Nato wood

Nato wood is a collective name for wood from Mora trees. The best-known species are Mora excelsa (Mora) and Mora gonggrijpii (Morabukea), with the latter contributing less (occurring in a smaller area).

The wood may vary in appearance, with reddish brown being the dominant color, but in varying shades and often with darker or lighter streaks. The wood is dense and not particularly pleasant; it is not very easy to dry or to work. However, the wood is available in large dimensions and is well above average in properties such as resistance to wear, strength and durability. It finishes well. It is used for heavy construction, industrial flooring, railroad ties, etc. Smaller billets are used to build ukuleles and acoustic and electric guitars.

Because of its availability and price, many inexpensive Chinese and Korean guitars which are exported to the United States use nato. BC Rich guitars,[1] Eastwood guitars[2] and others manufacturers often refer to nato as "eastern mahogany" due to the use of the more expensive mahogany wood in higher grade instruments.


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