List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles

This list contains chemical elements, materials, isotopes or (sub)atomic particle that exist primarily in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). No actual periodic elements end in "-ite", though many minerals have names with this suffix. Some of the materials listed as elements below may indeed be minerals, alloys, or other such combinations, but fictional works are often vague on such distinctions. Grouping is done by what seems most likely.


Fictional elements and materials

Name Source Uses
Acoustium Batman Beyond Featured in the episode "Shriek", an alloy that amplifies sonic vibration.
Adamant Greek Mythology,Various later works A strong, hard metal. has numerous mentions going back to antiquity. The term initially referred to any unknown super-hard material but in Medieval works it may also refer to magnetic materials.
Adamantite Greek Mythology, Dungeons & Dragons, Dwarf Fortress, RuneScape, World of Warcraft, and other games. A strong metal. Sometimes spelled "Adamantine". Presumably derived from the classic term and fictional material Adamant, which has numerous mentions going back to antiquity; the term initially referred to any unknown super-hard material, and finally settled on diamond. Often green.
Adamantium Marvel Comics, Final Fantasy, Warhammer 40K, Morrowind, Maplestory Adamantium is a series of closely related compounds of iron mixed with chemical resins. It has been frequently described as being virtually indestructible. Substance of the skeleton of Wolverine.[1]
Afraidium Robots The robot Fender claims to be made of this metal. "It's yellow," he states, "and tastes like chicken."
Agricite SWAT Kats It is a metal mineral that occurs in the ground and is mined outside of MegaKat City. It is incredibly strong and is used to make hardened objects like tanks.
Alkahest Alchemy A powerful substance, most known as a "universal solvent", which could dissolve everything. It was sought in alchemy.
Allanite Steel The Tunnel Allanite steel was the special superior alloy developed by Richard "Mac" McAllan that made the construction of a transatlantic tunnel possible in the 1935 film The Tunnel, based on the novel Der Tunnel by Bernhard Kellermann.
AM2 The Sten Chronicles Antimatter mineral from parallel universe (only known to Emperor), the unique energy source that provides all power needs of mankind and the Earth Empire.
Amazonium DC Comics Found only on the island of Themyscira, this metal is used in alloys to create extremely strong and lightweight armor.[2] An example of an amazonium alloy is found in Wonder Woman's bracelets. See also feminum.
Andrium Master of Orion Andrium Armor is the fourth strongest type of armor in the Master of Orion series.
Antidermis Bionicle Antidermis, a green-black liquid or gas, it makes up the essence of the Makuta. The Piraka use it to enslave other creatures, namely Matoran, whom it makes susceptible to suggestion. It also strengthens Brutaka's species and makes the Skakdi violently ill. The only known substance which counteracts its effects is Energized Protodermis.
Anti-plastic Doctor Who—"Rose" Anti-plastic is a substance that destroys plastic, including creatures made out of living plastic, such as the Nestene Consciousness. Can be made by mixing materials such as hair spray, nail polish and other substances like such, as seen in Autonomy.
Arcanite (Warcraft) Warcraft universe A dull, flexible metal that can be forged to an edge sharper than iron and steel.
Arenak (Skylark series) Skylark of Space Epoxy-like substance that when catalyzed by salt becomes useful armor much harder than the best Terran steel. Salt is highly coveted by both opposing sides warring over a world that the Skylark visits because of its extreme rarity on that world. The more barbaric side (Mardonale) was about to kill the Skylark crew to obtain the salt from their bodies, before being stopped by Prince Dunark, leader of the more civilized side of the war.
Argonite Marvel Comics Earth-712, RuneScape A radioactive substance which weakens the fictional superhero Hyperion. (So just as Hyperion corresponds to Superman, Argonite corresponds to kryptonite.) In RuneScape it appears as a light blue metal found only in Daemonheim.
Atium Mistborn series A metal which allows Mistborn to see a few seconds into the future, thereby allowing them to anticipate the moves of an opponent. It also enhances the mind to cope with and understand these new insights, effectively turning a Mistborn invincible for a short time. Atium burns very quickly.
Atmosphereum (also often spelled as "Atmospherium") The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra An extremely rare element, abundant in outer space, which among many other uses is a power source and capable of raising the dead. If obtained and researched, it would certainly have countless benefits for science.
Australium Team Fortress 2 An element originating from Australia that is similar to gold, the major difference being the nucleus resembling a pair of boxing kangaroos. It can adapt and transform itself into different states and forms, therefore making it extremely valuable and sought-after. It enhances the intelligence of whoever holds it and is known to turn complete idiots into geniuses. Side effects includes a steroids-like effect and a peculiar love for beer. Aided in the invention of Teleporter Pads, Invisibility Watches, Life Extending Machines, and the "entire spectrum of mustache sciences".[3]
Axonite Doctor Who—"The Claws of Axos" Axonite is supposedly a "thinking" molecule that can replicate any substance, but, in the end, turns out to be a malevolent element that intends to spread itself across the cosmos in order to feed itself.
Balthazate Guild Wars A crystalline material found beneath the Shiverpeaks. Balthazate looks similar to quartz crystals roughly half the size of a man. It is a highly potent explosive as shown when four crystals bring down a large portion of a cave when ignited.
Balthorium ("Balthorium-G") Dr. Strangelove, The Middleman (TV series)-"The Obsolescent Cryogenic Meltdown" In Dr. Strangelove it is an element used in the Russians' doomsday device. It is possible that this is a mispronunciation, on the part of actor Peter Bull, of the words "Cobalt-Thorium G," as both (real) elements can be used in atomic weapons to increase the amount of dangerous nuclear fallout, which agrees with the sense in which "Balthorium" is used in the movie.

In The Middleman (TV series) it is a very rare mineral which is necessary to power The Candle's Melting Ray.

Basidiumite (also Brumblium) Eleanor Cameron's Mushroom Planet series A slightly greenish solid, twice the density of uranium. Infragreen spectrum. Makes up the blue-green planet Basidium.
Bassnium Mega Man A material accidentally discovered by Dr. Wily while attempting to create a robot similar to Mega Man. Bass was the result.[4]
Bathus RuneScape A weak grey metal found only in RuneScape's Daemonheim.
Bazillionium Bayonetta A metal used as an energy source for a quadruple pair of pistols known as the Bazillions, capable of generating bursts of crimson colored energy by physical force that can tear through molecular bonds and the time-space continuum.
Bazoolium Doctor Who A gold-colored metal that can predict the weather.
Beerium Young Einstein According to Yahoo Serious, who wrote and directed Young Einstein as well as acting out the lead role, splitting the beerium atom infuses beer with bubbles.
Bendezium Metroid Prime An extremely tough metal that can only be destroyed by a power bomb.
Beresium Star Trek: Enterprise—"Terra Nova" An asteroid which hit the Terra Nova colony contained this geological element. This impact of beresium created a "poison rain" which killed many colonists and drove the rest underground.
Bernalium Doctor Who—"The Wheel in Space" Evidently a conductive material, given its use in a high-energy weapon system. It gets its name from J. D. Bernal, a British physicist.
Berynium Screamers A substance required for space flight.
Beskar Star Wars A metal used by the Mandalorian warriors. Also known as Mandalorian Iron.
Black Steel RuneScape A mid-strength metal in RuneScape. Its origin is unknown as it cannot be mined or smelted.
Blasium/Blazium Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (TV series)-"Twiki is Missing" A white rock-like substance that resembles sugar cubes, and when ignited, a small amount "can blow up a small moon." Buck uses it later to reduce the mass of a frozen-oxygen meteor that is about to enter Earth's atmosphere.
Blingidium Wigu "The rarest compound in the universe." A large statue made of this substance in the shape of Topato is dug up by Wigu's family. Touching it leads to a feeling of ecstasy ("feeling light" and "tasting watermelon"). It is destroyed by the Space Mummy.
Blurite RuneScape A rare lightweight bluish-tinged metal. Mostly used for decoration as it is too soft for weaponry.
Boing! Judge Dredd Plastic of extremely high elasticity
Bolonium or Bolognium (or likely Baloneyium) Futurama, The Simpsons, etc. A fictional element used to describe something as impossible or nonsensical.[5] In the Futurama episode "A Clone of My Own", Cubert Farnsworth used the term "Weapons-grade bolonium" as an insult to his "parent," Hubert Farnsworth's technology demonstrations. An episode of The Simpsons featured an Oscar Mayer promotional periodic table of elements with the element, which states that the atomic weight of bolonium is "delicious" or "snacktacular."

The Star Trek The Motion Picture official blueprints published in 1980[6] specifically identify the Klingon K't'inga-class battle-cruiser as possessing bolognium engine shields.

Bombastium Uncle Scrooge An element each atom of which, when dropped in a barrel of water, is capable of generating a barrel containing a different flavor of ice cream, according to Carl Barks. It is discovered by the Brutopians. Scrooge McDuck pays one trillion dollars and six kitchen sinks for a soccer ball-sized sample of it in an auction in a 1957 story in Uncle Scrooge comics #17. In a Duck Tales story it is used to power a time machine invented by Gyro Gearloose.
Brightsteel Brisingr of the Inheritance Cycle A mysterious metal that comes from meteors and is extremely hard. It was used by Rhunön, an elven smith, to make all the swords of the Dragon Riders, including Eragon's sword, Brisingr. Swords made of brightsteel, and enchanted in the right way, will never break. She found the brightsteel in deposits throughout Ellesméra, one deposit often being enough to make several swords. Swords often took multiple weeks of preparation and work to be made. Rhunön was unable to find any more by the time Eragon needed a sword, though, so he had to find it using a prophecy of a werecat, Solembum, had given him, which was to look under the Menoa Tree when he needed a weapon. He found a piece of brightsteel ore there, and was able to make his sword with Rhunön's help.
Bulerite Macrolife Bulerite which is used to build the huge cities which house the Earth's (and colonies) teeming millions, are at the pinnacle of their influence and wealth. Unfortunately, it is discovered—-too late-—that the substance is inherently flawed, in that after a time it destabilizes and self-destructs with spectacular results.
Bydogen R-Type A gel-like substance created by human militaries as a living weapon, which grew out of control into an alien menace. The Force modules contain and use bydogen to augment the weaponry of the attached R-Type ship.
Byzanium Raise the Titanic! A highly powerful radioactive element, the only supply of which was believed to have been transported in a vault aboard RMS Titanic.
Calculon The Adventures of Tintin, Destination Moon Discovered by Professor Cuthbert Calculus. This substance has a silicon base and can resist very high temperatures. It was one of the scientific discoveries that enabled Professor Calculus to plan a manned mission to the Moon.
Caesium-frankolithic-mixia-lubidium-rixidixidexi-doxidroxide Red Dwarf, Only The Good... A chemical famous in its era, it was the cure for a virus that was eating away at the hulls of the mining ship, the Red Dwarf. It is not to be confused with Caesiumfrankolithicmixialubidiumrixidexidixidoxidroxide, which is a completely different compound.
Capsidium Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987)—"The Fifth Turtles" Creates energy during planetary conjunctions if the lights hit the Capsidium, used by Krang and Shredder to power the Technodrome.
Carbonite Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back A cryonic alloy, carbonite was originally used to keep tibanna gas fresh. The chamber in the Cloud City of Bespin was reconfigured to provide stasis for Luke Skywalker for his transport to Emperor Palpatine. It was tested on Han Solo, whom Boba Fett then transported to Jabba the Hutt to collect a price on Solo's head. It was then used to transport criminals. One known side effect of being encased in carbonite is temporary blindness.
Carbonium Fury3 Found exclusively on the planet L24-D. Carbonium explodes with 48 times the power and radiation damage of a fusion bomb.
Cargonite The 4-D Man The mineral developed by scientist Scott Nelson capable of acting as "the ultimate defense," impenetrable to all weapons.
Carmot Alchemy This term was used by alchemists for a mythological element which the Philosopher's Stone is said to be made of. The two items could be one and the same.
Cataclysmite H. Beam Piper's Fuzzy novels A high explosive material, useful in mining and prospecting, presumably more powerful than dynamite.
Cavorite H.G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon and The War of the Worlds Cavorite is impervious to gravity and can shield other materials from its effects. It is used to shield a craft from Earth's pull, allowing easy flight. It was named after its discoverer, Dr. Cavor, who used it to travel to the Moon. It also coats Martian flying machines, although it is referred to as a "gravity-blocking substance", and not Cavorite. It is also used in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Robert Buettner's Orphan series, A Deepness in the Sky, Dr Grordbort's Contrapulotronic Dingus Directory (written and illustrated by Greg Broadmore, WETA Studios, New Zealand), and the second-season premier of Warehouse 13.
Celestial Bronze Percy Jackson and the Olympians A metal that can only hurt immortals such as gods or monsters and their offspring
Cernium-116 Knight Rider (original series) in episode "Knight of the Juggernaut" An isotope produced by bombarding "a mass of plutonium with titanium ions..." It "is more radioactive than uranium...and highly unstable..."
Cheddite Harry Harrison's Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers The result of a college prank where a student placed a chunk of cheddar cheese in a powerful cyclotron. The resulting material was dense, black and produced a powerful energy field when exposed to electricity. This field could be used to flip a spacecraft through enormous distances virtually instantaneously when incorporated into a Cheddite drive unit. Not to be confused with the real-world explosive compound of the same name.
Chelonium The Science of Discworld A material which according to the Unseen University wizards mostly makes up the world-bearing turtle "Great A'Tuin." Since they can do a test to determine its (non)existence in Roundworld, they are probably correct.
"Chemical X" The Powerpuff Girls When Professor Utonium was creating the Powerpuff Girls, he accidentally added this chemical to the mixture of sugar, spice and "everything nice." It is responsible for granting the girls their super-human powers. Its chemical opposite and neutralizer is a mysterious substance called "Antidote X."
Chromedigizoid Digimon A digital metal alloy, present in many Digimon as armor or weapons.
Chronoton Star Trek, Futurama, Teen Titans, Jets 'N' Guns, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers From Greek: Χρόνος (Chronos, "time") + -ον (on, "elementary particle"). Alternate spellings: "chroniton." Associated with manipulating or traveling through time in Star Trek, as well as in Futurama, where it also has rejuvenation effects. A chronoton bomb in Teen Titans destroys chronotons in a given area, stopping that area's progression through time. A "chroniton rifle" is the most powerful weapon in Jets 'N' Guns.
Cinnabryl Mystara Dungeons & Dragons A glowing red magical metal that temporarily halts the Red Curse created by vermeil. Depleted cinnabryl is called red steel, and is used for weaponry and armour. Not to be confused with the real-world mercury ore cinnabar.
Claudia Last Exile An element used to power vanships and larger airships. It glows a light blue and is found naturally in solid form. However, while in liquid form, it generates an anti-gravity field when put through certain processes, which allows the aforementioned ships to fly. Its solid form is also used as a unit of currency, simply called a claudia.
Collapsium H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History stories Collapsed matter (i.e., no longer possessing separate electron shells) plated in extremely thin layers (a "micro-microinch" being typical) onto more conventional metals and used as shielding for spacecraft and reactors. May refer to degenerate matter or neutronium. No direct relationship to the same term used in the works of Wil McCarthy.
Colour out of space H. P. Lovecraft's horror tale "The Colour Out of Space" Toxic and mutagenic element with apparent radioactive properties, of indescribable color and unknown spectrum, from a meteorite that lands in a field.
Corbomite Star Trek (1966), "The Corbomite Maneuver" Commonly believed to be fictional within the fictional Star Trek universe. The supposedly non-existent substance was invented by Captain James T. Kirk as part of a bluff to prevent the destruction of the U.S.S. Enterprise I by another vessel. The material and device (both called "corbomite" in the bluff) supposedly redirect any destructive energy back to its source, destroying the attacker. The material has since appeared in various other series and video games set in the Star Trek universe.
Cordite Metroid Prime In its purest form, Cordite is a smokeless powder composed primarily of nitrocglicerine. An elaborate processing procedure transforms this powder into an extremely dense solid. Cordite is so strong, in fact, that in laboratory tests it consistently withstood direct hits from war-grade missiles. Cordite can only be weakened by simultaneous strikes with multiple missiles. Cordite can be destroyed by using a super missile; a charged energy blast with five combined missiles. Not to be confused with the real-world smokeless propellant compound of the same name.
Corrodium Ben 10 An alien element that is capable of mutating certain lifeforms. Prolonged exposure is required for the mutations to be permanent.
Corrodium Zero Effect Referenced when Zero is doing Gloria's taxes and she inquires about the fictional "Corrodium 3 deduction", which he explains pertains to "class 3 decay toxins, such as corrodium and maalgorium"
Cortexrulestheworldium Crash Team Racing A chemical element discovered in the epilogue of Crash Team Racing. Recognized and named by the conceited scientist Doctor Neo Cortex, when he returned to scientific research. Little is known about it, besides its atomic Number, 117.
Cortosis Star Wars A lightsaber resistant metal.
Crapcrapium Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs In a dispute about the relative hardness of Diamondium and Diamondillium, Crapcrapium is referred to as a disparaging comparator. The implication is that Crapcrapium is soft.
Croach Codex Alera A translucent, waxy substance created by the Vord, an alien race. It slowly absorbs and dissolves bio-matter, and is then itself a source of sustenance. To the Vord it is both air and food, and they provide spider-like creatures that tend to its constant maintenance. Croach is spread wherever Vord make their home.
Chogokin Z / Super-Alloy Z Mazinger Z This is the metal utilized to construct the eponymous Super Robot of the anime series Mazinger Z. In the series, Chogokin Z is created from the newly-discovered element Japanium. Other variant metals include Chogokin New-Z, used to construct Great Mazinger, and Chogokin New-Zα, which was the basis material for Mazinkaiser. The series' sequel Grendizer features an unrelated but still highly similar metal called Space Alloy Gren.

The term "chogokin" has since become a trademarked name for toys and models manufactured in Japan by Bandai. It is also informally and frequently used by collectors to describe toys with high die-cast metal content, or in a nostalgic sense toward those earlier Super Robot series and toys.

Chrysadamantium John C. Wright's The Golden Age Trilogy A transuranic element used as a building material; can only be damaged through the use of black holes and antimatter
Cryazin Eleventh Hour Featured in Episode 1.6 ("Frozen"), it is an organic compound with phosphorus, boron and oxygen that reacts with itself endothermically in the presence of potassium.
Crystallium Robert L. Forward's novel Dragon's Egg A crystallized compound of degenerate matter, part of the internal chemistry of the cheela, used by them to form bone-like structures.
Cybertronium Transformers Original Series A quantum metal, useless by itself (only found on Cybertron-like planets, and possibly artificially created by the Quintessons), that, when alloyed with other metals, creates the dimensional storage space useful for transformations—extra supplies, components, weaponry, or the like. The Dinobots were created without this metal, which explains their huge humanoid bodies.
Daeyalt RuneScape A turquoise ore, mined by human slaves of the vampyres. All that is known about it is that the ore had "some magical hoobery-joobery on it" and that "those vampyre types are after the hoobery-joobery".
Dalekanium Doctor Who A metal used by the Daleks as a component of their armoured casings. Also, named in an alternate reality, as an unstable explosive powerful enough to penetrate those casings.
Dark Iron World of Warcraft A metal found in the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge. Favoured mineral of the Dark Iron dwarves and the Blackrock clan of Orcs. To be worked with, the use of the Dark Forge and the Dark Anvil, within the Blackrock Depths, is required.
Dark Ore The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Dark Matter Futurama Dark matter is the biological waste of Nibblonians. First introduced in "Love's Labors Lost in Space," the extremely dense black material, usually clumped in perfect spheres, is the primary source of power in the 30th century. It also exists in another form, dark matter oil, in "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz" a dark matter oil spill on Pluto caused the penguin population to become ultra-fertile. In the movie Bender's Game, it is explained that all dark matter is linked by two crystals that give it its properties as fuel. "Dark Matter" is also a legitimate term in cosmology.
Darksteel Magic: The Gathering A dull, dark grey metal that is found on the metal plane of Mirrodin. Constructions built out of darksteel are effectively indestructible. Notable constructions include the Darksteel Colossus and the Darksteel Reactor.
Denzium Metroid Prime A durable mineral capable to being destroyed with a power bomb (similar to Bendizium)
Destinium My Sims In My Sims Agents, destinium is a rare, but worthless, crystal. However, Morcucorp is secretly mining it from a mine underneath DJ Candy's Club. They plan to use Candy's Radio towers to generate high frequency electromagnetic waves for the transmutation of destinium into fortunate.
Destronium Transformers Animated A liquid that helps Cybertronians repair themselves. It is plentiful on Cybertron, but on Earth, humans were only able to synthesize small samples. At high speeds, destronium can get very volatile and would take out half a city the size of Detroit if it detonates.
Deutronium Lost in Space A substance with many uses, refined into a flammable liquid which the Robinsons required as fuel for the Jupiter 2. It is mined as small white pebbles by either drilling or pumping out of the ground. Some species consume deutronium as food, including the Cyclamen and the People of the Green Mist.
Diamondillium Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs A substance harder than anything in this universe. The only substance that rivals its hardness is diamondium, though odds are it may be the same substance under a different name.
Diamondium Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs A substance harder than anything in this universe. The only substance that rivals its hardness is diamondillium, though odds are it may be the same substance under a different name.
Dilithium Star Trek A fictional crystalline mineral, in the universe of Star Trek, that is used to regulate the anti-matter-powered warp drives that allow starships to travel faster than light. (Although dilithium is a real molecule, it is a gas with none of the properties of the fictional crystals, and the writers were unaware of its existence.)
Dilustel DC Comics Captain Atom's metallic "skin" is composed of a portion of the alien being known as Silver Shield, and is called Dilustel. Pieces of the alien's metal body were used in Project Atom, and on later subjects like Major Force and Bombshell. The metal is almost totally indestructible. Only X-Ionizer technology can cut the metal and the magical guns of the Crimson Avenger were able to crack his skin. Breaking through it causes Captain Atom to Quantum Jump as if he had absorbed too much energy.
Diolacton The Quiet American A fictional ingredient in making plastic explosives. When asked about the compound, the American supplier claims, Diolacton is a milk-based plastic. We use it in making the frames for eyeglasses.
Dragon RuneScape In the MMORPG RuneScape, one of the strongest metals. It has a blood red appearance and usually adorns white horns or black paint and other features. It seems to have been forged by a race of elder dragons called the dragonkin.
Dragonbane AdventureQuest A mineral which is poisonous to dragons. It is the material that the legendary Dragon Blade is made of.
Duodecaplylatomate E. E. Smith's Lensman series An extremely powerful atomic explosive, usually referred to by the shortened name "duodec". Its most unusual property is that its blast effects proceed at the speed of light, rather than at conventional shock wave speed.
Duralinium Doctor Who A mineral used in the construction of buildings and other structures, especially space ship hulls are made from toughened duralinium. It is highly abundant on the planet Uxarieus.
Durallium Elite/The Dark Wheel Spacecraft in the computer Game Elite and the short story The Dark Wheel (based on Elite) by Robert Holdstock were made of this material after it was treated by being time stressed. It was the only known material able to withstand the rigors of passing through Witch-space, the method of interstellar travel used in the game and novella.
Duralloy Master of Orion series Duralloy Armor is the sixth strongest type of armor in the Master of Orion series.

Duralloy is also featured in some role-playing games, namely Metamorphosis Alpha and Gamma World. In both of these games, Duralloy has properties vary similar to Adamantium from the Marvel Universe. In Gamma World, Duralloy can also be found in special containment drums, that maintains it in a molten state by a magnetic field. Once the seal is broken, the liquid metal must be used quickly (about a minute) before it cools down and becomes permanently solid. The cool down is rapid, and absorbs background heat.

Duranium Star Trek Spacecraft hulls are made from the super metal alloys duranium and tritanium.
Durasteel Star Wars Durasteel is one of the most used alloys in the Star Wars universe. Its qualities include: being very flexible, resistant to heat and cold, monumentally physically stress resistant, and the color brown. Because of these it is the most common material for the manufacture of spacecraft hulls.
Dureum E. E. Smith's Lensman series Artificial, ultra-dense metal, the only known material that will not occupy the same space as other matter (coming from elsewhere) in a hyper-spatial tube, hence used in armor, weapons, etc. that might encounter anyone or anything a tube. Invented by the Eddorians and used in their exploration of other universes, given to their subject races in the Lensman universe, and eventually discovered and copied by the Galactic Patrol.
Durium The Infinite Atom Durium was an ultra-strong, extremely dense, infusible sapphire blue alloy of made from resistium and other "ultra-elements" (which had an atomic structure consisting of a nucleus of "negatrons," orbital protons and without any electrons present in the atom at all), in The Infinite Atom by John W. Campbell, Jr. Durium would also be featured in several of the later works of E.E. "Doc" Smith.
Dwarfstar Alloy/Hull Metal Various Ships' hulls from various sci-fi novels starting in the 1920s were said to be built using this ultra-strong material. It is an extremely condensed state of matter, i.e. Neutron Star material, and used as a plot device to make nearly invulnerable ships without having to invent some implausible new materials.
Eitr Norse Mythology, Tomb Raider Underworld A bright blue liquid, where life comes from.
Electromatter Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs Described by Hubert J. Farnsworth as "Matter's Badass Grandma". A pink substance that mainly exists in the dimension on the other side of the anomaly; can only be broken or punctured by more electromatter. The tentacles of the planet-monster, Yivo, are made from electromatter.
Element 99 Singularity Also known as E99, the Element 99 was a powerful source of energy. Scientific research on the element discovered the E99's ability to alter time, and thus, the substance was used by Dr. Viktor Barisov to create the TMD, or Time Manipulation Device.
Element 115 Tomb Raider III A turquoise element named by Area 51, Element 115 came down to Earth on a meteor which landed in Antarctica. The element was worshipped by the Polynesian's ancestors who once lived there (naming the place "Kuma-Kuma"), until their sixth leader Mauki was born without a face, as a mutilating reaction to the material. The people then fled to Polynesia. The artefact can shoot powerful turquoise blasts, and can also be used to speed up and personally alter evolution, even evolving an already developed life form.
Element 115 Dark Reign: The Future of War Discovered in the outer planets in the early days of exploration of the solar system, Element 115 was used by Alpheus Togra, founder and head of the Togra Foundation in his experiments where he successfully converted the angular momentum of electrons directly into mass. It is unique in that it was the only element with an atomic weight greater than 92 to not undergo spontaneous fission immediately.
Element 115 Call of Duty: Zombies A dark red element, and is exclusive to the Nazi Zombie backstory. It arrived on Earth on meteors, including one in Japan where the third Nazi Zombie map is set, the meteors emit strange noise and electrical pulses. Element 115 has been used to power most of the out-of-place high tech such as the teleporters, and is thought to have created the original zombies.
Element 115 Seven Days This transuranic element salvaged from the Roswell crash by the scientists behind Operation Backstep generates a time distortion field around the Backstep Chronosphere, displacing it through space and time.
Element 152 DC Comics Element created by Mon-El by combining gold, silver and iron. It has anti-gravity properties and was eventually used in rings, allowing members of the Legion of Super-Heroes to fly. Arm Fall Off Boy is thought to have gained his superpowers through mishandling this element.
Element 250 (Sturginium) Dystopian wars Discovered in an Antarctic crevasse, this powers the world in 1870. It has numberless strange qualities; hardening tin twentyfold, lightening steel twentyfold, whilst on the other hand being able to soften artillery shells and human skeletons, it can be used in reactors and also has teleportational qualities. Leakages are known to create interspacial portals, which can link together to form mildly dangerous singularities, and if a vehicle's core explodes, it may teleport it "into the ether", from whence it is not known whether recovery is possible.
Element X Ben 10 Element of extraterrestrial origin that, when combined with a precise mixture of an unspecified form of iron ore at high temperatures, has enough explosive capacity to destroy an entire solar system.
Element Zero Mass Effect Also known as eezo, generated when solid matter is affected by the energy of a star going supernova. When subjected to an electrical current it produces a field that increases or decreases the mass of an object. Used in a number of applications, the most noticeable being FTL travel. Humans exposed to this element while still in the womb may gain the ability to generate their own fields and are known as biotics.
Elementium Max Steel: Forces of Nature Isotopes giving power over the classical elements Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire.
Elementium World of Warcraft An element that came from the Elemental Plane, thus making it very rare in Azeroth. It is capable of channeling elemental energies. It is used to craft special artefacts such as Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Elephantanium Duck Dodgers A form of rock that mutates whoever touchs it. The person remains what he is mutated into as long as he is touching it. It may make the person addicted to it when they look at it.
Elephantigen The Science of Discworld A material which according to the Unseen University wizards makes up the four world-bearing elephants: Berilia, Tubul, Great T'phon and Jerakeen. Since they determine with a simple test that it does not exist in Roundworld, they are probably correct.
Elerium-115 UFO: Enemy Unknown The element, atomic number 115, upon which all alien power systems are based. It facilitates space flight by emitting gravity waves under particle bombardment. Used as a fuel for advanced craft, and to power weapons and devices based on alien technology.
Emperium Ragnarok Online A crystalline element which is to be broken as a condition of winning a castle in guild wars. 'Merely owning this gloriously resplendent gem is said to be a sign of being chosen by fate to wield great power.'
Endurium Starflight, Deadlock Crystalline element discovered during an archeological dig powering an ancient starship and used to power other starships based on the discovered starships's technology. An entire planet composed of the element is discovered moving through the galaxy triggering solar flares and wiping out all life in the solar systems it passes through. Eventually, the element is discovered to be a sentient life form. In the Deadlock serier, it is an element with 5x the potential of iron and the same power of steel. It may be processed into Tridium.
Energon Transformers A highly radioactive, highly unstable material that can by synthesized through refinement of other materials, though the process to do this is unknown, and naturally-occurring energon does exist. Energon can be either crystalline or liquid in form, and can appear in a variety of colors.
Energized Protodermis Bionicle Energized Protodermis is a sentient substance which originated from Spherus Magna, the home planet of the Great Beings. It can manifest a bipedal form in any source of the substance in the universe. It is also the "cure" for the Antidermis controlling a living being.
Eternium DC Comics An ore that is said to be a major source of magic power. Comes from only one location: the Rock of Eternity, the home of the wizard Shazam and guarded by all members of the Marvel family. The Rock was destroyed in the 30th century, causing the fourth Captain Marvel to search for the pieces. Following the explosion, however, eternium proved to be harmful to her, in a manner comparable with Kryptonite's effect on Kryptonians. Also referenced in World of Warcraft as the most difficult lockbox in the game, only dropped in high level dungeons and can only be opened by experienced lockpickers. Is also a metal rarely found in all mineral veins in Outland. A material called eternium also appeared in the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoon, where it was the material He-Man's breastplate and harness ware made of, serving to magnify his strength.
Etherion Fairy Tail, Rave Master A crystal that is said to be indestructible. This crystal has the power to turn nothing into something and something into nothing.

In Fairy Tail, Etherion is a powerful crystal used to destroy. In Rave Master, Etherion is a power that Resha harbours, she can create things from nothing and she can also destroy things.

Etherium /
Aetherium /
Volucite /
Hikouseki /
Levitation Stone
Castle in the Sky, Magic: The Gathering A bright blue mineral present in small amounts in all rocks in the location Castle in the Sky takes place in. Pure crystals of etherium, which are very difficult to manufacture, are capable of repelling gravity to a degree, causing objects to float. It also stimulates plant growth.

In Magic: The Gathering, etherium is an extremely rare metal created by the sphinx Crucius the Mad. On the shard Esper, vedalken wizards strive to infuse everything with etherium. The planeswalker Tezzeret the Seeker constructs his entire right arm out of pure eetherium before his spark ignited, thus enabling him to fuel his mages abilities until his spark ignited, which then served to make him stronger still. The Levitation Stone (飛行石), "Hikouseki" in romaji, is speculated to be its English version "Volucite".

Exsidian Bionicle An abundant metal found near the ice-village of Iconox on Planet Bara Magna. It is valued for its endurance and can withstand sand erosion and rust better than other metals. It is used by Glatorians to coat their blades and strengthen them.
Faidon Skylark of Space book series Self-luminous blue crystals which are created out of crystallized energy in supernova explosions and can only be wrought in the core of a white dwarf. They can be used as jewels but can even be shaped into containers for neutronium.
Fel Iron World of Warcraft Iron which has been corrupted by demons. Found in the shattered remnants of the planet Draenor, now known as Outland. Exclusive to The Burning Crusade
Feldon Blake's 7 In the fourth series episode "Games" Feldon is identified as the hardest known and currently most valuable substance in the universe. It is found in the asteroid belt and on several insignificant planets. It is extremely rare, and was prized as a precious stone until its use as an energy concentrator was discovered. Its crystals are the basis of the revolutionary if potentially unstable and explosive Feldon power systems.
Felsteel World of Warcraft A powerful alloy created from Fel Iron and Eternium.
Feminum Wonder Woman TV Series An element found only on Paradise Island. Its ore can be fashioned into a bulletproof metal, but is usually used for jewelry, such as bracelets. The element feminum was created for the TV series only and is not strictly canonical in the DC Universe, where it is an analog to amazonium (see above).
Finkilium I Dream of Jeannie TV sitcom A rare metal sought by NASA and imperative to the success of the Saturn 12 program. Mentioned in episode 116, "Guess Who's Going to Be A Bride."
Flubber The Absent-Minded Professor The title role invented flubber ("flying rubber"), a rubbery material that bounces off a hard surface faster than it struck the surface.
Fortunate My Sims The crystal used to power the evil crown of morcubus in My Sims: Agents.
Fulgarator/Deflagrator Facing the Flag An extremely powerful explosive developed by the literally mad scientist Thomas Roch in Jules Verne's book and placed at the disposal of the pirate Ker Karaje. To produce an explosion the application of a liquid known as "Deflagrator" is needed. A few grams suffice to smash a long tunnel through tough volcanic rock. Several thousand tons would smash the entire Earth and render it into a new asteroid belt, though no one in the book is eager to go that far.
Froonium Farscape A substance created by series producer Richard Manning while he still worked on Star Trek to represent any esoteric material. Appeared in Farscape as an in-joke in several episodes. Manning's Fandom nickname is "Froonium Ricky."
Galvorn Middle-earth A jet black metal (probably an alloy) devised by the Dark Elf Eöl after he became greatly skilled in metalwork after learning the craft from the Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost. The unique metal was as strong as the steel of the Dwarves, extremely malleable, and resistant to injury by metal weapons. Its only known use is in Eöl's armour, which he wore whenever he left his forest residence.
Gamilus Space Battleship Yamato A rare substance only found on the distant planet Gamilus, twin planet of Iscandar, 147,000 light years from Earth. It is a valuable building material, but it is unknown what it is used for or what properties it has. It is similar to Iscandarium, listed below.
Gemanite Avatar: The Last Airbender This stone uses a person's own energy to grow in size. It can be used to encapsulate prisoners in the growing rock, but it can be broken by an earth bender. Gemanite is also edible as an energy rich rock-candy.
Gethre Old Kingdom Trilogy A material used for making coats of mail in the form of overlapping scales; lighter and possibly stronger than steel, as it does not scratch when scraped with metal weapons. Sabriel guesses that it is a form of ceramic, but the art of its making has been lost. The only gethre coats seen in the Old Kingdom novels are heirlooms from the Abhorsen's armoury.
Ghost Rock Deadlands In the Great Maze, miners discover "ghost rock," a mineral that burns hotter and longer than coal and is used as the basis for most Deadlands technology as well as alchemical potions and semi-magical materials.
Globidium Eureka A nuclear element artificially created at Global Dynamics (hence the name), an advanced research facility in the futuristic town of geniuses called Eureka. It is much safer than plutonium with ten times the energy output. It takes six months to create artificially. It has no health risks compared to elements like plutonium but if taken out of its container it would emit moderate levels of radioactivity (specifically gamma radiation). It has a blue gel-like appearance (which implies that it might be a nonmetal, though this has not been confirmed) and it apparently can be contained in a cylinder of glass or metal. So far it has only been stated in the 12th episode of season three, "It's Not Easy Being Green," which aired on July 31, 2009.
Grimacite The Kingdom of Loathing This material is what one of the Kingdom's two moons is made of. A chunk of it fell onto the Desert Beach after the moon, Grimace, was hit by a comet. The Penguin Mafia was using it for unknown purposes until the Naughty Sorceress made off with it.
Gundanium Alloy New Mobile Report Gundam Wing An almost immutable, heat-resistant, and electrically neutral material used by the Gundams, it absorbs Electro-magnetic waves. Additionally, heat and beam weapons produced using gundanium are much stronger than similar weapons made using traditional titanium, thanks to its extremely high melting point.
H-128 City Beneath the Sea(1971) In Irwin Allen's City Beneath the Sea, H-128 was an extremely radioactive metallic isotope which required gold shielding for safe storage.
Hellion Kingdom of Loathing The Hellion is a charged atom of Infernium. Appears in-game as a monster made up of a single large (and deadly) atom which attacks by burning you with its particles. When defeated it will sometimes drop a "Hellion Cube" which is used to make "Hell Broth" much the same way a bouillon cube makes regular broth.
Hydrium Airborn by Kenneth Oppel Hydrium is a naturally occurring elemental gas lighter than hydrogen, usually found issuing from volcanic vents. Used in airships as a lifting gas and thus as economically valuable in series, as oil is in the real world. In the second book of the series (Skybreaker) control of a mysterious process involving splitting water with light & electricity to make Hydrium, as well as hydrogen and oxygen, is a major plot motivator. Hydrium, for reasons unexplained, smells of over-ripe mangos but with a betraying slight bitterness to it.
Herculaneum Blake's 7 Tough, firepower resistant substance; the Liberator's hull was made of this.
Herculite Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea A tensile hull material, with great resistance to pressure, that was invented by Admiral Harriman Nelson for his submarine, the Seaview.
Ice-nine Cat's Cradle A form of water ice that has a melting point of about 114° Fahrenheit, making it solid at room temperature. A crystal of ice-nine can serve as a seed to solidify vast bodies of water. (Although there is a real form of water ice with a similar designation, ice IX, it exists only at low temperatures and high pressures and has nothing in common with the fictional ice-nine.)
Illithium Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn A precious metal that can be used both for sculpture and for creating weapons that are effective against the undead.[7]
Illudium Phosdex Looney Tunes Also known as the shaving cream atom, it was found only on Planet X, which was unfortunately destroyed when both Duck Dodgers and Marvin the Martian tried to conquer it for Earth and Mars, respectively.
Illyrion Samuel R. Delany's book Nova Valuable heavy element which the heroes must harvest from the centre of a star as it turns into a nova.
Imperium X Sten Highly inert element that does not annihilate when comes in contact with AM2. Is used to contain and store AM2.
Impervium Donald Duck, Magic: The Gathering, Star Wars and 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, Four Musketurtles Material of which the doors of Scrooge McDuck's money bin are made, according to Carl Barks. Also, the material out of which darksteel is made. An element named impervium is also in the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, used by Krang to power a force field generator. In Star Wars, impervium is a white plastic used to make Stormtrooper armor.
Imulsion Gears of War A liquid element discovered on the planet Sera. When an unspecified amount of Imulsion was sublimated by the Lightmass bomb at the end of the first game in a major attack on the Locust Horde, the gas seeped into the atmosphere, resulting in a disease called 'Rust Lung.'
Incendicite World of Warcraft A mineral only found within Thelgen's Rock in the Wetlands. Wanted by Pilot Stonegear. It has explosive qualities.
Indurium World of Warcraft A mineral found within the depths of the Titan vault Uldaman. Used by certain Goblins to build racing cars.
Inertron Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Newspaper strip) Chemical element that is repelled by gravity, much as the same poles of two magnets will repel each other. Inertron's action is similar to that of Cavorite (see above).
Inertron Legion of Super-Heroes Chemical element that is resistant to all known forms of chemical and electromagnetic interaction. It is essentially indestructible. A telepathic reality-rending device, "The Miracle Machine," was enclosed in a cube of this substance.
Infernium Kingdom of Loathing Infernium ionizes to Hellion. Additionally, Demoninjas sometimes brag about their katana blades being made of Infernium, and claim that the blades are unbreakable, but this is demonstrably false; their most noteworthy property seems to be that they are perpetually hot.
Inoson The Skylark of Space Arenak, dagal and inoson, transparent, super-hardened treatments of ordinary metals which appear in E. E. Smith's The Skylark of Space and its sequels. Inoson was a transparent purple metal that was the theoretically strongest possible substance in the universe. It was created by the super-intelligent scientists of the planet Norlamin.
Insidium Orion's Arm world building project A form of exotic matter used in the construction of steath spacecraft and satellites. Insidium is engineered to absorb certain specific kinds of electromagnetic radiation, rendering it invisible to normal detection. This can be overcome, or worked around, but overall it makes a highly effective stealth construction material. Because it is exotic matter, it is rare, and produced and refined only by highly advanced societies ruled by A.I. gods, or used by their minions.
Isodesium Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force An extremely rare substance. While many of its uses are unknown, it was used by the Voyager crew to counter the effects of a large forcefield trapping the ship.
Iscandarium Space Battleship Yamato A rare substance only found on the distant planet Iscandar, twin planet of Gamilus, 147,000 light years from Earth. It is a valuable building material, but it is unknown what it is used for or what properties it has.
Isogen EVE Online Light-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronics and weapons manufacturing. Only found in abundance in a few areas.
Japanium Mazinger Z Extremely strong material used in the construction of Mazinger Z. Discovered by Doctor Tanaka. See also Super Alloy Z and volcanium.
Jasmium Frank Herbert's Dune Extraterrestrial mineral whose presence in composite minerals and metallic alloys (specifically, Jasmium quartz and Plasteel) results in incredible tensile and mechanical strength. Used to make monomolecular edged weapons.
Jethrik Doctor Who The rarest of elements, Jethrik (also spelled Jethryk) is found native as a blue mineral of incredible value. A few kilograms could "power a battlefleet for an entire campaign." In "The Ribos Operation," the Doctor and his assistant Romana retrieve the first Key to Time segment in its guise as a lump of the mineral.
Jezz JezzBall A fictional material featured in JezzBall. The object of the game is to contain the material by creating walls, until a percentage of the chamber is sealed.
Jouronium Battlefield 2142 A material used to make sniper rifle bullets and other gun components.
Jumbonium Futurama Each atom of this element is large enough to be easily visible to the naked eye, with marble-sized nucleons and electrons.
Kairoseki One Piece Dull gray stone that nullifies the effects of Devil Fruits in the One Piece universe and weakens the Devil Fruit User. It can also be used to hide the presence of ships from sea monsters.
Kaiserium My Sims A rare substance descovered in Gabby's Silver mine (My Sims Agents), and an obtainable essance on the Uncharted Isle (My Sims Kingdom).
Khorium World of Warcraft A very rare, very valuable and very powerful demonic metal found on the shattered remnants of Draenor (Outland).
Kratonite RuneScape A light grey metal found only in RuneScape's Daemonheim.
Khaydarin Starcraft A light blue crystal mined for unit and building construction.
Kryptonite DC Comics A crystalline material, originally in various colors with separate effects, harmful to Kryptonians and created during the destruction of Superman's home planet Krypton; synthesis is also possible. John Byrne's retcon of the DC Comics universe established green kryptonite as a compound and later issues had experiments by Batman and Luthor reestablish the Pre-Crisis versions of red, blue, and gold. Kryptonite has been found in the real world (according to its chemical composition) and has none of the properties or color variations of fictional kryptonite (google real kryponite found). However, DC Comics had previously described kryptonite as an alien element with a higher atomic number than known Earth elements.
Laconia Phantasy Star video game series Valuable metal used in the construction of weapons and armor, described as the strongest material in Algol. Found in great quantities on the planet Dezolis.
Larasium Mistborn A metal which turns anyone who consumes it into a Mistborn or Misting.
Latinum Star Trek A very rare and valuable silvery liquid. Gold-pressed latinum is a form of commodity money made of latinum suspended within gold. Latinum is valuable and stable as a commodity money because of its inability to be replicated—a technology, depicted in Star Trek, that can synthesize non-living matter, which would devalue any ordinary precious metal.[8]
Lexonite WordGirl A reddish-brown substance from the planet Lexicon that can be used to weaken Lexiconians on another planet. For example, a lexonite cage is used not only to imprison WordGirl (who is from Lexicon and lives on Earth), but also weaken her strength and intelligence.
Liquid electricity Silent film comedies of the early 20th century The "distilled essence of electricity;" a glowing, liquid substance that provided fantastic energy and super-speed to vehicles, machines, and people.
Liquid Protodermis Bionicle A clear, silvery substance, the Matoran Universe's (namely Metru Nui) equivalent of water, also a source of food for Nui-Rama. Purified, it gains a slightly blue tint. Liquid Molten Protodermis has the properties of molten metal. It can be called "lava". Sticky Protodermis forms cage-like structures when it strikes a solid object. It is manufactured into Xia's Eccentric Rock.
Lux Arcot, Wade, and Morey novels by John W. Campbell Material created from light; indestructible and transparent. Used in the hull of the heroes' spaceships. See also Relux.
Lunar Titanium/Gundarium Alloy (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) Gundam Universal Century A Titanium alloy manufactured in space which has a perfect crystal structure, but also exhibits the properties of foam metal. It can take direct hits from a 120mm machine gun and survive unscratched for the first time that area got hit. It is also a material that is highly heat-resistant and can resist atmospheric reentry heat for a period.
Maalgorium Zero Effect Referenced when Zero is doing Gloria's taxes and she inquires about the fictional "Corrodium 3 deduction," which he explains pertains to "class 3 decay toxins, such as corrodium and maalgorium."
Magicite Final Fantasy Appears in several series installments. Final Fantasy VI it appears as a red-marked dark green crystal containing the magic and soul of a dead Esper. In Final Fantasy XII it describes a mineral that is crystalline in nature with varying magical properties.
Magirock Terranigma A blue crystal-like substance that is used as a form of currency for purchasing spells.
Mako Final Fantasy VII Liquid containing spiritual energy that is the lifeblood of the Planet. When crystallized, it is known as Materia, and can grant the use of magic and enhance natural abilities.
Maclarium Stargate SG-1 Mentioned in passing, Maclarium is a heavy element that has an atomic weight of over 200. No other details are given.
Maractite Neopets It is an element that can pass through water as easily as something could pass through air. It has an "inverted" way of corroding; it reacts fast with oxygen and carbon dioxide but stays unharmed if the oxygen is bonded to hydrogen.
Marmaros RuneScape An orange metal that is found only in RuneScape's Daemonheim
Marvelium Shazam Invented by Captain Marvel's nemesis, Sivana. Its atomic number is 99 (which has since been discovered and named Einsteinium).
Megacyte EVE Online An extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique explosive traits that make it very valuable in the armaments industry.
Melange, the spice Dune universe The spice melange exists on only one planet in the known universe. It extends life in humans and can cause prescience and, in large enough doses, the ability to fold space. It is addictive and withdrawal is fatal.
Meowium The Solar Cat Book Atomic number 0. Primarily used as meowium dioxide (MeO2) which, when applied to the fur of a cat, produces a voltage between areas of differently colored fur in the presence of sunlight.
Mercoxit EVE Online Ore used to produce morphite.
Metatron Zone of the Enders Similar to silicon, forming computer chips, but more advanced, it is capable of forming completely self-aware artificial intelligences. It also has space-compressing qualities, able to create pocket dimensions and allow faster travel.
Mexallon EVE Online Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with Tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.
Minovsky Particle, Mega particle Gundam Universal Century The two positive and negative Minovsky particles found in the Universal Century will form an I-Field when scattered in space. Depending on its density, it can block electro-magnetic waves and interfere with radar. Mega particle is a neutral version made by compressing the two Minovsky particles and used for powerful beam weaponry.
Mithril Middle-earth, Dungeons and Dragons, RuneScape, World of Warcraft,Clash of Kingdoms A durable silvery metal that is very light and easy to work. Mithril means "grey gleam", but is translated as "true silver". It was mined in native form in Moria. It can also be worked into other forms with unusual properties such as reflecting only the light of the Moon. "Mythril" appears in the video game series Final Fantasy. Also, "Mithral" is used in D&D books and "Milrith" in Simon the Sorcerer. In the Warhammer world, the High Elven metal "Ithilmar" has similar properties and usage. In RuneScape it is a lightweight blue metal stronger than steel. In World of Warcraft, Mithril is a silvery-white mid-high level mineral. "Mithral" is also featured in the Dungeon Master series.
Mizzium Magic: The Gathering An alchemically potent, flameproof metal used in the experiments and devices of the Izzet League in the Guildpact expansion set. Its only appearance on cards is in the Mizzium Transreliquat, and the flavortext of Stomp and Howl. Other than that, its only other references are when mentioned in passing by members of the Creative department.
Moonsilver Exalted The most protean of the five magical materials, can be formed where the light of the Moon has boiled away the Wyld. Can be made to mimic muscle and nerves.
Monopasium 239 Blake's 7 A fuel for the Federation's space fleet, this radioactive element is found on only a few planets, including the planet code-named Horizon in the episode of the same name. The Federation has the planet's natives mine the substance by hand, killing them in 30 time units.
Monopolium Orion's Arm world building project A fictional artificial element created using monopoles by some unspecified means. Monopolium is extremely versatile and used in the construction of megascale constructs like ringworlds and Dyson Brains.
Mordite The Dresden Files A rare anti-life mineral. Contact instantly turns organic beings to dust.
Morphite EVE Online Morphite can only be found in the hard-to-get mercoxit ore. Hard to use as a basic building material, when it is joined with existing structures it can enhance the performance and durability manifold.
Nanominium Captain Midlands An anti-magic gloss applied to "Rambling" Sid Ridley's shield.
Naquadah Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis A dull grey heavy metal used by the Goa'uld and others as a power source, for the construction of Stargates, and in atomic weapons. The liquid Naquadah power-sources modules used in staff weapons glow fluorescent green. One isotope of Naquadah, Naquadriah, has similar properties but in a more extreme form. (See below for Naquadriah.)
Naquadriah Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Universe A heavier isotope of Naquadah. Naquadriah is not naturally occurring, however a chain reaction on the planet Langara was discovered by SG-1, slowly converting the planet's Naquadah deposits. Naquadriah is even more powerful and even more unstable than Naquadah—Icarus Base used it as a power source to dial the Stargate's ninth chevron and travel billions of light years.
Narrativium The Science of Discworld,The Science of Discworld II: The Globe An element unique to the Discworld; proto-substance from which all things spring forth. It is the fundamental element of Story, and is how things know what they are meant to be.
Necrodermis Warhammer 40,000 A metal used by the Necrons to build their war machines and bodies. It heals and grows like an organism and has other unknown properties. Originally developed to serve as hulls for relativistic star ships which needed to resist the radiation of space. The C'tan use physical avatars made of this material.
Necrogen Magic: The Gathering A thick mist covering most parts of the Mephidross, it exists solely on Mirrodin. It can be crafted into a spellbomb. It consumes metal and flesh, turning living creatures into Nim, a kind of living zombie. Mephidross vampires use necrogen mists to turn other creatures into vampires without harming them.
Necronium GURPS Technomancer A magical, radioactive metal, similar to Plutonium. The 'oz' particles it radiates causes the victim to join the undead. It is produced in nuclear reactors analogous to Pu. Depleted Necronium, devoid of all magic, is very toxic to magical creatures.
Neosteel StarCraft In StarCraft, neosteel is a super strong metal used to construct Terran Battlecruisers, processed from mineral crystals.
Neoteutonium Steel Horizon A powerful energy source gifted to the Nazis by the mysterious Babel Syndicate, hoping to turn the tide of World War II.
Nethicite Final Fantasy XII A stone containing a large amount of magical energy. There are two types; Deifacted Nethicite created by the Occuria to be given only to their chosen ones, and Manufacted Nethicite created artificially in the labs of Draklor under supervision of Dr. Cidolfus Bunansa.
Neutrotope Blake's 7 In the episode Mission to Destiny agents from the planet Destiny are transporting a prism made of Neutrotope which they have mortgaged their planet to purchase. The substance can convert their star's sunlight, deficient in some frequencies, to a wavelength to kill the fungus plaguing their planet's plant life.
Nintendium UrbanDictionary, Internet meme, others The hardest, most durable material known to mankind, discovered by Nintendo for usage in their console, the Nintendo Entertainment System. Its manufacturing process was perfected sometime before the creation of the Gameboy. Nintendium is also at least 10 times harder than diamonds.
Nitrium Star Trek A metal mined from asteroids, and used in dilithium chambers.
Nitron Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) An element found in the atmosphere of the Earth, without which all life would cease to exist. In liquid form, Nitron could be used to fuel powerful weaponry on the planet Mars. Described in Episode One, "New Worlds to Conquer".
Nitrotrinanium Hot Tub Time Machine An ingredient in the illegal Russian energy drink Chernobly, which somehow turns a hot tub into a temporal wormhole generator when poured directly onto the control panel
Nitrowhisperin Get Smart A substance similar to nitroglycerin apart from one major difference, that fact it does not make any noise when exploding. It was invented when trying to make silent fireworks for the Fourth of July, and was later used in an attempt to destroy the world.
Nocxium EVE Online A highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovae, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient in capsule production, making it very coveted.
Novite RuneScape A weak purple metal found only in RuneScape's Daemonheim.
Nth metal DC universe Metal used in the weapons of Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and other characters from Thanagar, it confers the ability to fly, increased strength, and various other abilities on their wielders.
Nuridium Alias Unstable material used to generate energy, feature in Season 5.
Nvidium X series A rare, superconducting element which is used in production of jump gates. Considered precious by all races, nvidium is especially valuable to Kha'ak who build their homes in nvidium-rich asteroids.
Obdurium Dungeons & Dragons The only non-magical metal stronger than Adamantine in Dungeons & Dragons. Introduced in the 3rd edition "Stronghold Builder's Guidebook" rulebook.
Obsidium World of Warcraft: Cataclysm A metal found in Azeroth.
Octiron and Octogen Discworld A dense black metal and a magical gas that is a large part of the Discworld's crust and makes up its atmosphere. Its melting point is above the range of metal forges. The gates of Unseen University are made out of it. It is used to make magic needles and bells. It releases magical radiation, but if it becomes negatively polarized, it can be used to absorb such radiation. According to Unseen University, it generates significant amounts of heat under pressure, accounting for most of the volcanic geological processes on Discworld.
Omega Star Trek: Voyager An unstable molecule capable of destructive explosions that also disrupt subspace, making warp travel impossible. A 'perfect' energy source, Seven of Nine mentions that the Borg revere it religiously due to its perfection and multiple components working together perfectly. By contrast, the United Federation of Planets will ignore all other considerations, including the Prime Directive, to ensure the destruction of the particle.[9]
Omnium steel Marvel Comics A ferroalloy stronger than titanium though weaker than adamantium. There is also a form of omnium which possess elastic ductility while retaining high durability, which was somehow employed in a full-body epidermal supplantation procedure on the villainous character Warhawk.
Onnesium GDW Traveller/Marc Miller's Traveller Rare element, atomic number 118, mildly radioactive and dangerous, which has been proved to be a viable room-temperature superconductor. Onnesium is normally found as small, silvery spheres embedded within meteoric nickel-iron.
Oozium 238 Advance Wars An element/enemy from Advance Wars. It first appeared in Dual Strike and can absorb or devour any enemy.
Orichalcum Mythology (Atlantis), Fate of Atlantis, Shadowrun, Exalted, Irregular Webcomic!, Star Ocean, Final Fantasy (various), Age of Mythology (The Titans Expansion) A metallic pink colored metal mined in Atlantis; another name for it is mountain copper.[10] May be based on Auricupride. Used to power machinery in Atlantis in the Indiana Jones adventure game. In the Exalted setting Orichalcum is the strongest of the five magical materials and can be made by distilling mundane gold using Gaia's blood (Magma) and concentrating sunlight using large occult mirrors. Found in Final Fantasy as a rare material with varying properties. In the Soul Calibur series, Sophitia has a sword and shield set named Orichalcum. Also named "Orichalcon" in some games.
Oxyale Final Fantasy A strange liquid that produces oxygen. Used to breathe underwater.
Oxium Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams A rock mined from geodes on Mars which when kept in the mouth provides enough oxygen for the user to breathe the Martian atmosphere. Also called "Oxy Rocks"
Oxypheromalkahyde Spaced Metafiction—a steroid invented by Tim Bisley's character Doktor Mandrake, which unintentionally caused the mutation of The Bear
Pergium Star Trek A mineral mined in The Devil in the Dark and Prodigal Daughter
Phazite Piers Anthony's Apprentice Adept series A mineral found only in the world of Phaze, it was the source of all magic energy. On Phaze's technological alternate world, Proton, its counterpart Protonite was a powerful energy source.
Phazon Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption A blue or occasionally orange mutagenic and (in high quantities) toxic substance which is actually a form of inorganic life. Originates from the planet Phaaze, which sends out seeds called "Leviathans" to corrupt planets with it.
Parium Marooned In Marooned by John W. Campbell, Jr., the Jovian exploration ship Mercury was constructed from parium and synthium, elements which had great tensile strength.
Philote Ender's Game series An infinitely long "string" used biologically and mechanically for instantaneous communication.
Phlogiston Dungeons & Dragons' Spelljammer campaign series, World of Warcraft A highly flammable medium, similar to the interstellar medium, in which crystal spheres containing whole planetary systems are suspended; travel is conducted by "spelljammer ships". Named after the obsolete Phlogiston theory. In World of Warcraft it is a source of Energy that powers the creations of Engineers.
Phostlite The Adventures of Tintin, The Shooting Star Discovered by Professor Decimus Phostle and, as the name suggests, is named after him. Exposure to this element causes small living things like insects and arachnids to grow rapidly to enormous size, as well as causing plants such as fruits to go through their growth cycle, making them become enormous versions of the plants that grow them and have them make more fruits all at an astounding rate. It also appears to have the odd ability to grow exploding mushrooms, sometimes at a rapid rate for short periods of time.
Photofine Steel Doctor Who—Planet of the Dead Seen in the Doctor Who episode, Planet of the Dead, photofine steel is a metal that gets colder the hotter the outside temperature is. It was seen on the Tritovore's space ship.
Photonium Voyager virtual season project Used in starship hull construction, this "photon matter" has almost no mass, allowing for impressive maneuverability. It can alter its refraction index to absorb a specific amount of light and energy before becoming overloaded and returning to its original state.
Phrikk Star Wars Within the Star Wars Expanded Universe phrikk is a metal strong enough to withstand the destruction of an entire world.
Pizzazium Infinionite Phineas and Ferb A chemical element with atomic number 104 and atomic weight of 261. Despite being the least abundant chemical element, it can be purchased at the Superduper Mega Superstore in Danville. Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz wanted to use it for one of his evil schemes. Baljeet also wanted the pizazzium for one of his science experiments, and Candace wanted it as a gift to Jeremy.
Plasteel Dune universe, Babylon 5 Extremely tough form of steel, "stabilized with stravidium (see Below) fibers grown into its crystal structure." In Babylon 5, a "plasteel crystalline alloy" is used as the armor of the Victory-class starships and this is capable of refracting 80% of directed energy weapons.
Plasti Steel Batman Beyond A highly durable metalloid-alloy featured in episode "Disappearing Inque", having practical application as an industrial sealant.
Polarite Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940) A mineral found only in the frozen wastes of Frigia on the planet Mongo. Polarite had the ability to attract and neutralize the energized dust used by Ming the Merciless to spread the "Purple Death" on Earth. Described in Episode Two, "Freezing Torture".
Primium Mage: The Ascension A material designed by the Technocracy to resist magical abilities. It is also tough enough to be used as armor plate.
Promethium Warhammer 40,000, RuneScape General term for any petroleum-based fuel used by Imperial vehicles. Variations are used in Imperial flame throwers, described as highly volatile incendiary gel. Unlike the real life napalm, the weaponized Promethium self-combusts on contact with oxygen and can burn even when underwater or in vacuum. In RuneScape it appears as a red high-strength metal found only in Daemonheim.

Not to be confused with real element Promethium.

Protoculture Robotech A fuel source produced from the Invid Flower of Life by the Robotech Masters. It was discovered by the scientist Zor, who would later used it in the development Robotechnology. Eight quarts of protoculture can power a Veritech Alpha Fighter for days; one quart can power a Veritech Cyclone Rider.
Protonite Piers Anthony's Apprentice Adept series A mineral found only on the planet Proton, it was used throughout the galaxy as a powerful energy source. On Proton's magical alternate world, Phaze, its counterpart Phazite was the source of magic energy.
Protosteel Bionicle A special form of electricity-conducting metallic Protodermis. The hardest known form of metal in existence, it was created by the artisans of Artakha. It can be damaged by another object made of protosteel, multiple types of disintegrator/laser beams, and a type of metal-eating virus.
ProtoZortium Lilith: Operation Genesis In Ehud Gat's Lilith: Operation Genesis, ProtoZortium was an alloy of metal that was partially grafted unto biological matters (proteins, possibly). The matter was 20 times more resilient than steel and could partially deflect beam weapons (such as lasers). being quasi-alive, dents and holes would regenerate over time. The super-metal was used for armors of ships and the likes but could also be laced into the bones of a human subject to form a bond that turn the bones nearly indestructible.
Psitanium Psychonauts An element that can bestow or amplify psychic powers or insanity. Delivered to Earth on a meteorite, Indians used them as arrowheads. In Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, they are also used as currency.
Purralinium Doona series, Treaty at Doona A metal formed by stellar novas. Extremely rare, an even rarer impure form is used in matter transmission technology. Conductive.
Pyerite EVE Online A soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. used as conduit and in the bio-chemical industry. Commonly found in many asteroid-ore types. See Pyrite.
PyrE The Stars My Destination The most powerful nuclear explosive ever created. It is activated via a telepathic signal.
Pyreal Asheron's Call Fictional metal found on the planet Auberean and used as currency and to forge weapons.
Quantium 40 Babylon 5 Used to construct jumpgates.
Quantonium Monsters vs. Aliens A luminous green energy described only as the most powerful substance in the universe. It can be found in very specific planetoids or is created in the conditions made by the planetoids when they explode. It can mutate humans' DNA and cause them to grow in size and strength and change the color of human hair, and it appears to have some energizing capabilities on machines.
Quassium B John Pudney's Adventure books Fictional element which featured in a number of books by John Pudney.
Radical Isotope Andromeda Radical isotopes are one of ten elements with negative atomic weights. They are used by the Spirit of the Abyss to control beings. Detecting radical isotopes reveals a being in league with The Abyss.
Radium X The Invisible Ray Radium X was an intensively radioactive extraterrestrial element discovered by Dr. Janos Rukh (Boris Karloff) in the 1936 film the The Invisible Ray. In the film, Dr. Rukh creates a death beam projector which harnesses the incredible power of Radium X for use as a destructive weapon of mass terror. Interestingly, Radium X also had healing powers. In a memorable scene, Rukh restores the sight of his blind mother (Violet Kemble Cooper) with the Radium X projector after developing a filter to curb its destructive effects. According to legend, this scene inspired John Lawrence (the younger brother of physicist Ernest Lawrence) to use radiation on his mother—who had been diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the uterus.[11]
Randomonium Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed A fluorescent green element which is a viscous liquid at room temperature, it enables costumes to become the creatures they represent.
Randsdell's Metal When Worlds Collide An infusible metal of extreme strength used to insulate nuclear rocket engine nozzles in the novel When Worlds Collide.
Raritanium Ratchet & Clank A rare metal that is used for various upgrades in the game. It is also extremely hard and is used to produce armor, and the Omega Doom Blades and the Ryno 4EVER are some of the few weapons that can penetrate it. Its only other purpose is for purchasing the Gold Groovitron, which gives the owner unlimited groovitrons.
Rearden Metal Atlas Shrugged In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Rearden metal is a greenish-blue alloy invented by Hank Rearden. Lighter and stronger than traditional steel, it is to steel what steel was to iron. Among its ingredients are iron and copper, two metals seldom found together in real-world structural alloys.
Red matter Star Trek (film) Red matter is a fictional substance that appears in J.J. Abrams' 2009 film Star Trek and the lead-in comic book Star Trek: Countdown. The rare mineral decalithium is processed into red matter that creates a black hole when it comes in contact with nuclear matter. It is used in an attempt to avert an impending natural disaster, and to destroy a planet. See also the "red ball" created by the Milo Rambaldi inspired Mueller device on the TV show Alias, also by Abrams.
Red Rain V (TV Series 2011) A red hued rain which purports to cure effects of global warming, but is actually a form of phosphorus with ill-intention.
Red Stone Fullmetal Alchemist A reddish stone made with the Red Water, a high-toxic liquid. It is used as an alchemic amplifier, as it amplifies the transmutation power of alchemists. It is also known as the incomplete Philosopher's Stone, because it has similar properties.
Relux Arcot, Wade, and Morey stories by John W. Campbell Material created from light; indestructible and totally reflective. Used in the hull of the heroes' spaceships, among other things. See also Lux.
Residuum Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition A fine, golden dust that results from disenchanting a magic item. It is sometimes traded as currency, measured by weight. 10,000 gold worth of residuum weighs as much as a single gold piece, with one pound being worth 500,000 gold pieces.
Resistium The Incredible Planet The "hydrogen" of the "ultra-elements" (which had an atomic structure consisting of a nucleus of "negatrons," orbital protons and without any electrons present in the atom at all), resistium was many times stronger than steel or titanium and had unique chemical and electromagnetic properties. First featured in The Incredible Planet by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Rune essence/pure essence RuneScape A strange stone that is able to contain magic energy, which can be released at the owner's will. Pure essence is purer that rune essence and so can contain more complex and powerful magic. The essence is mined from large stones in a strange place accessed from a portal.
Runestone Lost Kingdoms A stone that allows the holder to unleash the powers of the monsters trapped within their card decks. Runestone is often made artificially which is less potent.
Runite RuneScape A light blue metal that is stronger than mithril or adamantite.
Sakuradite Code Geass An element, plentiful in Japan but rare elsewhere, that possesses incredible superconductive properties. It is used to generate and channel energy in great quantities, and is an essential component of Knightmare Frames' propulsion systems.
Saronite World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King A very strong mineral found in Northrend. It is usually sickly green or ice-blue. Saronite is the hardened blood of the Old God, Yogg-Saron, who is imprisoned within the Titan vault, Ulduar. Used by the Undead Scourge to build their fortresses and war machines.
Schwartz, liquid Spaceballs by Mel Brooks A potent spaceship fuel, a small amount of which can propel a space Winnebago incredible distances.
Scrith Ringworld by Larry Niven A semi-translucent, impossibly strong material, somewhat ductile under massive force, that is used as the foundation of the Ringworld. It has a strength similar to the force which binds atomic nuclei. It also has the ability to hold strong magnetic fields, meaning it is a para-magnetic substance. Compare Neutronium.
Shazamium Shazam! Invented by Captain Marvel's nemesis, Sivana. Its atomic number is 98 (which has since been discovered and named Californium)
Sheol Fury3 Sheol, also known as red sheol, is a metal in the game Fury3. The isomorphic decay of this mineral attracts wormholes. Sheol is only found in the topsoil of the planet Ares.
Silverium Motherload One of many fictional elements mined from Mars
Sinisite Sinistar videogame series A high-energy material occurring naturally in crystalline form, it is found in white (1983 original game) or blue and green (1999's Sinistar: Unleashed) variants, usually mined from asteroids. It is used in the building of pieces of technology, or purified to form the high-explosive weapons known as Sinibombs.
Sivanium Shazam! Invented by Captain Marvel's nemesis, Sivana. Its atomic number is 97 (which has since been discovered and named Berkelium)
Sky Iron His Dark Materials A superior type of metal used by the panserbjorn (armored bears) of the North, compared to which other metals are worthless. Presumably originates from meteorites.
Solarbonite Plan 9 from Outer Space A high-energy substance found on Earth and possibly other planets. It is capable of exploding the particles that make up sunlight itself. If contained in a weapon, it can set off a chain reaction that explodes sunlight, along with anything the exploding sunlight touches, that will eventually destroy the universe, possibly at the speed of light itself.
Solarite Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940) An unstable mineral with great explosive power found on the planet Mongo. Solarite was to be the ultimate weapon employed by Ming the Merciless against the people of Earth. Described in Episode Twelve, "Doom of the Dictator".
Solenite Battlestar Galactica A fictional substance in the original version of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. It may or may not be derived from solium.
Solid Protodermis Bionicle It comes in various forms. Rock-like Protodermis can be controlled by a Toa of Stone. It was mined and collected with a Sluice in Onu-Koro and Onu-Metru. It is used as a medium for carvings. Metal-like Protodermis can be controlled by a Toa of Iron. Special types of metal Protodermis exist, like the precious metals that the Toa Hagah's armor is made of. Ice-like Protodermis can be controlled by a Toa of Ice. Crystal-like Protodermis is used for the same purpose as glass.
Solinium Artemis Fowl A fictional radioactive material used by fairies to create short lasting bio-bomb that eliminates any living organism in its radius. The solinium in the bomb has a half-life of 14 seconds, and its radius can be controlled via computer. The depleted form is also used as a homing device sprayed on fairy equipment.
Solinite Star Command: Revolution A powerful source of energy found within the Zeta Galaxy. Its discovery strained the already-present tensions between the races, resulting in all-out war.
Solium Battlestar Galactica In original Battlestar Galactica television series, Solium is the Colonial term for Hydrogen. The show's depiction of an explosive fuel that is associated with the Latin term for the sun Sol is a dead giveaway.
Solium Blake's 7 A highly radioactive element utilized by the Terran Federation in a neutron bomb-type doomsday weapon to hold down hostile planets without a large military garrison.
Soulsteel Exalted The newest and the second strongest of the five magical materials, formed by alloying human souls and ore dredged up from the nightmares of dead elder gods that teeter upon the edge of oblivion. They always bring with them the chill of the abyss.
Space Alloy Gren This is the metal utilized to construct the eponymous Grendizer of the anime series Grendizer. The metal seems highly similar to Chogokin Z, another fictional metal used to construct mechs.
Specium Ultraman Dyna An element found only on Mars, used to power extremely powerful energy weapons.
Stardust Stardust The remnants of a fallen star brought into the waking world from the magical land of Faerie.
Star Metal Archaic term An old term probably used to refer to magnetic metals or metals found in meteorites.
Starmetal Exalted The rarest of the five magical materials, created by the remaining essence of fallen gods.
Starmetal Conan The Adventurer A metal with magical properties found in fallen meteors. Can be forged into weapons that banish Serpent Men.
Stealth ore Artemis Fowl A metal that absorbs all known wavelengths of light, making it invisible to all forms of electronic eye. It is very expensive to manufacture.
Stravidium Dune universe An apparently fibrous component of Plasteel which is described as being "stabilized with stravidium fibers grown into its crystal structure."
Stormphrax The Edge Chronicles Very powerful material, in dark, it is supremely heavy, in light, it is lighter the... well, sunlight. Created in thunderstorms, it is the physical result of a lightning bolt. Precisely at twilight, it can be crushed, purifying water, no matter how contaminated. Blades made of stormphrax can be devastating, having the force of lighting.
Strongium 90 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon Used by gym owner Wally Airhead and his men in the episode "Leonardo Cuts Loose". Provides the user with strength.
Stygium Discworld Dull black metal which heats up in the presence of light; direct sunlight causes it to burn or explode. Typically made into rings which are always worn under a glove, usually by alumni of the Assassins Guild because of the colour.
Submarinum The Tunnel New element found in the seabed rock of the Atlantic Ocean while builing the transcontinental tunnel in Bernhard Kellermann's novel.
Supermanium DC Comics "The strongest metal known to science!...forged by him (Superman) from the heart of a mighty star!" A metallic ore designed to mimic Superman’s powers, as well as intensify a red star's weak radiation output to render it identical to the far stronger output of a yellow star and even absorb kryptonite radiation. Harder and denser even than the diamond allotrope of carbon, supermanium apparently ceased to exist after the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Supremium Supreme An element that gave Supreme his powers of flight, super strength, and more. Supremium appears throughout the comics in many colors, each one with a different reality-altering effect. White Supremium is fatal to Supreme, amber Supremium warps time, onyx Supremium erases time, sapphire Supremium affects probabilities, ruby Supremium transmutes matter, and violet Supremium has random effects which often include transmutation.
Synthium Marooned In Marooned by John W. Campbell, Jr., the Jovian exploration ship Mercury was constructed from parium and synthium, metallic super elements which had great tensile strength.
Tarydium Unreal computer game Blue crystals that the enslaved race of Nali is forced to mine; Tarydium shards also serve as ammunition for the Stinger weapon.
Thaesium Doctor Who serial The Mutants Radioactive element used as fuel for spaceships of the Earth Empire during the 30th century that also serves an important role in the lifecycle of the native inhabitants of the planet Solos.
Terrazine StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Similar to Vespene Gas (see Below), but with added Organic compounds that induce Psionic abilities. Used by Tosh to enhance the Psychic powers of his Spectre Agents
Titanium-A Halo In the Halo series, Titanium-A Armor is composed of a high-grade Titanium-50 alloy, specially strengthened at the molecular level. Titanium-A has numerous uses throughout the UNSC due largely to titanium being lightweight and extremely strong, with a high tolerance to heat. It took new found importance after the beginning of the Human-Covenant War; To contend with the Covenant's plasma weaponry, Humans needed armor that would withstand the heat of the directed plasma. Despite its strength and resistance to heat, the Titanium-A plating is usually boiled away within seconds, and does not effectively dissipate the plasma. Its primary use is as armor for ships. UNSC Frigates have sixty centimeters of plating on their hull, and UNSC Destroyers have up to two meters of plating. Larger ships were known to have even more, such as ten meters to a supercarrier. The UNSC uses Titanium-A for construction of bases as well, to make them less susceptible to destruction. Places such as HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6, CASTLE Base and Camp Hathcock used Titanium-A armor in their superstructures.
Thiotimoline Isaac Asimov Chemical compound first described in a spoof scientific paper titled "The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline" in 1948. The chemical actually begins to dissolve before it contacts water.
Thorium World of Warcraft Metal found on Azeroth that has a silvery green tint and is said to be as strong as steel but as heavy as lead. Used to construct heavier weapons and armour. Should not be confused with the real life Thorium. Also, the best type of fuel cell in the Master of Orion series.
Thyrium Matthew Reilly's Temple A rare element only observed in meteorite crater walls. It is stable, trans-uranic, non-radioactive and fissionable—producing more energy than either Uranium or Plutonium without generating waste products or measurable radiation.
Tibanna Star Wars Expanded Universe A metallic gas mined from certain gas giants (notably Bespin), it has many high-tech applications including use as high quality hyperdrive coolant and to increase the effectiveness of blaster weapons.
Tiberium Command & Conquer series Typically green, it is named after the Tiber River although the Brotherhood Of Nod claims it is named after the emperor Tiberius. It leaches metals out of the soil, concentrating them in crystals leaving the landscape depleted. It also converts other matter into more tiberium. Human exposure to this element can trigger mutations, but it more often proves fatal.
Timonium Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends Initially mined from the ground as an ore, it is used both to construct new technology and provide energy.
Tiny Atoms Futurama Presumably essentially the same as regular atoms, except much smaller. They are vital to the process of shrinking, but are very expensive, making the construction of remote-controlled "microdroids" a more economical option.
Tissue-like Protodermis Bionicle It makes up all living tissue in the Matoran Universe, including the few species of Organic Rahi.
Titanite Star Blazers An element found on Saturn's moon Titan. Golden and lustrous in appearance, it is used in spacecraft construction.
Titansteel World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King An alloy forged from Titanium and the eternal essences of Fire, Earth and Shadow. Used in high-end item crafting.
Transparent aluminum Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home A material that will not be invented for many years to come. Commander Scott gives the formula to make it to a 20th Century engineer in exchange for enough contemporary available material to transport a pair of humpback whales back to the future to save the planet.
Transparisteel Star Wars This is a metal with transparency similar to glass and tensile strength similar to that of steel, quite common in the Star Wars universe.
Triidium Deadlock A Metal processed from Endurium. It is processed in factories, and has 10x the power of iron and 2x the power of Endurium.
Trilithium Star Trek An experimental compound capable of stopping all fusion within a star. Dr. Soran used this in an attempt to return to the spatial anomaly known as the Nexus (Star Trek Generations). Also, the second best type of fuel cell in the Master of Orion series.
Trilithium Resin Star Trek A hazardous by-product generated by the matter-antimatter reactions in warp cores, it is considered to have no practical use other than as an explosive. Mentioned in the episode Starship Mine.
Trinium Stargate SG-1 Alien material used in the show that when refined is 100 times stronger and lighter than steel, which makes up the Stargate's Iris and is also used in the construction of Earth's Battle cruisers and Asgard ships
Tritanium EVE Online,

Star Trek

One of the main building blocks in space structures and spacecraft.

Within the universe of EVE (though not that of Star Trek), it is a very hard, yet bendable metal. Tritanium cannot be used in human habitats due to its instability at atmospheric temperatures. Very common throughout the universe. Within the Star Trek universe, it is an extremely hard and strong crystalline metallic material, with a hardness beyond the current standard 1-10 hardness scale. Due to the complexity of required fabrication techniques, it is generally used in the construction of ships and stations only for primary bulkhead and spaceframe components, and in locations where a high strength to volume ratio is required (ex. the hulls and frames of shuttlecraft and other auxiliary spacecraft).

Tronium Super Robot Wars (Video Game) An alien mineral several times more radioactive than Uranium, it is used as a power source for the RTX-011 Hückebein Mk III, R-2 Powered, R-GUN Powered, and SRX, and as ammunition in the battleship Hagane's Tronium Buster Cannon. Only six chunks of this material are said to exist on Earth.
True Silver or Truesilver World of Warcraft, Middle-earth A valuable metal used to create magical armor, weapons, and other items. Found in some of the most dangerous areas of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor in Azeroth. For the metal found in Moria in Middle-earth, see Mithril.
Tungite The Mysterious Dr. Satan In the Republic film serial The Mysterious Dr. Satan, Tungite is the element necessary to power the remote control device for the villain Dr. Satan's race of killer robots.
Turbidium Total Recall In the movie Total Recall, it was a metal/alloy mined for use as a war material on Earth and ultimately used to extract oxygen from the ice in Mars's core.
Tylium Battlestar Galactica A fictional ore in both versions of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. It is very rare throughout the known universe, but essential for fueling both human and Cylon space ships, including for the purpose of faster-than-light jumps. Also referred to as "Tylinium."
Unnamed Metal Battlefield Earth A unnamed super dense metal in Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard that mixed with certain other elements causes an uncontrollable fission process that continues until there is nothing left of a planet except light gases. This metal is supposed to occur in meteorites before they burn up in an atmosphere.
Unobtainium The Core, Avatar, Skyrates, many thought experiments Generally any extremely rare, costly, or physically impossible material needed to fulfill a given design for a given application - sometimes referred to as "unaffordium". In The Core it is described as a special tungsten-titanium matrix. In Avatar (unobtanium—sic) the metal is highly valuable, and possesses unusual superconducting and magnetic properties (although the prop used is nothing other than galena). In Skyrates it is a green-colored element that has many properties, most prominently anti-gravity. Mark Donohue claimed that it was used in the chassis of Penske race cars.
Upsidaisium The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show Upsidaisium is a metal that is lighter than air and can be obtained by mining in upsidaisium-rich areas.
Uridium Uridium computer game, 1986 Name for the Uridium game's top level, a metallic element the developer thought existed. Also, the fourth best type of fuel cell in the Master of Orion series.
uminm steel book-novel "2" Uminm steel,a almost indestructible metal that grows in perfect hexagonal prisms when liquid it can corrode any material it comes in contact with
Uru Uru Thor series Magical metal used in the creation of Thor's Mjolnir hammer, which gives it its magical powers and indestructibility.
Vespene Gas StarCraft A type of resource used to build high-tech units and buildings. Vespene gas is collected from Refineries (also called Assimilators or Extractors), which are constructed directly over Vespene Geysers.
Veridium Metal Men Extraterrestrial in origin, veridium is a green metal capable of channeling heat energy. Doctor Will Magnus permanently downloaded his mind into a veridium robot to become the new leader of the Metal Men.
Vibranium Marvel Comics An alien metal in two forms. Wakandan vibranium absorbs vibrational energy. The more energy it stores the tougher it becomes. If the molecular bonds are broken, all the energy is released, causing an explosion. It is found only in the African nation of Wakanda, ruled by the Black Panther. Antarctic vibranium emits a vibration that separates the bonds of other metals, liquifying them.
Vik-ro Carson of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs One of the two components of Lor (see below), which when combined with Yor-san results in total annihilation of the Lor, releasing tremendous energy.
Vionesium Doctor Who In the serial Terror of the Vervoids, a rare metal from the planet Mogar. It burns brightly in air, similarly to Magnesium. The Sixth Doctor used this effect to destroy the plant based Vervoids by accelerating them through their lifecycle.
Viridium AdventureQuest world Effective against minions of "The Devourer," a destructive god in the game AdventureQuest. They will be hurt more by this material than by a normal weapon, and hence has been infused into the Weapons of Salvation.
Vizorium Dirty Pair A rare metal used in the construction of warp engines in the Dirty Pair universe. First referenced in the Dirty Pair movie, Project EDEN.
Voltairium Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda Used in nova bombs. Possibly named for Voltaire
Warpstone or Wyrdstone Warhammer Fantasy, also Warhammer 40,000 1st and 2nd editions A greenish-black crystal of solidified magic with transmutatory powers. It can be used as fuel, or to turn base metal into gold. Its chaotic nature makes it difficult to use, causing mutations and unstable weaponry.
Wasabinite Chop Socky Chooks A precious purple crystal from the Moon. The villain Dr. Wasabi once tricked the patrons of his mall with a free trip to the Moon so he could enslave them to mine out the Wasabinite, but was eventually defeated by the heroic Chop Socky Chooks.
Wellstone The Wellstone by Wil McCarthy Formally known as Quantum Wellstone, it is a quantum dot, programmable substrate that can emulate the properties of other elements, including the copyrighted atom Bunkerlite, impervium, and various other super-reflectors and super-absorbers.
Wishalloy Aerospace term e.g.[12] An alternative to unobtainium. Historically Scramjets have been described as being made from unobtainium reinforced wishalloy
Wonderflonium Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog A material used by Dr. Horrible to create a ray that freezes its victim in time. Its container bears the written warning "do not bounce." On Dr. Horrible's whiteboard he writes H20+Wonderflonium=freeze. Other properties remain unknown.
X E. E. Smith's Skylark of Space series Mysterious platinum-group metal which, when plated upon another metal such as copper, allowed that other metal to be converted entirely from mass into energy in the presence of the radiation of DuQuesne's "whatsitron". X can also be used in conjunction with copper to make an enormously powerful explosive useful in bullets and shells, to generate an attractive or repulsive force, or to generate an impenetrable screen called a "zone of force."
Xenium Half-Life (series) Xen crystals (Xenium) are crystalline structures of various sizes that exist in the Xen border world and appear to hold massive amounts of strong, unusual power. Their power was used by the scientists at Black Mesa in their research to create a reliable and safe means of teleportation.
Xenothium Teen Titans series Mysterious substance, presumably liquid or gas, used by Professor Chang to power Red X's costume and weapons.
Xentronium Master of Orion 2 A metallic substance used as armor on alien ships.
Yautjavian metal Predator franchise The Predator race, called "Yautja", of the Predator films, as well as the humanoid aliens from AVP, use a super-light metal that can be forged to a monomolecular edge. Such an edge would be impossible with any nonfictional element, none currently known that provide such a strong molecular bonding. Yautjavian weapons thus work on the principle that the thinner the cutting edge the more keen the weapon, this metal allowing for impossibly sharp blades. Often this metal is layered for greater strength, as when made into Yautjavian plate armor.
Yor-san Carson of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs One of the two components of Lor (see above) which when combined with Vik-ro results in total annihilation of the Lor, releasing tremendous energy.
Yuanon Crest of the Stars novels A massive subatomic particle that emits a constant stream of energy (on the order of 500 MW). It is the "closed" form of a planespace Sord (the open form being the 1000 km wide, whitehole-like gateway into planespace).
Zamomin Zamonia Series novels, by Walter Moers A mad thinking element that tries to accumulate power by manipulating living beings.
Zanium The Twin Dilemma, a Doctor Who story; "Riddle of the Gold", a Jonny Quest episode In Doctor Who, Zanium residue - a characteristic of teleportation — is a sure sign of intergalactic kidnap. In Jonny Quest, Zanium is a rare metal that can be transmuted to display all of the qualities of gold, but which disintegrates when an acidic test solution is applied to it whereas gold does not.
Zexonite EarthBound An elemental ore not found on Earth, it is taken from a meteorite and used to complete the Phase-Distorter, a machine capable of sending metals and souls, but not complex organic matter, across time.
Zfylud Crystal Super Robot Wars Named after the Balmarian god of creation and divine justice, Zfylud crystals self-replicate and radiate energy as a power source and also gain sentience when in large numbers. In the Original Generation series, a large chunk of Zfylud crystals assumed sentience and called itself the Septuagint.
Zol Golden Sun Zol is a floating, pale green, often cubic alloy in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn that responds to Jupiter (wind) Psynergy, usually to lift upward or float sideways as a platform. Certain wind-based weapons and armor can be forged from pieces of Quality Zol that the player collects.
Zoridium Operation: Red Jericho The most powerful explosive available before the splitting of the atom. Known to the Sujing Quantou orders as "Daughter of the Sun". Used to power the torpedoes of pirate lord Sheng-Fat and the Coterie of St. Petersburg's gravity experiments
Zortium Master of Orion An extremely hard super metal used to armor starships in the Master of Orion PC games series. According to Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares, it is 4 times as strong as titanium (based on game statistics) which quadruples the ship's durability in relation to the standard titanium combat armors.
Zuunium Legion of Superheroes A rare element in metallic form, found on the planet Zuun. One of the strange effects of its radiation is that it gives anyone exposed to it the powers of lycanthropy. One such "victim" of exposure became the Legionnaire Timber Wolf.
Zydrine EVE Online Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive.

Fictional isotopes of real elements

Name Isotope of Source Uses Reality
886Ar Argon Judge Dredd An unstable element that is used to propel rounds fired from a Lawgiver. The isotope does not exist; the heaviest known isotope is 53Ar.
138Cs Caesium Mission: Impossible (Snowball In Hell) In this episode (the 21st in the series) the team has to prevent a sample of this isotope, the key to a low-cost nuclear arsenal, from getting into anti-American hands. Its autoignition temperature is 21°C (70°F) and thus has to be kept refrigerated in the tropical climate where it resides. The isotope does exist, but decays with a half-life of 33 min and thus would be infeasible for a nuclear weapon.
82Cm Curium Brødrene Dal og Spektralsteinene The McGuffin in this TV series, where Professor Slatters claims that with it he can find a cure/vaccine for the common cold. He and the Dal brothers go on an expedition to search for a meteorite with a sufficient amount of it. They do find one, but is there alloyed with umulium (impossibilium), making the 82Cm unobtainable. Curium has an atomic number of 96, so the existence of this isotope would require a nucleon of negative mass (or 14 massless nucleons), which has not currently been found.
Quadium (4H) Hydrogen The Mouse that Roared Hydrogen normally has no neutrons. Deuterium and tritium have one and two neutrons respectively and are used in hydrogen bombs. Quadium has three neutrons, and is in the story capable of blasting an entire continent off the face of the Earth. This isotope exists but only for a very short time, making any use in a bomb impossible.
80Ir Iridium Riptide According to the book, one second of direct exposure is equivalent to a lethal dose, with a reading of 3217.89 Rads/hr from 15 metres away. The blade of St. Michael's sword was forged from it.[13] 80Ir does not exist; the lightest known isotope is 164Ir.
186Pu Plutonium The Gods Themselves An isotope of plutonium which is too unstable to exist in our universe but which exists naturally in parallel universes whose strong nuclear forces are more intense. This is utilised as a source of energy where it is turned into 186W, releasing electrons in the process. The description of this isotope is entirely correct; the lightest known isotope of plutonium is 228Pu.
Quantium any element, but most commonly potassium Babylon 5 This rare and expensive substance used in jumpgates is formed when ordinary matter is subjected to the stresses of a supernova, pushing some of its electron pair-bonds into hyperspace. The most commonly found form is derived from 40K, giving quantium-40. The name was coined by David Strauss in response to a request from the show's creator.[14] 40K is a naturally occurring isotope of potassium which is used to date rocks. However, the method of obtaining quantium as described has not been demonstrated in real life.

Isotopes of fictional elements

Name Isotope of Source Uses
Illudium Q-36[15] Illudium Phosdex Looney Tunes Used by Marvin the Martian as a planet-destroying explosive. Sometimes pronounced "Illudium Pu-36".
Isogen-5 Isogen EVE online's Empyrean Age novel This isotope is found only in systems with Type O blue stars, where it is gathered and stored in huge caches by rogue drones. It is extremely volatile and when destabalized will send off a mass of neutrinos and produce an unknown exotic element which has space-time bending properties since it has a negative mass.
Monopasium-239 Monopasium Blake's 7 A radioactive isotope known to exist in quantity on only two planets within the Federation. When processed it can be used as fuel for extremely long-ranged (possibly intergalactic) spacecraft.
Naquadriah Naquadah Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis A highly unstable variant of Naquadah with greater explosive properties. It can also be used for the powering of highly efficient hyperspace engines. Naquadriah is formed from Naquadah in an artificial chain reaction. There are only a few known planets containing Naquadriah; one is Langara (the home of Jonas Quinn) where large deposits were accidentally created from natural Naquadah deposits when a bomb using a relatively small amount of the material was tested by a team of human scientists, radiation from the explosion started the chain reaction. It was originally created in relatively small amounts millennia ago by an unknown Goa'uld scientist. Unprotected exposure can lead to brain damage, delusions and/or schizophrenia. It has been said to have a half-life of several thousand years. The other known sources, presumably naturally occurring ones, are known as 'Icarus Class' Planets. Two have been found by Earth so far. The first was used (and ultimately destroyed) in the construction of Icarus Base and the dialing of the Ninth Chevron to the Ancient starship Destiny using the Stargate, several billion light years away. The second was used by the Lucian Alliance for that same purpose but, due to instability of the power transfer and the lack of sophistication in the algorithms used for the power transfer, was also destroyed. Earth is currently in negotiation with Langara for use of their naquadriah deposits as a lifeline to funnel supplies and personnel to Destiny
Thyrium-261 Thyrium Matthew Reilly's novel Temple This isotope is found only in a binary star system, in the Pleiades. It is capable of generating enormous power in the right reactor configuration. It leaves no radioactive waste byproducts after use. It is also capable of forming a subcritical mass, detonating with enough power to vaporise a third of the Earth's mass, propelling it out of orbit, away from the sun.

Fictional (sub)atomic particles

Name Source Uses
Bigon Discover Magazine A particle supposedly discovered by French scientists, which although it exists for just millionths of a second, it is the size of a bowling ball. "The Bigon" was an April Fool's joke article from issue no. 4/1996.
Bogon Jargon File In Quantum bogodynamics, a particle generated by politicians, used-car salesmen, TV evangelists and suits in general. Bogon absorption causes human beings to behave mindlessly and machines to fail (and may also cause both to emit secondary bogons). The antiparticle of the cluon. In Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, the galaxy that the titular characters are transported to is the Bogon Galaxy, most likely as a nod to the particle.
Chronon The Fireclown by Michael Moorcock The "atoms of time", used by the Fireclown to create the "Time Fire".
Cluon Jargon File In Quantum bogodynamics, a particle generated by those who Get It. Cluon absorption causes human beings to act reasonably. The antiparticle of the bogon. Sometimes called a validon.
Craptron Instant Physics A particle found in Washington D.C. A joke particle from the book.
Dust His Dark Materials An elementary particle that is the basic unit of consciousness. Not a constant; is generated by and confers sentience on animals in a positive feedback loop; in the context of humans, the human brain is a focusing mechanism for Dust. The more conscious the entity, the more Dust is around them. Permeates all universes and passes among dimensions.
Fat electron Jargon File In Quantum bogodynamics, an electron that gains weight via bogon absorption. Clogging the narrow micro-electronic pathways of microchips, it is believed to be the cause of microprocessors failing.
GN Particle Gundam 00 Particles created by GN Drives which are generally of a greenish colour (except if produced by GN Tau Drives) and have a wide variety of uses, e.g. radio and radar jamming or even influence on human biology in various ways.
Gravioli Futurama A nonsense particle briefly mentioned in the episode Roswell That Ends Well, one of the forms of radiation emitted by a supernova. Presumably interacts strongly with microwave photons.
Kingon/Queon Discworld A particle hypothesized to exist by philosopher Ly Tin Wheedle. Particles that travel faster than light and transmit 'monarchy', since when a monarch dies, the successor is instantly the new monarch, with no gap or overlap between the two. The exception is when these particles are intercepted by their anti-particle, the republicon. The theory that this effect could be used for really fast information transmission (by carefully torturing a small king) was never fully developed, because at that point, the bar closed.
Kojima particles Armored Core series (debut in Armored Core 4) The Kojima particles named after his fictional creator are heavily radioactive particles used primary for shielding and defense but also for propulsion, weapons and energy source. The most common use is as a barrier that protects the gigantic mechs in Armored Core that also allows them to move at high speeds, giving them a huge advantage over other combat vehicles and weapons. These particles absorb the kinetic energy of projectiles and other weapons reducing the damage given to almost none. Depending on the weapon, the more power it fires, the more the kojima barrier stops, but of course draining the shield integrity. Another aspect of this particles is that they are extremely polluting and lethal due intense radiation and can cause heavy envirommental damage. They are visible at high densities or upon impact with something and look greenish.
Nucleoproton Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot The exact nature of this particle is never fully explained, but its applications are well-documented. Nucleoprotons appear as particles that are bright green in appearance and glow. Their application seems to widely vary. They apparently can be used as an energy source; a weapon, if nucleoprotons are directed to create a particle cannon; and a source of propulsion.
Oz GURPS Technomancer A particle that carries magical energy, found in places where boundaries between alternate possible realities are thin. Mages are able to control the flow of particles through spells, effectively reshaping the universe as they see fit.
Planetary Particle Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds A particle used to power the Ener-D reactor in New Domino City.
Reson Discworld Roughly translated as thingy, these particles combine to make up thaums. Similarly to real-world quarks, they come in five different flavours: Up, down, sideways, sex appeal and peppermint. They are considered to be the fundamental particles of reality (see Moving Pictures (novel)).
Snarks, Boojums Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan novelisation The sub-elementary particles that quarks are made from, discovered by Drs. March and Madison, two Lewis Carroll fans involved with Project Genesis. Named after the creatures in The Hunting of the Snark.
Swivel Caballo de Troya This book gives a lengthy, detailed "technical" description of a time travel process by an "inversion of quantum swivels" which permits the supposed author "The Major" to witness the last weeks of Jesus's life through a time-travelling device sent back in time by the US military in an Israel base in 1973.
Tachyons Numerous examples in sci-fi A tachyon is any hypothetical particle that travels faster than light. In many fictional settings it is taken that this involves travelling through time and they are invoked as an integral part of, or even shorthand for, time travel devices.
Thaum Discworld A Thaum is the basic unit of magical strength. It has been universally established as the amount of magic needed to create one small white pigeon or three normal sized billiard balls. The thaum, hitherto believed to be the smallest possible particle of magic, was successfully demonstrated to be made up of /resons/ (Lit.: 'Thing-ies') or reality fragments. Currently research indicates that each reson is itself made up of a combination of at least five 'flavours', known as 'up', 'down', 'sideways', 'sex appeal' and 'peppermint'. The device that is used to measure the strength of magical fields is a thaumometer.
Thaumaturgon Bas-Lag A particle that mediates thaumaturgy or magic in the Bas-Lag novels of China Miéville.

Fictional allotropes and polymorphisms

Name Source Uses
Ekti Kevin J. Anderson in his novel Saga of Seven Suns A fictional allotrope of hydrogen which is used to power the Ildiran stardrive, the only feasible method of interstellar travel at the start of the series.
Ice-nine Kurt Vonnegut in his novel Cat's Cradle It is described as a more stable polymorph of water than common ice (Ice Ih) which instead of melting when above 0° Celsius (32° Fahrenheit), melts only when the temperature is 45.8°C (114.4°F). Therefore it will be frozen at room temperature. When ice-nine comes into contact with liquid water below 45.8°C, it acts as a crystal "seed", and causes the solidification (freezing) of the entire body of water as crystalline ice-nine.

See also


  1. ^ Stan Lee and Peter Sanderson (1986). The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Marvel Comics Group. ISBN 0871352087. "Adamantium is a virtually indestructible man-made steel alloy which does not occur in nature and whose ... Adamantium is not an element: its properties do not qualify it for any known space on the Periodic Table of Elements. ..." 
  2. ^ Son of Superman (2000)
  3. ^ "Team Fortress 2 - Loose Canon". Loose Canon. VALVe. Retrieved 27 February 2011. 
  4. ^ Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters ending FAQ DR. WILY: I studied Megaman hoping to create a similar robot. Then I developed a powerful energy called "Bassnium" purely by accident. Thus, I created you, Bass. Currently, Bassnium is the most powerful energy on Earth. But, that's not for long. Hee hee, I've learned from my accident... Gamefaq. Retrieved December 24, 2008.
  5. ^ David Gerrold, Worlds of Wonder: How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy (Writer's Digest Books, 2001; ISBN 978-1-58297-007-3)
  6. ^ copyright 1980 by Paramount Pictures Corp.
  7. ^ Simpson, Dan (19 February 2003). "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC) Walkthrough". IGN. Retrieved 1 February 2009. 
  8. ^ "Who Mourns for Morn?". Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. No. 134, season 6.
  9. ^ "The Omega Directive". Star Trek: Voyager. 15 April 1998. No. 89, season 2. , Star Date 51781.2
  10. ^ Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path Adyar, Madras, India: 1925—Theosophical Publishing House
  11. ^ Lynn Yarris (June 29, 2005). "Breast Cancer Research at Berkeley Lab: Part 1: An Era of Hope for Breast Cancer Patients". Berkeley Lab News Center. 
  12. ^
  13. ^ Preston, Douglas (1999). Riptide. New York: Warner Books. p. 446. ISBN 0446607177. 
  14. ^ Unofficial Babylon 5 Technical Manual
  15. ^ Differences of opinion exist regarding the correct pronunciation; Chuck Jones rendered the modulator's name as Q-36 in print in Chuck Amuck : The Life and Times of an Animated Cartoonist (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1989; ISBN 0-374-12348-9), p. 213.

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