Mulgara (software)

Mulgara Semantic Store
Stable release 2.1.10 / July 19, 2011; 6 months ago (2011-07-19)
Written in Java
Operating system Cross-platform
Platform Java Virtual Machine
Type Semantic Web
License Open Software License

Mulgara is a triplestore and fork of the original Kowari project. It is Open Source, scalable, and transaction-safe[1]. Mulgara instances can be queried via the iTQL query language and the SPARQL query language[2].



Kowari was first made available for download in beta form on the 26th of October 2003[3]. In April 2004[4], Tucana Technologies Inc demonstrated the Tucana Knowledge Server (TKS), a proprietary RDF database relying on Kowari as the basis. A steady number of releases occurred throughout 2004, including version 1.0.5 and 1.1 pre-release. The development of TKS stalled due to difficulties with funding at the end of 2004 [5], while the development of Kowari continued on [6].

In September 2005, Tucana was bought by Northrop Grumman.[7] In January 2006, Northrop Grumman threatened a Kowari developer with legal action if he released any new version of Kowari[8]. As a consequence, Kowari was forked in July 2006. It was renamed to Mulgara as Northrop Grumman owned the Kowari trademark. All development on Kowari has stopped[9] and the community moved to Mulgara. The legal cloud surrounding Kowari was eventually resolved [10], one of the outcomes was the adoption of the Open Software License 3.0. Since 2008 all new code is being licensed with the Apache 2.0 License[11].

Since 2006 Mulgara 1.0.0 has been released, significant changes to the transaction architecture was made to support JTA, SPARQL support, a Jena API, and integration with Sesame has been added. As of February 16, 2010 the latest version is 2.1.7[12].


Mulgara is not based on a relational database due to the large numbers of table joins encountered by relational systems when dealing with metadata. Instead, Mulgara is a completely new database optimized for metadata management. Mulgara models hold metadata in the form of short subject-predicate-object statements, much like the W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard. Metadata may be imported into or exported from Mulgara in RDF or Notation 3 form.[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b Mulgara | Semantic Store - Frequently Asked Questions
  2. ^ Welcome to the new Mulgara project!
  3. ^ Kowari Developer Beta Release
  4. ^ Massive Scalability for RDF Storage and Analysis, David Wood, Tom Adams, Andrew Newman
  5. ^ Changes at Tucana Technologies
  6. ^ Kowari Developers Archive
  7. ^ Northrop Grumman Acquires Proprietary Software from Tucana Technologies
  8. ^ Kowari-developers In hope of resolution.
  9. ^ Kowari
  10. ^ Kowari Legal Status
  11. ^ Welcome to the new Mulgara project!
  12. ^ Mulgara News

External links