Marine Le Pen AENM
 Hungary 3 Jobbik Zoltán Balczó AENM
Krisztina Morvai AENM
Csanád Szegedi AENM
 Netherlands 4 Party for Freedom Louis Bontes None
Barry Madlener None
Laurence Stassen None
Daniël van der Stoep None
 Romania 2 Greater Romania Party Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu None
Corneliu Vadim Tudor None
1 New Generation Party – Christian Democratic George Becali None
 Spain 1 Union, Progress and Democracy Francisco Sosa Wagner None
 United Kingdom 2 British National Party Andrew Brons AENM
Nick Griffin AENM
1 Democratic Unionist Party Diane Dodds None
1 formerly UKIP Nikki Sinclaire None
1 UKIP Mike Nattrass None

Historic Non-Inscrits

Non-Inscrits 2004-2009

Country # National Party MEP EU party
 Austria 2 1 Hans-Peter Martin's List (Liste Dr. Hans-Peter Martin) Hans-Peter Martin None
1 Freedom Party Andreas Mölzer None
 Belgium 3 Flemish Interest Philip Claeys None
Koenraad Dillen None
Frank Vanhecke None
 Bulgaria 3 National Union Attack
Dimitar Stoyanov None
Slavcho Binev None
Desislav Chukolov None
 Czech Republic 1 Independent Democrats (Nezávislí demokraté) Jana Bobošíková None
 France 7 National Front Bruno Gollnisch Euronat
Carl Lang Euronat
Jean-Marie Le Pen Euronat
Marine Le Pen Euronat
Fernand Le Rachinel Euronat
Jean-Claude Martinez Euronat
Lydia Schenardi Euronat
 Italy 3 1 Olive Tree (Uniti nell'Ulivo) Gianni Rivera None
1 Social Alternative Roberto Fiore None
1 Tricolour Flame Luca Romagnoli Euronat
 Poland 2 League of Polish Families (Liga Polskich Rodzin) Sylwester Chruszcz None
Maciej Giertych None
 Slovakia 3 People's Party – Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
(Ľudová strana – Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko)
Peter Baco None
Irena Belohorská None
Sergej Kozlík None
 United Kingdom 4 1 Traditional Unionist Voice Jim Allister ADIE
1 formerly UKIP Ashley Mote None
1 formerly UKIP Robert Kilroy-Silk None
1 formerly UKIP Tom Wise None

Non-Inscrits 1999-2004

Country # National Party MEP EU party
 Austria 5 Freedom Party Gerhard Hager None
Wolfgang Ilgenfritz None
Hans Kronberger None
Daniela Raschhofer None
Peter Sichrovsky None
 Belgium 2 Vlaams Blok Philip Claeys None
Koenraad Dillen None
 Belgium 1 Independent Ward Beysen[3] None
 Denmark 3 June Movement Bent Andersen None
Jens-Peter Bonde None
Ulla Sandbæk None
 France 5 National Front Charles de Gaulle Euronat
Bruno Gollnisch Euronat
Carl Lang Euronat
Jean-Claude Martinez Euronat
Marie-France Stirbois Euronat
 France 5 Individual members of Rally for France Elizabeth Montfort[4]
Thierry de la Perriere[5]
Dominique Souchet[6]
Nicole Thomas-Mauro[7]
Alexandre Varaut[8]
 Italy 7 Italian Radicals Emma Bonino ELDR
Marco Cappato ELDR
Gianfranco Dell'alba ELDR
Benedetto Della Vedova ELDR
Olivier Dupuis ELDR
Marco Pannella ELDR
Maurizio Turco ELDR
 Italy 4 Lega Nord Mario Borghezio None
Marco Formentini[9] None
Gian Paolo Gobbo None
Francesco Speroni None
 Italy 1 Tricolour Flame Roberto Felix Billard[10] None
 Spain 1 Batasuna Koldo Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso None
 United Kingdom 1 Democratic Unionist Party Ian Paisley None

Non-Inscrits 1994-1999

Non-Inscrits 1989-1994

Non-Inscrits 1984-1989

Non-Inscrits 1979-1984


  1. ^ the English name is also official, but the French name is prevalent even in English texts
  2. ^
  3. ^ Left the Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats in 2003.
  4. ^ Member of Union for Europe of the Nations until 2001, Non-Inscrit from 2001 to 2003, and member of European People's Party (European Parliament group) from 2003.
  5. ^ Member of Union for Europe of the Nations until 2001.
  6. ^ Member of Union for Europe of the Nations until 2001.
  7. ^ Member of Union for Europe of the Nations until 2001.
  8. ^ Member of Union for Europe of the Nations until 2001.
  9. ^ Joined the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe on 5.10.1999.
  10. ^ Joined the Union for Europe of the Nations in 2001.