
NeuroElectroDynamics or NED is the study of the dynamics and interaction of electrical charges in the brain [1]. The word neuroelectrodynamics is derived from neuro- meaning neurons, electro- electric field and -dynamics meaning movement.

The main idea of NED is that under the influence of electric fields, charges that interact perform computations and are capable to read, write and store information in their spatial distribution at molecular level within active neurons. The universal physical laws from classical mechanics, thermodynamics to quantum theory can be applied to generate a consistent mathematical model of brain computation.

The fundamental claim of NED is that temporal observables associated with neural coding ( temporal coding, spike timing occurrence, spike-timing-dependent plasticity, interspike interval) are epiphenomena determined by the dynamics and interaction of electric charges modulated by molecular changes in neurotransmitters levels, regulatory mechanisms of gene expression from DNA to proteins synthesis.

NeuroElectroDynamics highlights a specific form of computation by interaction which is a general physical model of computation extensively present in nature.


Early work started with a fundamental electrophysiological observation. Contrary to common belief, action potentials generated by the same neuron are not alike, they display changes in electrical patterns not just temporal variability.

Every recorded action potential can be characterized by a new measure, spike directivity that describes electrical activity in a biological neuron [2]. Significant changes in spike directivity are correlated with changes in behavior [3]. Since information is carried by electric charges [4], then their dynamics and interaction characterize complex computational processes in the brain.


[1] Aur D., Jog, MS., 2010 Neuroelectrodynamics: Understanding the brain language, IOS Press, 2010.

[2] Aur D., Connolly C.I., and Jog M.S., 2005 Computing spike directivity with tetrodes. J. Neurosci. Vol. 149, Issue 1, pp. 57–63.

[3] Aur D., Jog, M.S., 2007 Reading the Neural Code: What do Spikes Mean for Behavior? Nature Precedings,

[4] Aur D., Connolly C.I. and Jog M.S., 2006 Computing Information in Neuronal Spikes, Neural Processing Letters, 23:183-199.

See also