New Europe (newspaper)

New Europe is an independent, weekly published English-language newspaper based in Brussels, Belgium[1]; the publication covers European Union news, including country-specific reporting of the current member states, candidate countries, or possible future candidates. The newspaper has been published since 1993[2].



New Europe publishes each week. Recurring sections include an Editorial section, a section devoted to EU-World Relations (including coverage of relations with Asia, Russia, and North America), Arts and Culture (including a calendar of upcoming events in the Brussels area), Fashion and Style, and Focus, an in-depth analysis spread. The paper also features columnists, an "In the Blogs" section, and the back page, "Kassandra", which covers political controversy and maladministration.


New Europe is active in New Media, with pages on Facebook and Twitter, and a channel on Youtube. Additionally, the paper is a media partner at many EU and Brussels events.


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