Narasimhavarman I

Narasimhavarman I (Tamil: முதலாம் நரசிம்மவர்மன்.) was a Tamil king of the Pallava dynasty who ruled South India from 630–668 CE. He shared his father Mahendravarman I's love of art and completed the work started by Mahendravarman in Mahabalipuram.

He avenged his father's defeat at the hands of the Chalukya king, Pulakesin II in the year 642 CE. Narasimhavarman was also known as Mamallan (great wrestler) and Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram) was named after him. It was during his reign that the Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang visited Kanchipuram.

Narasimhavarman I was a devotee of Siva. The great Nayanmar saints like Appar and Tirugnanasambandar lived during his reign.

Narasimhavarman I was succeeded by his son Mahendravarman II in the year 668 CE.


Military Conquests

Narasimhavarman I is claimed to be one of the Seven Indian kings who never lost on the battlefield to their enemies, the others being Karikala Chola of the Sangam age, Samudragupta, Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka, Rajaraja Chola I, his great warrior son Rajendra Chola.

War with the Chalukyas

Pulakesi II, a renowned early Chalukya king, had previously raided various northern Pallava provinces and forts. However, he was unable to capture the Pallava capital of Kanchipuram.[1] This led to a long conflict between the Chalukyas and the Pallavas.

Pulakesi II again attempted to seize the Pallava capital and undertook another expedition several years later. However, the Pallava reign had moved on to Narasimhavarman I by then. Narasimhavarman defeated the Chalukyas in several battles, including one at Manimangalam 20 miles to the east of Kanchipuram. The king states that he could see the back of his dreaded enemy as he tore apart his army.Encouraged by this victory, Narasimhavarman led his army along with his general Paranjothi and invaded Vatapi, successfully defeating the Chalukya king Pulakesi II in 642 CE.[2]

He returned victorious to Kanchipuram, and was given the title Vatapikondan (one who conquered Vatapi).[3]

His general Paranjothi (a Vikrama Kesari, also known as paradurgamarddana) was known very well for his devotion to Lord Siva and as one of the 63 Nayanmar saints, is said to have indeed personally destroyed the city of Vatapi under the command of Narasimhavarman I. He is also known as 'Siruthonttar', a dutiful warrior and a practicing medic who had "mastered several treatises in medicine". This vikramakesari had at the insistence of lord sivan sacrificed his child without any qualms. There was a confusion as to whether the ganesha at a temple in chengattankudy could have been a result of this invasion but this seems not to be true because the temple and association of lord ganesha with the same are well described in sthalapuranam or the literature discussing the importance of the place. The ganesha seems to be installed several thousands of years ago in a previous epoch.The pallava grants are very clear on how they viewed the kingdom of this enemy and the status accorded to the same. All literature of the period and hence describe them as evil, degenerate, opportunistic and untruthful kingdoms of age of kali. They are described as evil empire who are to be confronted continually and regularly and not to be treated as either subordinates or tributaries. The capital vatapi was completely destroyed and the kingdom for years never really recovered from this brutal assault by pallavas who succeeded in maintaining their hegemony all over the subcontinent and south Asia continually. Many grants refer to this event as:" kilisayoneriva vimattita vathapi" or the one who destroyed vatapi, the same way sage agastya had killed a demon by that name long ago.(**)

It has to be noted here that even though Narasimhavarman I was punitive he was not the first of pallava kings both to confront or decimate this enemy many pallava kings through ages had been undertaking expeditions into this deccan territory. Grants of Sree Rajasimha mention the punitive, destructive expeditions undertaken by many pallavas through centuries into this territory.

Influence on Ceylon politics

The Sinhalese prince Manavarma lived at the court of Narasimhavarman and had helped him crush his enemy Pulakesin II. In return, Narasimhavarman supplied Manavarma twice with an army to invade Ceylon. The second attack was successful. Manavarma occupied Ceylon, over which he is supposed to have ruled from A. D. 691 to 726. The Kasakudi copper plates refer to Narasimhavarman's conquest of Ceylon. The Mahavamsa also confirms these facts.

Narasimhavarman in Literature

Kalki Krishnamurthy's work, Sivagamiyin Sabadham, is based on Narasimhavarman's early years and his fights with the Chalukyas. Kalki Krishnamurthy's Parthiban kanavu is based on the later years of Narasimhavarman's rule.

Narasimhavarman I
Preceded by
Mahendravarman I
Pallava dynasty
Succeeded by
Mahendravarman II


  1. ^ Keay, John, India: A History, p170
  2. ^ KAN Sastri, A History of South India, p136
  3. ^ Keay, John, India: A History, p172


(**) Ancient India, R.C.Majumdar, Ancient India, K.A.Nilakanta Sastri

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