Mohammad-Nabi Sarbolouki

Mohammad-Nabi Sarbolouki (Persian: محمدنبی سربلوکی) was a distinguished[1] Iranian biophysicist and polymer chemist and one of the most influential individuals behind modern scientific movement in Iran.[2] He was known as the inventor of a DNA vehicle called "dendrosome".[3] Sarbolouki was one of the main founders and pioneers of nano science, biomaterials, biotechnology and biophysics in Iran.[4]

Sarbolouki studied chemistry at Tehran University and did his PhD in Macromolecular Physical Chemistry at Polytechnic University of New York.[5] He then spent two years at Michigan State University as a postdoctoral fellow. Sarbolouki then joined NASA where he worked as a group leader till 1981.[6]

Sarbolouki had numerous publications and patents on various subjects ranging from engineering to basic sciences. He initiated biomaterial research in Iran and was among the first to do structural biology in the country. He made significant contribution to the field of lipid bilayer membranes and liposomes, biodegradable polymers, tissue engineering, nanospheres (magnetic/fluorescent) and drug delivery.[7]

Sarbolouki was of the founding members of Iranian Society of Nanotechnology, Iranian Society of Proteomics and Iranian Chemical Society.[8] He founded the first Biomaterial Research Center in Iran as well as National Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, ICGEB headquarter in Iran.

Sarbolouki was involved in science policy making at the national level and was instrumental in the advancement of interdisciplinary and applied research in Iran.

Professor Sarbolouki was the editor of Molecules, an international journal devoted to synthetic organic chemistry and natural product chemistry. He was also chief editor of Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering.

Professor Sarbolouki died on September 1, 2009 and his body was buried in Tehran Cemeteries, at the block for national legends on September 2, 2009. The Vice President and Minister of Science delivered messages of condolence[9] and his burial was attended by numerous Iranian academics, scholars and students.


Awards and distinctions

Selected publications


  1. ^ واپسين وداع جامعه علمي با بيوشيمي فيزيكدان برجسته ايراني
  2. ^ دكتر«سربلوكي»ازپيشگامان نهضت جديد توليد علم درايران بود
  3. ^ Dendrosomes: a novel family of vehicles for transfection and therapy
  4. ^ سربلوكي پيشگام نمايه‌سازي نشريات علمي ايران درپايگاه‌هاي بين‌المللي بود
  5. ^ آخرين سفر استاد Jam-e Jam Online 2009
  6. ^ درگذشت پروفسور محمد نبي سربلوكي عضو هيات علمي دانشگاه تهران
  7. ^ Mohammad N. Sarbolouki resume
  8. ^ ٤٠ سال كوشش درمرزهاي دانش ازJPL ناسا تا آزمايشگاه بيوفيزيك دانشگاه تهران
  9. ^ پیام تسلیت معاون رئیس جمهور به مناسبت درگذشت دکتر محمد نبی سربلوکی

See also