Mumuye people

The Mumuyes are a people of Nigeria. They constitute the largest tribal group in Taraba State of Nigeria and form the predominant tribes found in Zing, Yorro, Jalingo, Ardo-Kola, Lau, Gassol, Bali and Gashaka, all of which are local government areas of the state. Mumuyes are also widely found in many parts of the neighbouring Adamawa StateThey occupy Mayo-Belwa,Jada, Ganye, Toungo and some parts of Fufure and Yola North/South local Government Areas in Adamawa State. Their major occupation is farming. In the north-eastern states of Nigeria the Mumuyes are the Largest producers of yam. Today the Mumuye tribes still uphold their traditional and cultural Values, as most of their festivals and cultural rites are still been practiced. The Chambapeople are the closest neighbors of the Mumuyes

As throughout West Africa, tradition has it that the Mumuyes migrated from Egypt. Y-chromosome haplogroups that most likely recently came from Egypt have been found even in aboriginal Black populations as far west as Guinea-Bissau, so this tradition does not sound unlikely. It has not yet been studied by DNA if this is really the case, however.

They adhere to traditional African religion as well as to Christianity and Islam. They speak the Mumuye language.