Motor Industry Software Reliability Association

Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) is an organization that produces guidelines for the software developed for electronic components used in Automotive Industry[1]. It is a collaboration between vehicle manufacturers, component suppliers and engineering consultancies.



The aim of this organization is to provide important advice to the automotive industry for the creation and application of safe, reliable software within vehicles. The safety requirements of the software used in Automobiles is different from that of other areas such as healthcare, industrial automation, aerospace etc. The mission statement of MISRA is "To provide assistance to the automotive industry in the application and creation within vehicle systems of safe and reliable software"[1].


MISRA was formed by a consortium of organizations formed in response to the UK Safety Critical Systems REsearch Programme. This programme was supported by the Department of Trade and Industry and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

MISRA Consortium

The MISRA steering committee constitutes the following organizations.

The committee mainly includes vehicle manufacturers and component suppliers.

The Guidelines

MISRA guidelines are the development guidelines for vehicle based software. The guidelines are intended to achieve the following.

The guidelines are not fully public. This hinders their adoption

Other languages

Currently MISRA guidelines are produced for C and C++ programming languages only. MISRA C++ was launched on March 2008.

See also


  1. ^ a b The MISRA web site.

External links