
Netzwelt is a technology-related news website run by Netzwelt GmbH. The site, which bills itself "Guter Rat auf einen Klick." (Good advice at a click.), features consumer electronics and software, as well as user-generated content in a popular forum. With up to 10 million page impressions, Netzwelt is one of the top five IT websites in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The two founders, Dirk and Sascha Hottes, founded Netzwelt in early 1999 in Darmstadt. 2003, Netzwelt moved it's headquarters to Hamburg. In 2008, Netzwelt was awarded the Hamburger GrĂ¼nder Champion (founder champion). The music news division called Akuma was sold in December 2010, focussing on Netzwelt as the core platform for the company behind it.

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