Nichiren Shū

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Nichiren Shū (日蓮宗: "Nichiren School") is the name of a confederation of several Nichiren Buddhist schools that go back to Nichiren's original disciples.[1] The Nichiren Shū first spread overseas with Japanese immigrants to the United States, the then Kingdom of Hawaii, Brazil and other locations in the latter half of the 19th century and the early 20th century.

Nichiren Shū does not accept Nichiren Shōshū's claim that Nichiren designated Nikkō his sole successor, though Nikkō lineages are a part of the Nichiren Shū confederation of lineages. Doctrinally, Nichiren Shū states that the Buddha to take refuge in is the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha of the 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren is regarded as the appearance in this world of Superior Practice Bodhisattva who is given the mission in chapter 21 of the Lotus Sutra[2] to uphold the true Dharma in the age after the historical Shakyamuni Buddha's passing.

Overview of Nichiren Shū

Nichiren Shū regards Nichiren as a Bodhisattva and not as a Buddha as Nichiren Shōshū does. Consequently, it does not regard other sects of Buddhism as false by default. Instead, Nichiren is seen as the votary of the Lotus Sutra fulfilling its prophecy in acting as the appearance of Bodhisattva Jōgyō ("Superior Practice"), who leads all bodhisattvas in propagating the Lotus Sutra. Shakyamuni Buddha is regarded as the Eternal Buddha as preached in the 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren Shū places Nichiren in a high position as the messenger of the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha or Original Buddha, but does not regard him as more important than Shakyamuni. The Original Buddha occupies the central role in Nichiren Shū; Nichiren—referred to as Nichiren Shōnin ("Saint Nichiren")—is the saint who refocused attention on Shakyamuni by rebuking other Buddhist schools for solely emphasizing other buddhas or esoteric practices or for neglecting or deriding the Lotus Sutra.

This can be seen in the emphasis of training in Nichiren Shū. The Lotus Sutra is paramount in study and in practice, and Nichiren's writings—called Gosho (御書) or Goibun (御遺文)—are seen as commentaries or guides to the doctrines of Buddhism. They include the Five Major Writings of Nichiren in which he establish doctrine, belief, and practice, as well as many pastoral letters he wrote to his followers. The Nichiren Shū is currently in the process of translating many of the writings of Nichiren Shonin into English using the extant documents from Nichiren's life or copies known to have been made by his original disciples. In total there will be 7 volumes published through the University of Hawaii Press.

Nichiren wrote frequently, and readers can verify or correct their understanding of the doctrines of Nichiren Buddhism through his surviving works. Unlike Nichiren Shōshū, Nichiren Shū is far more selective about which Gosho it deems authentic. Many Gosho that are accepted by the Nichiren Shoshu are not accepted as genuine by Nichiren Shū on grounds that scholars have not verified their authenticity. The primary reason for this dispute arises over an inability to verify those various disputed writings as actually having been authored by Nichiren Shonin. This does not mean those gosho or alleged oral transmissions (like the Ongi Kuden) are rejected, but it does mean that they are viewed as secondary to authenticated materials and it is admitted that while they might have pastoral value they can not be definitively asserted as Nichiren's own teaching.

Another difference of Nichiren Shū is the positioning in its doctrine and practices of the Odaimoku[1] (the mantra Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō) and of the mandala or Gohonzon. Nichiren Shū views these as the summit of the Dharma, but does not ignore other Buddhist practices. Forms of silent meditation (shōdai-gyō), artistic copying of the Odaimoku (shakyō), and the study of fundamental Buddhist concepts such as the Four Noble Truths and Taking Refuge are used as supporting practices in Nichiren Shū.

The calligraphic mandalas used by Nichiren Shū members are either prints of one of Nichiren's extant mandalas, or they are inscribed by Nichiren Shū clergy. All fully ordained Nichiren-shū ministers are able to inscribe and consecrate mandalas, but in practice few of them do. They usually bestow a copy of a Nichiren inscribed mandala, called the Shutei Gohonzon,[3] upon their members. Nichiren Shū also does not accept the Dai-Gohonzon of Nichiren Shōshū, as there is no evidence that Nichiren created any wooden mandala or asked anyone to do so on his behalf. There is also no evidence that Nichiren ever designated any mandala as having more importance than the others or as being in any way necessary for practice.

In Japanese society, Nichiren Shū is more mainstream than Nichiren Shōshū in that it continues to have relationships with non-Nichiren Buddhist traditions. It is a confederation of the lineages of all those disciples of Nichiren who left lineages and its temples include Kuon-ji on Mt. Minobu (身延山, where Nichiren lived in seclusion and where he asked to be buried) and Ikegami Honmon-ji (where Nichiren died) and its temples have many of Nichiren’s most important personal artifacts and writings (which are considered national treasures in Japan) in their safekeeping. Nichiren Shū has also ordained non-Japanese ministers and continues to expand its presence overseas. Presently there are Nichiren Shū temples and Sanghas in the United States, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, much of South America, India, Korea, Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan), and Europe.[4]


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