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Nadi Astrology ('நாடி ஜோதிடம்' in Tamil), (nāḍi jyotiṣa) is a form of Hindu astrology practiced in Tamil Nadu, India. It is based on the belief that the past, present and the future lives of all humans were foreseen by Hindu sages in ancient time
The texts are mainly written in Vatteluttu, which is an ancient Tamil script. There are different schools of thought as to the author of these leaves. They were written by a Tamil sage called Agathiyar who is said to have had divine revelations. This doctrine of astrology was made famous by astrologers around the Vaitheeswaran Temple in the state of Tamil Nadu and is still practiced around the temple by their descendants....
These Nadi leaves were initially stored in the premises of Tanjore Saraswati Mahal Library of Tamil Nadu. The British rulers later showed interest in the Nadi leaves concerned with herbs and medicine, future prediction etc.; but ironically left most of the Nadi prediction leaves to their loyal people. Some leaves got destroyed and the remaining were auctioned during the British rule. These Nadi leaves were obtained and possessed by the families of astrologers in Vaitheeswaran Temple. This was passed down the years from one generation to the other.[1]
A carbon dating was performed in 1995 and yielded an age of some 350 years, placing the manuscript in the 17th century. Background and few details regarding Agasthiar Nadi Astrology. 'Brahmam (the Only one god) What is Brahamam? This world has been created by Brahmam and the entire world is controlled by Brahmam. It is worshipped by various people in various forms across the globe or universe. People call it in various names like Allah, Krishna, Jesus, etc., But the ultimate truth is only one, i.e., Brahmam. There is no physical form for it. Athma
There is no birth for human body as we all believe. Only athma enters into different body and take form at various point of time as per the good deeds and bad things it has done. There is no birth or death to athma. It can neither be created nor destroyed. Athma takes birth as per the karmas which it has done. It is like a person who is working in an organization gets promoted when he does his duty sincerely, honestly and efficiently or degraded if he does not perform his duties. Same way an athma gets good and bad birth as per the good and bad things it does in various forms.
Navagrahas and Siddars
All the human beings irrespective of country, religion/ caste, status, rich, poor, language, are controlled by Navagrahas (nine planets). Navagrahas are very sincere in their duties and never go out of their path in performing their duties. They never work for any favour. They act on individuals as per the Karmas (bad and good things done by human beings in this world) of each individual. Life of each Individual is determined by their past karmas. For e.g.; if a person is blessed with huge wealth in this birth then it means he has done so many punniyas (good things) in his previous births and he is enjoying the benefits of it in this birth. It is like a person who has saved lot of punniyas in his account as we all save in our bank accounts, then en cash it when the need comes.
Birth, death and rebirth are all already determined. Birth date is like manufacturing date and death date is expiry date which is already determined. Sins are like big mountains which will take very long time to dilute whereas punniyas earned will get emptied very soon and hence it is very important that we always think of good and do not do any harm to any other living things in this world. Sin is considered as committed even if we think of any bad things in your mind.
What is to be given to you, when, how and where everything is decided by Brahamam through Navagarahas and Siddars. As the Brahmam cannot come and do all the things in the world directly it has created 84,000 Siddars to perform duties on its behalf. Siddars are only next to god and they have all supreme and diving powers and energy to act like god. Of the total siddars, 84000 siddars are identified as very powerful and these informations are told by siddars itself by way of Nadi. Agastiyar is the leader of all Siddars. Few other Siddars like Vashistar, Kakapujandar, Bokar. Agastiyar always thrive for Jeeva Karunyam (not to do harm to any living things) i.e., taking care of all living things in this world and guide them to the path of Gnana to reach the divine feet.
Nadi’s can be classified into two types: 1) Gaanda Nadi and 2) Jeeva (live) Nadi.
1) Gaanda Nadi – It talks about a persons past, present and future and mostly concerned with material things like getting a job, construction of house, marriage, curing a disease etc. Gaanda Nadi’s are already written by Siddars ages back and his available in Tamil Nadu with the blessed people.
2) Jeeva Nadi – Jeeva Nadi is like a live thing happening. It is mainly concerned with Gnana and finding ways and means to reach god and divine source through Gnana margam. This Nadi is read instantly and you can get answers instantly. Only people with good positive energy will have the opportunity to go to these types of Nadi and hear the readings.