
Mincha, מנחה (or Minha and other variant English spellings) is the afternoon prayer service in Judaism.



The name "Mincha" is derived from the meal offering that accompanied each sacrifice.


The Hebrew noun minkhah (מִנְחָה) is used 211 times in the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible with the first instances being the minkhah offered by both Cain and Abel in Genesis 4.

Rabbi Berel Wein (2002) says that Mincha was originated by Isaac, and described in Genesis 24:63 by the words "Isaac went out to converse in the field." where the verb "converse" (שוח suwach) refers to with G-d.[1]

Time frame for recitation

Mincha is different from Shacharit and Maariv in that it is recited in the middle of the mundane day. Unlike Shacharit, which is recited upon arising, and Maariv, which can be recited before going to sleep, Mincha actually becomes an interruption in one's daily life. As a result of this, many Mincha groups have formed in workplaces and other places where many Jews are present during the day[1].

Mincha may be recited from half an hour after halachic noontime. This earliest time is referred to as mincha gedola (the "large mincha"). It is, however, preferably recited after mincha ketana (2.5 halachic hours before nightfall[2]). Ideally, one should complete the prayers before sunset, although many authorities permit reciting Mincha until nightfall.

While it is permissible to recited mincha after shkia (sunset), the Mishnah Berurah states that is preferable to recite mincha without a minyan before shkia than to recite it with a minyan after shkia[3].

On Friday, it is not permissible to recite mincha after shkia. This is because Shabbat begins at this time, and Shabbat candles are lit 18 minues prior to shkia. Once Shabbat begins, it is not permissible to recite the weekday Amidah[4]. However one may repeat the Shabbos Maariv and have in mind that the missed mincha is being compensated for through the second Amidah.


Mincha on a weekday exclusive includes prayers found at Shacharit.

Prayers of Mincha include:

Sephardim and Italian Jews start the Mincha prayers with Psalm 84 and Korbanot (Numbers 28:1-8), and usually continue with the Pittum hakketoret. The opening section is concluded with Malachi 3:4. Western Ashkenazim recite the Korbanot only.

From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur and on public fast days, except on Shabbat, erev Shabbat, and Tisha B'Av, Avinu Malkeinu is added following Amidah.

On Yom Kippur, Ashrei and Uva Letzion are omitted from Mincha, and Mincha begins with the Torah reading. Ashrei and Uva Letzion are a part of the Ne'ila service.

See also


  1. ^ a b Living Jewish: values, practices and traditions By Berel Wein, page 87
  2. ^ On another view, before sunset
  3. ^ Halakhic positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Volume 4 By Aharon Ziegler, pae 21
  4. ^ Halakhic positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Volume 4 By Aharon Ziegler, page 22