The Niasse, the Kumpo, and the Samay are three traditional masked figures in the mythology of the Diola, living in the Casamance (Senegal) and also in Gambia. The are playing a central role in the social life of the traditional village community.
Multiple times in the course of the year, e.g. during the Journées culturelles, a folk festival in the village gets organized.
All three are masked dansers. The Kompu is completely covered with palm leaves, and is considered to be a ghost. Between the Niasse and the Samay, which are more person-style, there are the least differences. The type of dance is a bit different; other differences amongst them are:
Attribute | Samay | Niasse | Kumpo |
Arm | One single arm | Two arms | Completely covered with palm leaves |
Horns | Has two horns on the head | Does not have horns | No horn |
Stick | Has one long stick in his hand | Equiped with two short sticks | One long stick on the head |