
Nambidi is a caste from Kerala, which is considered half Brahmin and half Kshatriya. Nambidi is believed to be an artificial caste which came in to existence when a section of the Nambuthiris got degraded or a section of the Nairs got upgraded in the caste system.

Nambidis are divided in to two: the ones who wear the sacred thread and perform the Upanayanam and the ones who do not. The former are Nambuthiris who were degraded to the Brahmakshatriya status since their ancestors had committed a heinous act by murdering a ruler of Kerala. On their return the other Namboodiris welcomed them but they refused to seat themselves with the other Brahmins owing to the sin they committed and instead sat on the steps of the hall. They came to be known as Nom Padimels or those on the steps and this term was later corrupted into Nambidi. The latter are Nairs who were assigned the Nambidi title.[1] Nair Nambidis have the right to enter any temple without the sacred thread and eat with the Brahmins. The Kollengode royal family is believed to have been descended from them.[2] The Rajas of Kollengode in Palghat district are the classic examples of the descendants of Nambidi Clan.

Death pollution is observed for 12 days (Unlike other Brahmakshatriyas like Thampans and Thampurans, who observe it for a total of 11 days). The Nambidis were counted as Samanta Kshatriya during the Travancore census of 1901[3] and as Samanthan Nair during the Cochin Census of 1891. [4]

See also
