National Center for Family Literacy

The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) is an organization set up to create educational and economic opportunity for the most at-risk children and parents in the United States.



NCFL is a leading national nonprofit organization with a mission: helping parents and children learn together. Since 1989, more than 1 million families have made education and economic progress as a result of NCFL’s work.

NCFL is credited with pioneering – and continuously improving – various family literacy models and approaches that improve the lives of our nation’s most at-risk children and families. The organization’s work is frequently cited by mainstream media and academic audiences for its innovation, attention to quality and groundbreaking results.


The mission of the National Center for Family Literacy is to expand the number and improve the quality of family literacy services, creating educational and economic opportunity for parents and children at the lowest ends of the literacy and economic continua. In order to accomplish this, NCFL will work with administrators, policy makers, practitioners and funders to:

NCFL’S work can be described in five ways

1) Training and technical assistance for practitioners, administrators, and policy makers

2) Advocacy and policy development for the national family literacy movement

3) Research and evaluation to improve family literacy programs and examine long-term effects

4) Model program development to demonstrate the effectiveness of family literacy to communities

5) Information to educate the public and help practitioners learn from each other


National Center for Family Literacy partners with Better World Books.

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