Moyo (older spelling Mojo) is an island in Indonesia's West Nusa Tenggara province. It is off the north coast Sumbawa Island, and has an area of 349 km2.[1]
Most of Moyo is a nature reserve called Moyo Island Hunting Park covering 22,537.90 ha (Decree of Minister of Forestry Number: 308/Kpts-II/1986 dated 29 September 1986), and is inhabited by macaques, wild cattle, wild pigs, barking deer, deer (Cervus timorensis) and several varieties of birds. The island rises 648m, and its centre is composed mainly of savannah and some strands of forest. The Marine Park of Moyo Island occupies the southern island. These two natural reserves are managed by an Office of Natural Conservation of West Nusa Tenggara, as a Technical Operation Unit of Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation-Ministry of Forestry.