
Narghota is a small village under Kajlot panchayat situated 3km southwest of Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. Amidst lush green tea gardens and forests, drive to this village is a pleasant experience. The place is gaining popularity among urban crowd for its pollution free environment and panoramic surroundings. The village is home for handful of families (mostly Rajputs) who take pride in their tradition of serving in defense services. The village is virtually rebuilt after is was destroyed in an earthquake in 1986 - fortunately without any fatalities.

Earlier people used to say that Narghota remained underdeveloped because of the tea gardens surrounding it. Dharamshala city could not expand its feet towards Narghota just because of this reason. However now it has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Now Narghota is the place in and around Dharamshala which is pollution free and can boast of the dust free zones. Narghota residents can feel proud of inhaling the purest form of oxygen. People in this part of the world are very affectionate and hard working.

Points of Attraction


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