Musicool was a UK-based reality TV show, aired on Sundays as part of Channel 4's popular show T4. The show aimed to write and produce a West End production with a cast of singers and musicians from musical genres unassociated with musical theatre. The 10 participants of the first and so far only season of Musicool were: Abi Ryan, Mr Midas, William Atkinson, Darren Michelangelo Smith, Annika Gabbitas, Fe Salomon, Esther Barton (Axe Girl), Cleopatra Humphrey (Mz Bratt), Chris Royle and Nick Barrett. Jet Storm, the lead singer of Trash Fashion, also began as a contestant in the series but had to leave after two shows in order to participate in a European tour.
The show's mentors were Fiona Laird, Mike Dixon and Sean Cheeseman, and Natasha (Brownmusic) and Joshua Alamu were the vocal experts for the show.
Musicool was broadcast during Spring 2007. Every week the cast would be set tasks which would be judged by Musical and TV personalities such as Jermaine Jackson, Edith Bowman and Tamzin Outhwaite.
Musicool culminated with a live performance of Cinderella airing on T4. The show was reworked in a modern day setting, featuring songs such as Hard to Beat (Hard-Fi), Genie in a Bottle (Christina Aguilera) and I Predict a Riot (Kaiser Chiefs). The final show took place at the UCL Bloomsbury Theatre in London at 12 noon on Sunday 6 May 2007 in front of an audience of friends and family of cast members, plus T4 competition winners and was broadcast live on Channel 4.