Muranga District

Murang'a (sometimes misspelled as Muranga) is one of the districts of Kenya's Central Province. Its capital town is also now named Murang'a but was called Fort Hall in colonial times (before 1963). It is inhabited mainly by and is considered the home of the Kikuyu, the largest community in Kenya. The district has a population of 942,581 (2009 census).[1] Many have traveled to Murang'a to enjoy the lush folage. On the road to the Post Office the road forks leading travelor to take the road to Neri and beyond or the road to the Murang'a Technical College. As the travelor walks along the road, an old English pub sits along the road on the right. Over the course of several years Murang'a became the site for placement of a Peace Corps Volunteer ( It's peaceful beauty allow the travelor to wonder through it lush green folage.



When missionaries first came to Kenya, they were prevented from settling on the coast by the Portuguese, who had taken the coastal area, strategic for trade, from Arab powers in the 16th century. The missionaries were forced to venture into Kenya's rugged interior, and Murang'a was one of the first places they settled.

When the British set up the East African Protectorate in 1895, their first administrative post, Fort Smith, was located in Murang'a.

One on the main highlights of Murang'a's history, however, is that the Mau Mau uprising was led by the Kikuyu community and the Kikuyu consider Murang'a their ancestral origin. Murang'a is considered by some as the birthplace of the Kenyan independence movement.

District subdivisions

Local authorities (councils)
Authority Type Population* Urban pop.*
Muranga Municipality 24,443 11,021
Kangema Town 18,229 3,971
Muranga County County 305,632 0
Total - 348,304 14,992
* 1999 census. Source: [2]
Administrative divisions
Division Population* Urban pop.* Headquarters
Kiharu 84,868 10,433 Muranga
Kahuro 92,104 0
Kangema 61,182 785
Mathioya 110,139 0
Total 348,304 11,218 -
* 1999 census. Sources: [3], [4],

The district has three constituencies:

See also


  1. ^ [1]

External links