Missions of the Bolivarian Revolution |
— food — housing — medicine — |
Barrio Adentro · Plan Bolivar 2000 Hábitat · Mercal |
— education — |
Ribas · Sucre Robinson I · Robinson II |
— indigenous rights — land — environment — |
Guaicaipuro · Identidad Miranda · Piar Vuelta al Campo · Vuelvan Caras Zamora |
— (Hugo Chávez) — (Venezuela) — |
Vuelvan Caras (Spanish for "About Face", in the sense of turning to face in another direction)[1], is one of the Bolivarian Missions, a series of anti-poverty and social welfare programs implemented by Hugo Chávez, current President of Venezuela. It has as its objective the transformation of the present Venezuelan economy to one that is oriented towards social, rather than fiscal and remunerative, goals. It seeks to facilitate increased involvement of ordinary citizens in programs of endogenous and sustainable social development, emphasizing in particular the involvement of traditionally marginalized or excluded Venezuelan social and economic sectors, including those participating in Venezuela's significant "informal" economy. The mission's ultimate goal, according to Hugo Chávez, is to foster an economy that brings "a quality and dignified life for all." In January 2006, Chávez declared that after fulfilling the first stage of the mission, the goal of the second stage will be to turn every "endogenous nuclei of development" into "military nuclei of resistance against American imperialism"[2] as part of a continuous program to create "citizen militias".[3]