
Sea Grape
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Tunicata
Class: Ascidiacea
Order: Pleurogona
Family: Molgulidae
Genus: Molgula
Binomial name
Molgula sp.[1]
(Forbes, 1848)

Sea Grapes or Molgula sp. are very common, globular, individual marine tunicates roughly the size of grapes. They are translucent with two protruding siphons. They are found subtidally, attached to slow-moving submerged objects or organisms.

In the western Atlantic ocean, they range from the Arctic to North Carolina, to the centre of the United States eastern seaboard. [2]


  1. ^ "Molgulidae-Wikispecies". 
  2. ^ Andrew J. Martinez (2003). "Marine Life of the North Atlantic: Canada to New England". Aqua Quest Publications. Retrieved 2007-02-17.